How I make very hot and spicy vinegar

It is time to replenish my hot and spicy vinegar.

And here I will show the simple process in making one rather than going to the grocery store for the same product.

There is nothing to cook. In fact it is very simple. I will be using raw garlic, onion, ripe red and green hot peppers. The only processed and main ingredient is coconut vinegar.

As the video progresses, I will show for few seconds and highlight the ingredients I’m working which will show on top right side of the screen.

I only have to get the garlic off its skin and slice (dice) it in strips. Others prefer to place the skinned garlic without being sliced.

In the case of onions. It has to be sliced though.

There is no secret formula or procedure. The more garlic, onion and hot pepper the more our mixture will become spicier. As it ages, the vinegar will smell and taste spicier and smell the pungent aroma brought about by the presence of garlic and onion.

I will store my spicy vinegar on recycled bottles. Good enough it came with cork stopper which is just perfect. In two days’ time, we can start sampling the mixture.

I usually use hot and spicy vinegar for cooked vegetables with special mention on laing (or gabi or taro leaves cooked on coconut milk), jackfruit cooked on coconut milk, mongo beans sauteed on shrimp, It is also a preferred dip for chicharon (fried pig skin) and fried fish which is very popular in our place. And by the way, I sprinkle my fried egg with spicy vinegar, too.

Now watch the video on our Youtube channel on this link: How to make very hot and spicy vinegar.

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