
Current Human Events & Stories

THROWBACK: These are the top 25 posts of our site

This month of April, we mark the birthday of this site. So that as part of that celebration, we are happy to share the top 25 stories and posts that garnered the top most views through the years, up to now. Going over these posts, we were surprised for the […]

Watch How to make Inoki Mushroom Pancake, Fritters

Watch How to make Inoki Mushroom Pancake, Fritters which is healthy, tasty and good up to the last bite. Watch how we make a pancake or fritter with healthy veggies out of Inoki mushroom and carrots, among others, as main ingredients on our latest how to video. Check out the […]

Watch How To Plant Echinopsis Cactus

I am planting Echinopsis Cactus. Welcome and you are watching another feature episode coming right up. Hi, I am planting Echinopsis Cactus. Actually it is more of rescue and propagation of a new generation of cactus. The new batch will rise like the unbeatable and proverbial phoenix from the overgrowth […]

Latest Update on the Eight Cherry Tomato Plants

This is the latest, and maybe, the final update on the Cherry Tomato Plants These are the eight cherry tomatoes four weeks after transplanting which I covered on an earlier video. They have grown tall, some about four and one half feet already. The leaves looked green and healthy. Some […]

How I make very hot and spicy vinegar

It is time to replenish my hot and spicy vinegar. And here I will show the simple process in making one rather than going to the grocery store for the same product. There is nothing to cook. In fact it is very simple. I will be using raw garlic, onion, […]

When you are at Cbanga360.net, you are on the safe side, our guarantee

Today, Cbanga360.net, (https://cbanga360.net) attained the full capability of serving the site’s content to its readers with guarantee of 100% security while surfing. At the back-end of this site is the Transport Layer Security (TLS), a “cryptographic protocol that provide communication security over a computer network.” TLS, and its predecessor, Secure […]

Watch replay opening of Palarong Pambansa 2016 in Albay

Watch here the video replay of the grand opening of Palarong Pambansa 2016 with the province of Albay hosting the national sports competition. The low quality video footage though did not give justice to the actual scenes personally experienced by those present during the event. Also, it would have been […]

Albay opens Palarong Pambansa in grand style

Legazpi City, Albay, April 11 — Lost in the din of excitement and expectation for the TV broadcast of the Manny Pacquiao vs Tim Bradley fight in Las Vegas, and the expected brawling noise and cacophony of the vice presidential debates at the University of Santo Tomas later, was the […]

It is summer, Clivia Miniata blooms

Seven years in a row, our lily house plant consistently blooms. We are referring to the Clivia Miniata, also known as Natal Lily, bush lily or Kaffir lily. From just one plant nine years ago, it spawned a new offspring after five years which was transplanted to a new pot. […]

Echinopsis cactus springs reprise bloom, and then some time lapse

Echinopsis cactus springs reprise bloom, and then some time lapse. This is the second feat after last year’s during the first full flower bloom of five year old bunch of our potted Echinopsis cactus. In the excitement, I may have taken enough photos for the memory including video shots that […]

The spring blossoms of Jacaranda

The Jacaranda shrub/tree spring blossoms this time of year in some parts of the world. The sight of its purple blue flowers in big bunches hung in branches is quite overwhelming. Streets are lined on both sides of these trees in full bloom get transformation of some sort. But usually, […]

Map integration test on some posts, NOAH features addition

This is another heads up on the back side of this site, on what the team has been up to lately. But of course, the output can be seen on the post pages upfront. Map integration was finally tested. While concern it might contribute or add to site lagging, the […]

Introducing NOAH, news one and half, The Satire Journal

Introducing and please welcome NOAH. Newest to debut in our topics and categories is our “NOAH,” news one and half, the satire journal, the comic and satire on politics, events and objects, personalities included, with pun always an intention. In Bicol, we refer to its undertone with “Borobentot, an tamaan […]

Hats tip off for WordPress plugin developers vs. spam, unwanted users, etc.

Time to tip our hat(s) off to WordPress plugin developers. Without them, the web sites on our watch would be a nightmare to maintain. Yesterday, I spent considerable amount of time and attention at deleting the 20K-plus unsolicited “contributors” in Cbanga360.net’s Bicol Street Journal and 2K-plus on the Bulletin Today.com […]

Web sites finally integrates Google custom search engine

After relying on built-in functionality provided by the current and previous WordPress themes in searching the archives, both websites The Bicol Street Journal and The Bulletin Today (now deactivated as of January 2015) has the Google search engine fully integrated and working perfectly well. The search, though, limit results to […]

Ginger is a lingering joy by simply being around

For sometime now, Ginger has appeared in various instances on this site. Ginger is the apple of our eyes for quite four years now. Considered as a little princess in the household, she is a lingering source of joy by simply being around. Adopted in September 2011, she perfectly adjusted […]

Is DepEd’s National Achievement Test still relevant or passé?

On March 12, Thursday, pupils belonging to the test groups covered by the National Achievement Test (NAT) program become the focus of a government exercise on education. Much of the whole school year, teachers in the Grade Six level have been preparing for the NAT. It would seem we are […]

Some good things don’t last forever, change has to takeover

Some good things do not last forever. At least in our experience sharing the driver seat of “Cbanga360.net” and the “The Bulletin Today.com”. To our loyal readers and friends, this post is our way of sharing and breaking the upcoming update on changes of the sites, from layout to content […]

APEC cuts off electric service of MPCF-Legazpi

APEC cuts off electric service of Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation – Legazpi Legazpi City, Jan 9 — Albay Power and Energy Corporation finally disconnected the electric service to the entire campus of Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation in Barangay Rawis here, on Wednesday at about 10 o’clock in the morning. The […]

Testing the waters, adding the taste of satire on posts

How often do we read news items or watch broadcast news on a daily basis? As for me, I watch the daily news on TV and read the newspaper like a clock work.. How often the news get our attention too much too often and sometimes we can’t help but […]

How I Grow and Sprout Mongo Beans

Road to Raw Food(s), Episode 10, Video 9 Road to Raw Foods share how to grow and sprout mongo beans in six days. Growing mongo sprouts, also known as mung or moong bean or green gram or golden gram, is a fun learning process. Here, Danton shoot the videos on […]

Watch How I Make Almond Milk

Road to Raw Food(s) Episode 9. Video 8 Watch this video as Road to Raw Food shares how to make a homemade, healthy and non-animal sourced, plant-based Almond milk. Procedure and Recipe: Thoroughly wash 1/2 cup of Almond. Soak overnight. Using any blender, place the soaked 1/2 cup of almond […]

How I make sweet potato top leaves salad

Road to Raw Food(s), Episode, 8 Video 7 In this continuing series Danton makes use of kamote top leaves (fresh organic and very green top leaves of sweet potato, also known as talbos ng kamote or ugbos nin kamote) as the main ingredient of a healthy, almost raw, and very […]

How I make organic pineapple, mango and carrot medley

Road to Raw Food(s) Episode 7, Video 6 Today, Fathers Day, our raw foodie shares the recipe and video on how to make a healthy organic pineapple, mango and carrot medley. Excellent refreshing treat for every member of the family as they huddle around. This production is the first using […]

Unboxing Vitamix Professional Series 200

Road to Raw Food(s), Episode 6, Video 5 A Fathers Day Gift: Unboxing Vitamix Professional Series 200 Watch here as Road to Raw Foods un-box a new blender, the Vitamix Professional Series 200 which is a Father’s Day gift. To all fathers, Happy Fathers Day.

How I make Sweet Potato & Mint Tea

Road to Raw Food(s), Episode 5, Video 4 On this installment of “Road To Raw Food,” join host Danton as he presents his way of making Kamote (Sweet Potato) top leaves and Mint leaves into tea powder. Plus a hint in making Pineapple crown leaves into tea powder, too. Presented […]

Albay power blackout disrupted our lives, bigtime!

Legazpi City, Albay — Albay power blackout disrupted our lives, bigtime! On Wednesday, May 28 at about 9″00 o’clock AM the electiricity being supplied by Albay Power and Energy corporation (APEC) thru feeders 1, 2 ,3 and 4 in this city, suddenly went off. The APEC, (the company created with […]

Who “Punked” my fruits and vegetables?

Road to Raw Food(s), Episode 4 After the usual task of cleaning newly purchased fruits (which are unbelievably still firm and hard to the touch) and amazing crisp vegetables in our futile attempt at removing or wiping out whatever harmful preservative agent sprayed on it (see related video-article here How […]

How I clean & wash my fruits and vegetables

Road to Raw Food(s), Episode 3, Video 3: Rush transcript: Hello, this is Danton here. I am gonna show how I clean my vegetables and fruits. After buying the item or items from the supermarket, palengke or fruit and vegetable stands I do not just stash them on the table […]

Raw vegetable and fruit smoothie

Road to Raw Food(s); Episode 2, Video 2 I will show how I make healthy raw vegetable food dietary supplement here. On the previous post on how to peel and cut pineapple fast and easy I made a loud hint on this. This first short post and video is a […]

Peel and cut pineapple fast and easy

Road to Raw Food(s), Episode 1, Video 1 Watch this video, our take of how to peel and cut pineapple fast and easy. So novice and clumsy, though. Actually, this is a prelude to more videos that will delve on healthy raw vegetable foods supplement preparation.

Echinopsis cactus surprise summer bloom

Echinopsis cactus surprise summer bloom. This angiosperm in the family of Cactodeae, specifically in the genus Echinopsis, was first nortured starting with just one tiny “bulb”. Easy to grow with no special care, and handling involved, the plant needs less watering, and grows better alternately under the sun, and under […]

May Flower Field

An array of flowers in a wide field up for picking or just to appreciate. Our “May Flower Field” slideswhow presentation in high definition. Or view the slideshow on YouTube channel on this link: May Flower Field.

ABS-CBN Wraps 2nd Regional Student Newscasting Competition in Naga

Sheina Alicante, 2nd year college student of Bicol University in journalism wins first place with a rating of 88.11% in the just concluded 2nd Bicol newscasting competition. The contest was held last Saturday, August 24th, at The Tent of Avenue Plaza Hotel in Naga city. Other winners include second placer […]

Marking a Milestone in Chronicling Bicol and Nat Gov@360

We are jubilant in marking the coming out of Cbanga360.Net – The Bicol Street Journal in the Bicol internet scene scraping any informative thought into written and conversational piece beginning in 2010, but after the first “great posts” were seen on the Google hosted free blogspot.com. in late semester of […]

Dedicated Multi-media Page, Links Now Smoothly Running on the Site

Got it fixed and running smoothly. Just referring to the set of movies and videos posted on this site on previous issues. But since we wanted so much to have a quick and easy access on the movies without going through the laborious search on the site, it is much […]

Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag Visits Albay Province

The venerated image of Nuestra Senora del Santisimo Rosario de Manaoag makes an extended whistle stop in the province of Albay beginning last Saturday, July 13 about 8:00 o’clock in the morning and ends today. The replica of the image now used in the pilgrim visits outside of Pangasinan reached […]

A Retrospect of Summer Reading Scilympics Camp in Tanza Elementary School

Tanza, Navotas, MM, June 3, 2013- Students and teachers will be back to school today for another “bout” of school year with more positive prospects. But let me share these retrospective of an educational fun activity we have done this past summer vacation. Looking back, while many of the public […]

Living by the Hillside Provides a Healthful Respite

“The real reason for physical fitness goes beyond the benefits one accrues from a healthy lifestyle,” is a famous line by Richard H. Utt. I personally believe it could be the dogma of every person who believes that Life is the most precious gift given by GOD. Therefore, it is […]

Poetry is a Part of Literature That is Now Going Passe?

Poetry is a part of literature that is now going passe. Gone were the days when poetry reading was once a part of grand occasions looking back into our Hispanic heritage. It is even getting less and less popular among students what with their current interest. Something understandable, as technology […]

My First 200 Days in the Public School System

Last March 21 was our school’s Commencement Exercises. It also wrapped-up my first 200 days in the public school. Just like any other things we get involved with, the first teaching experience is always novel. I had my very first year ever as mentor in the public school way back […]

Focus on Qualities of A Good Teacher

One week after the grand school opening hereabout, we expect students and teachers will have started slowly settling into their comfort zones. I should know. I am a classroom teacher for more than two decades in different private schools in Legazpi city and Rizal province. At one time and for […]

CBSUA: A University in Metamorphosis

The conversion of CSSAC into CBSUA has made a tremendous grandeur for my Alma Matter, a far cry from what I had known during the CSAC days. The new University is expected to provide technological science including education, arts, and science.

Goodbye, MyBlogLog Community

With this post, we say goodbye to our handful of friends in the MyBloglog community. Early in February, this writer received a notice from Yahoo that the service is closing. To some who found enough friends and interacted for some time on various issues and field of interest, its bowing out in the social networking arena will be missed.

The May Flower Power Explosion at my Sister’s Garden

Allow me to splurge in luxury and exaggeration in talking about my sister’s flower plants in her small front yard in Legaspi city. She has appointed enough elbow room and growth space- actually all of the space thereabout- for her source of surprise and delight. She spend good times meticulously […]

Pope John Paul II: A Personal Glimpse

I strongly believe one of the most beloved pope in the world is Pope John Paul II. He visited the Philippines twice. The first historic and memorable visit to the city of Legaspi was on February 21, 1981. He made a return trip to the country during the World Youth Day Celebration in January 12-16, 1995 in Manila.

What’s in a Name or Nickname?

The giving of nickname is popular among Bicolano families. Or I would rather say a part of our culture. I grew up in a family where calling someone the real name is a “crime” for a seemingly unsound connotation.

Hurray to 2011, to Our Friends and Readers

After seventeen months into our non-regular, sometimes semi-hibernation style in blogging about Calabanga and many things Bicol, we come up with this summary update: Covered over 210 individual and combined postings, with the 100th entry going online on August 2010.

Adding Ease of Use on Desktop Functionality

Taking time out writing blog by changing desktop make-up and functionality for ease of use. With all the thousands of files saved on folders and subfolders, it takes awhile looking for particular saved material on my notebook.

What's Recommended

Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag Visits Albay Province

The venerated image of Nuestra Senora del Santisimo Rosario de Manaoag makes an extended whistle stop in the province of Albay beginning last Saturday, July 13 about 8:00 o’clock in the morning and ends today. The replica of the image now used in the pilgrim visits outside of Pangasinan reached […]

Flowers Are A Source Of Joy And Delight

Flowers are a source of joy and delight. Even if I am not that familiar of one too many, am posting here a specie gathered from my sister’s frontyard. Could this be the New South Wales Christmas bush flowers (Ceratopetallum gummiferum)? It’s a guess though. Will always stand corrected, maybe […]

My Aunt’s Orchids

Courtesy of our next-house neighbor and also Aunt Lolit, these orchids are blooms in her garden, a source of joy and delight even as she worries about the rainy season this time of the year. When asked permission for the frames, she obligingly lead the way. On a sad note, […]

Something Happened on the Way to the Forum

Something happened during the past few days on the backside of this blog, Cbanga360(dot)net. And it was not funny at all. This writer got distraught had to stop writing post while thinking of the worst possibility- online posts, comments, images, data, may be lost forever if its repository- the SQL database get affected.

Albay opens Palarong Pambansa in grand style

Legazpi City, Albay, April 11 — Lost in the din of excitement and expectation for the TV broadcast of the Manny Pacquiao vs Tim Bradley fight in Las Vegas, and the expected brawling noise and cacophony of the vice presidential debates at the University of Santo Tomas later, was the […]

My First 200 Days in the Public School System

Last March 21 was our school’s Commencement Exercises. It also wrapped-up my first 200 days in the public school. Just like any other things we get involved with, the first teaching experience is always novel. I had my very first year ever as mentor in the public school way back […]

Echinopsis cactus springs reprise bloom, and then some time lapse

Echinopsis cactus springs reprise bloom, and then some time lapse. This is the second feat after last year’s during the first full flower bloom of five year old bunch of our potted Echinopsis cactus. In the excitement, I may have taken enough photos for the memory including video shots that […]

May Flower Field

An array of flowers in a wide field up for picking or just to appreciate. Our “May Flower Field” slideswhow presentation in high definition. Or view the slideshow on YouTube channel on this link: May Flower Field.

Hurray to 2011, to Our Friends and Readers

After seventeen months into our non-regular, sometimes semi-hibernation style in blogging about Calabanga and many things Bicol, we come up with this summary update: Covered over 210 individual and combined postings, with the 100th entry going online on August 2010.

Blog Comments, Missing or Not the Correct Count

Just noticed this morning older posts (those beyond the home page/first page) with comments from friends and visitors who dropped by are either lost or not counted as it displays “0” (zero) or “1” by merely looking at the bottom of the post. I tested clicking on the comment link and would lead me to the window that displays the comments.

White Orchids from Aunt’s Garden

A fresh band of white blooms of orchid from my Aunt’s garden. Thank you for hosting Luiz, Denise, Laerte and Valkyrien. See more flowers here at: Today’s Flowers

Pope John Paul II: A Personal Glimpse

I strongly believe one of the most beloved pope in the world is Pope John Paul II. He visited the Philippines twice. The first historic and memorable visit to the city of Legaspi was on February 21, 1981. He made a return trip to the country during the World Youth Day Celebration in January 12-16, 1995 in Manila.

Focus on Qualities of A Good Teacher

One week after the grand school opening hereabout, we expect students and teachers will have started slowly settling into their comfort zones. I should know. I am a classroom teacher for more than two decades in different private schools in Legazpi city and Rizal province. At one time and for […]

Orchids Mark Our First Year

The orchids bloom this time at our sister’s Legazpi frontyard are remarkable. Her residence with a certain degree of elevation due to the hillside location of the housing district gives ample growth area for the aerial plants.

What's Throwback

Wild Flowers in the Outfield

What’s in a name?A flower will still be a flower, though growing wild and uncared for. Dainty and frail, they thrive well and good outside the backyard fence basking at the sunshine, facing the vast, wide expanse of almost endless ricefields. Ano an yaon sa ngaran?An burak fermi nang burak, […]

Is DepEd’s National Achievement Test still relevant or passé?

On March 12, Thursday, pupils belonging to the test groups covered by the National Achievement Test (NAT) program become the focus of a government exercise on education. Much of the whole school year, teachers in the Grade Six level have been preparing for the NAT. It would seem we are […]

Pope John Paul II: A Personal Glimpse

I strongly believe one of the most beloved pope in the world is Pope John Paul II. He visited the Philippines twice. The first historic and memorable visit to the city of Legaspi was on February 21, 1981. He made a return trip to the country during the World Youth Day Celebration in January 12-16, 1995 in Manila.

Watch replay opening of Palarong Pambansa 2016 in Albay

Watch here the video replay of the grand opening of Palarong Pambansa 2016 with the province of Albay hosting the national sports competition. The low quality video footage though did not give justice to the actual scenes personally experienced by those present during the event. Also, it would have been […]

We’re Blushing And We Are Moving

We’re humbled to learn some items and passages of our posts here in Cbanga360 on Blogspot and on Facebook, get reposted, quoted and/or referenced in some neat, news/info gathering/sharing platforms.

Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag Visits Albay Province

The venerated image of Nuestra Senora del Santisimo Rosario de Manaoag makes an extended whistle stop in the province of Albay beginning last Saturday, July 13 about 8:00 o’clock in the morning and ends today. The replica of the image now used in the pilgrim visits outside of Pangasinan reached […]

Mother’s Potted Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea I want to share this one specie of bougainvillea flowers fresh from our Mother’s potted greens by the front porch. She still have time to care for these plants very popular in our place. My brother who is also green-thumbed helps in nurturing them. Mother just love the color […]

Ginger is a lingering joy by simply being around

For sometime now, Ginger has appeared in various instances on this site. Ginger is the apple of our eyes for quite four years now. Considered as a little princess in the household, she is a lingering source of joy by simply being around. Adopted in September 2011, she perfectly adjusted […]