Positive Change Sweeps Cbanga360

The current blog theme of Cbanga360 gives us a flexible choice and freehand on changes in the design and more, so much thanks to Swift Themes. Add to that a commendable support forum and voila, we can’t ask for anything.

Prior to the transfer from the Blogspot free hosting and platform, we tested many themes but nothing came close enough to Swift we have become fond and a fan already.

Of course the transfer to WordPress caused some unforeseen limitations. We still can’t figure out how to import the Google Friend Connect and the blogs we used to read and follow. Hence, we have to create a fresh GFC link, wondering if we would ever find a way to find a fix for that. And look, it’s got one devoted follower.

We reduced the facebook box to fit only fifteen mugshot/ icon/ avatar of followers without the snippets of item posts. It warms our heart seeing some facebook denizens dropping by. Many thanks, as always. But of course we still maintain the front page of the original blog at Cbanga360 on Blogspot if you would care to take a peek.

One big change in the layout came about with the quick approval from Google Adsense, hence we now offer ads we keep our fingers crossed to generate some fund in financing the blog’s existence- to pay for the web hosting and other projected incremental improvements and projects in the very near future. Also, we added a Paypal donate button just in case our readers are in the mood for giving and feeling generous and happy!

Expect there would be more changes in our endeavor to improve Cbanga360 which may include opening our doors to contributors, more responsive articles, a forum, etc. For this, we always maintain a positive outlook.

We posted more info on ads in our Privacy Policy.

2 thoughts on “Positive Change Sweeps Cbanga360”

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