
Current Human Events & Stories

Why POPE FRANCIS slaps a woman’s hand after the Te Deum service

Pope Francis was “caught” off-guard, it seemed, when a devout (Catholic? Asian?) by-stander grabbed his hand. He reacted by slapping the woman’s hand and pulled back his arm. This must be the reason why he suddenly departed from his scripted words during the Wednesday service. He went on to apologize […]

Malacañang spokesman Panelo claim DUTERTE’s DRUG war a SUCCESS

Palace spokesperson tells mainstream media press President Duterte’s war on drugs was a success Palace spokesman tells members of Malacañang Press corps, majority of them representing the mainstream media, that President Rodrigo Duterte’s election centerpiece campaign promise of eradicating drug in the country was a success. Was it a success? […]

DANGEROUS TIME: Movie on the ASSASINATION of Benigno Aquino, Jr.

Some immediate past events in Philippine history need to be retold, never mind if there are flaws, if only to make us remember. How can one forget those momentous times when history unraveled which began with the return of former senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. at the Manila international airport […]

ICON: Meet the newest face of climate change activism

She was catapulted to fame from obscurity and now the newest face of climate change activism. Can’t get enough of the newest personality mainstream media, including climate change alarmists, swoon and idolize? Now, watch the coverage below and get that information in full package. The young activist is not the […]

This transcript triggers US Democrats to call for Trump impeachment

Interesting read: The transcript of conversation between US President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymr Zelensky that triggers jubilation among Demacrats to seek, at last, the impeachment of sitting US President Donald Trump. But nowhere in the transcript was mentioned that Trump seek a foreign government to help his political campaign […]

FALSE: LizQuen movie ‘Alone/Together’ grossed $350-million

What is an entertainment news article when a Philppine peso (₱) sign is interchanged with the US dollar ($) sign? It is laden with FAKE NEWS. Take for instance the update on earnings by local movie “Alone/Together” published by Manila broadsheet Philippine Star. The article “What’s next for Liza Soberano?” […]

Watch Teaser If We Erase Traditional Politics We Win

This Philippine province of almost two million people, or 1.9 (1,952,544) million warm bodies according to the official census count of 2015 is the biggest in the Bicol region in terms of population and land area. While it is rich in natural resources and beautiful scenic places, majority of its […]

Happy Holidays Happy New Year from us to you all!!

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, to all our readers, the few followers and friends of this site and our social media pages. Advisory: After April 21, 2018, we stopped posting links on two of our OLD facebook pages. The first one is thebulletintoday (dot) com page. This originally links to […]

Camalig town in Bicol wants to build an international convention center

Imagine this. A handsome building rising on Quituinan Hill fronting the majestic Mount Mayon would be a sight to behold. That prospect emboldens the municipal council committee on infrastructure of Camalig in Albay coming forward with the plan. They proposed to build a P3.5 billion Bicol International Convention Center located […]

Albay’s white elephant Pantao is regional port to nowhere?

Budget insertions for appropriations on the 2019 proposed national budget made top news these past days. Members of the house of representatives and the Budget Department are pointing fingers who did the possible insertion which bloated the proposed national budget. Budget insertions when intended for infrastructure projects of congressional districts […]

Napgate: President Duterte is neither Sleeping Beauty nor Snow White

Why President Duterte is neither Snow White nor Sleeping Beauty? But of course, there could never be another Snow White nor Sleeping Beauty except the originals from the rich imagery of Disney. In the case of the Philippine president, it is funny how local media made full take, nay a […]

Will US troopers use force VS. caravan of Central American migrants?

We are like waiting for something expected could happen as the ‘illegal’ migrants from Central America, but mostly Hondurans, mass and knock at the border between Mexico and US. This tense expectation is fueled with the alleged leak of information that the White House has reportedly issued a memo authorizing […]

Pooled Editorial: Speak Truth to Power, Keep Power in Check

RODRIGO R. Duterte’s presidency has altered and controlled the public discourse so radically in its favor in ways rude and bold. One tragic result: it has restricted and narrowed the celebrated freedom of the Philippine press and the people’s cherished right to know. Pooled Editorial: Speak Truth to Power, Keep […]

Watch Pep talk, Dear small YouTube creators like Us

This is like a pep talk for me (or, us) and anyone who might feel the same or in the same situation (instance). “Dear small Youtube creators, like Us! This is to assure myself and anyone of similar situation that we belong to a strong unorganized club that can weild […]

Watch The Moment Mocha Uson Locates Mayon is so Hilarious

Watch The Moment Mocha Uson Locates Mayon is so Hilarious!! Amidst the rumblings and heigthened seismic activity of Mayon, loose tongue Vlogger and Malacanang’s Presidential Communications Assistant Secretary Margaux Uson, known in the rounds of Duterte supporters as Mocha Uson showed her ignorance on Philippine geography. In the course of […]

Award for Mocha came from alumni group, not from UST

The University of Santo Tomas distanced itself from the recognition given to Malacanang’s communication assistant secretary Mocha Uson by one of its alumni organization. The educational institution has to make a clarificatory statement the recognition given to Presidential Communications Operations Office Assistant Secretary Esther Margaux ‘Mocha’ Uson was given by […]

Watch busy foot traffic on mall hallway intersection

This is a short footage of foot traffic on a mall hallway intersection. This is a short footage of foot traffic on a mall hallway intersection. The scenes are in sharp contrast to malling in the west which is slowly dying, with the sharp switch to on-line shopping already. In […]

Senator Grace Poe and the missing foot padding solved?

What if government officials, whether elected or appointed, and their staff, would attempt to lie on petty, simple, minute and negligible details and things? Can we also deduce there is prevailing possibility that they could lie more than that? This is the essence of our video. On April 26, 2017 […]

We are launching NOAH, News One and Half Youtube channel unless

We are excited to drop here we are officially launching another, yet our second experimental channel on Youtube, News One And Half. It carries the same topic category on the website which we abbreviated with the acronym of NOAH. (Unless some technical difficulties are encountered, the project is on.- Ed.) […]

Despacito gets a version out of Duterte’s speeches, and it’s hilarious

Already, the two hour tedious speech of President Rodrigo Duterte during his second State of the Nation Address, was history. For one, his address was more of impromptu and unscripted, having deviated from the one running on the teleprompter. The chief executive dismissed the prepared speech as “walang kwenta” or […]

Poe OKs filing of charges against former President Benigno Aquino III

Poe OKs recommendation of filing of charges against former President Benigno Aquino III. Yes , you read it right. Senator Grace Poe welcomes the decision of the Ombudsman in recommending the filinng of charges against former President Benigno Aquino III and other identified keyplayers of the Mamasapano massacre of SAF44. […]

Not a foot padding on Sen. Grace Poe’s rice paddy art photo?

A day after posting a short piece about Senator Grace Poe Visits PhilRice For Rice Paddy Art, we received a friendly note asking us to “correct” or ahem, remove the reference to a “foot padding” where the good senator stood for the photo shoot. We were made to understand to […]

DepEd Bicol says no major problem during first day of school

For lack of proper monitoring standard, an official of DepEd Bicol summarily said there were no major problems met on the first day of school in various provinces and cities of the region. Spokesperson Mayflor Jumamil said the education department had prepared for “Balik Eskwela” this school year with 973 […]

Why Overseas Filipino Workers need a separate, distinct OFW bank?

It is a good thing that the government is focused on the welfare of the Overseas Filipino Workers. But why open a separate bank for OFWs? The present crop of government officials under the Duterte administration, and so so true of the past ones, has no trust that existing government […]

Senator Poe visits PhilRice for rice paddy art

No, Senator Grace Poe is not about to ride a green flying carpet. The lady solon has this photo op taken at the ‘rice paddy’ in Barangay Maligaya in the Science City of Munoz in Nueva Ecija province. Looking closely now, it would seem that foot padding is well placed […]

President Duterte douse cold water on claims of fake news site VS Robredo

What’s next when truth is twisted and served as fake news? On Monday, President Rodrigo Duterte doused cold water on the fake news article published maliciously by a dubious, fake news web site, obviously supportive of the administration but into overdrive attack against critics, particularly vice-President Leni Robredo.

Duterte wants you to know he got highest award from the Knights of Rizal

Duterte wants you to know he got highest award from the Knights of Rizal. On Thursday night, the Knights of Rizal conferred the highest honor it gives to an individual on President Rodrigo Duterte in a ceremony at the SMX Convention Center in Davao City. He was honored with the […]

Kabayan Party List Harry Roque under fire for sexist comment

Kabayan party list representative Harry Roque got swarmed with negative comments on social media sites Facebook and Twitter. In a press conference Wednesday, Kabayan party list Harry Roque wagged his tongue longer than it should. He uttered a sexist remark towards Senator Leila de Lima. Roque asked why the lady […]

Facebook shares hoax on alleged burning of Christian churches in India

Users of the Facebook ecosystem once more get affronted with not one, but many fake news on a daily basis. Currently being tossed (read shared) by some is this hoax about the Christian churches being burned or set to be put on fire in India. Yes, Facebook allows the sharing […]

Drug-related, Extra judicial killing ends December 31st 2016, and reboots on January 1st, 2017

Drug-related and extra judicial killing ends December 31st 2016, and reboots on January 1, 2017. Yes. In the Philippines, under the leadership of ‘Punisher’ POTP Rodrigo Duterte, all national police operations with relation to drug-related and extra judicial killing by “viglantes” will officially terminate on December 31st 2016. But “Double […]

It’s OK for President Duterte to protect police killers of Leyte mayor?

In President Rodrigo Duterte’s cabinet, we find the finest men and women in the public and government service.They are cut for the right job. They are ready and up and about to run to the rescue and defense of the chief executive. Include in the group Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre […]

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, 71 and sickly?

President Rodrigo Duterte was sick, not? It is worth telling here that while attending the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting last 19–20 November 2016 in Lima, Peru, President Rodrigo Duterte allegedly passed out.(or was it collapsed? That was just before the formal dinner and before the important most final commemorative photo […]

Joking around? President Duterte admits to spanking bottoms of lady cops

President Duterte admits to spanking bottoms of lady cops. Now it can be told that President Rodrigo Duterte has the penchant of spanking people. More specifically women. And the favorite part, their bottoms! This he admitted and revealed during the alumni homecoming of San Beda College of Law on Saturday, […]

Duterte cusses British reporter when asked on drug-related killings

A reporter from British television Channel 4 just had the foul taste of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte’s favorite cuss words during the press briefing early Thursday morning. During the question and answer portion of the media briefing in Davao City, Asia correspondent reporter for Channel 4 Jonathan Miller questioned Duterte […]

Internet activists react on the stealthy burial of Marcos at Libingan

This is how activists reacted on the internet and social media on the stealthy but successful burial of the remains of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos with full military honors last November 18, 2016 at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani. Though pictures and graphics were accompanied with lengthy words as […]

Senator De Lima to President Duterte: Do you like me?

This is hilarious. Senator Leila de Lima get back at the recent tirades from President Rodrigo Duterte with this message: “Stop harassing me. What do you want from me? Do you like me?” The lady senator who has become the “apple of the president’s eyes” expressed on Monday that “Duterte […]

Why only now? Albay solon bats for huge impounding dams in Bicol

In the season of change espoused by the President of the Philippines (POTP), elective government officials try to outsmart another with brilliant ideas so they would not be percieved as mere stones gathering moss on the pillars of their four cornered offices. Some fear lurks in their heart that President […]

Sen. Lacson sees flaw in PNP recruitment program

Speaking to PNP Director General Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa during the second day of the Senate inquiry into the extra-judicial killings, Senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson asked why most of the PNP personnel suspected to be involved in illegal drugs trade were younger, new police officers. Lacson has speculated there must […]

DENR secretary on high energy at the State of Mindanao environment day

There is no doubt, the enthusiastic Secretary Gina Lopez of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources is bound to do more positive acts which would benefit the conservation of natural resources and the environment. On the video above, the secretary displayed high energy in front of participants, students, staff, […]

Prank calls congest hotlines ‘8888’ and ‘911’ on first day

Ninety-five pecent of the initial calls received for the government’s public service hotlines “8888” and “911” were, guess what, prank. On Tuesday, Philippine Long Distance Telephone company Chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan said, “Actually, we expected that (receiving many prank calls),” on the sidelines of the telco giant’s briefing on its […]

Duterte admin seen to implement forced savings program for employees

Employed Filipinos can look forward to additional salary or wage deductions from their take home pay very soon. A regular deduction from monthly salary would be set aside as provision for retirement which was provided under Republic Act 9505 or the Personal Equity and Retirement Account (PERA) law. The forced […]

Palace drops “His Excellency” in addressing President Duterte

New palace occupant, new rules in the house. Here’s something worth knowing. Today it was known that Malacanang directed all heads of departments, bureaus and other government offices to stop addressing President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as “His Excellency” and the Cabinet secretaries as “Honorable” in official communications. The memo was […]

Panatag Shoal definitely Philippines’, yet fishermen cautioned from fishing

If we are to read between the maps, Panatag Shoal or its traditional English name of Scarborough Shoal is not in China’s front yard. This according to Google which recently updated the mostly popular online reference map and removed the counterpart Chinese name (characters) on its site when browsing on […]

Yes, you can scan, copy PH peso and print it too

Have you tried making a copy of a Philippine currency, to be specific one in paper denomination? For the purpose of this article, we copied a P200 peso note. Then using an image manipulation app, we changed the dimension and image quality to poor (so we don’t get into any […]

No economy is an island, so will PH get hit by BREXIT?

Not yet in and yet, the choice technocrats of the incoming Duterte regime are quick to sound off that the European phenomenon called BREXIT, the departure of the United Kingdom (also known as Great Britain) from the European Union will have no effect on the local economy. While many countries […]

Will Marcos Sr. burial in Libingan really wipe hatred?

DAVAO CITY –- Presumptive President-elect Rodrigo Duterte is ready to pardon former Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and allow the burial of former dictator Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Sr. at the Libingan ng mga Bayani to “erase” hatred in a divided nation. Duterte disclosed to reporters on Monday night that he has talked […]

What's Recommended

Pooled Editorial: Speak Truth to Power, Keep Power in Check

RODRIGO R. Duterte’s presidency has altered and controlled the public discourse so radically in its favor in ways rude and bold. One tragic result: it has restricted and narrowed the celebrated freedom of the Philippine press and the people’s cherished right to know. Pooled Editorial: Speak Truth to Power, Keep […]

Across-the-board payhike for 1.5-M state employees seen in 2016

Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. on Monday vowed to immediately enact into law the proposed P226 billion four-year “Salary Standardization Law of 2015,” which offers 14th month pay for 1.53 million state workers and officials on the first year of implementation in 2016. “We will study and pass it in time […]

Stop being part of the Facebook Hoax now!

Stop circulating the Facebook privacy hoax now! I can’t take it anymore. Too many people, educated and otherwise have fallen prey to the hoax circulating in the most popular social media site, the Facebook. Many friends and associates have taken to circulating and multiplying everything of the hoax, all of […]

Xavier University honors MILF’s Iqbal, ignores government negotiators

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, March 26 –- One way to push for, and attain peace is recognizing the people that are key to its realization. This could be one reason why the Jesuit-run Xavier University here will confer an award during a “convocation ceremony” today at the university gym to […]

Senator De Lima to President Duterte: Do you like me?

This is hilarious. Senator Leila de Lima get back at the recent tirades from President Rodrigo Duterte with this message: “Stop harassing me. What do you want from me? Do you like me?” The lady senator who has become the “apple of the president’s eyes” expressed on Monday that “Duterte […]

Poe OKs filing of charges against former President Benigno Aquino III

Poe OKs recommendation of filing of charges against former President Benigno Aquino III. Yes , you read it right. Senator Grace Poe welcomes the decision of the Ombudsman in recommending the filinng of charges against former President Benigno Aquino III and other identified keyplayers of the Mamasapano massacre of SAF44. […]

2 Texas students get school suspension for sharing asthma inhaler

That is why a person should not share some very personal stuff to another, especially when the thing contain controlled substance like one in an asthma inhaler. One can look at it as ridiculous but it happened in Texas, USA. Two honor students in Dallas were suspended and faced 30 […]

Senator Grace Poe and the missing foot padding solved?

What if government officials, whether elected or appointed, and their staff, would attempt to lie on petty, simple, minute and negligible details and things? Can we also deduce there is prevailing possibility that they could lie more than that? This is the essence of our video. On April 26, 2017 […]

Napgate: President Duterte is neither Sleeping Beauty nor Snow White

Why President Duterte is neither Snow White nor Sleeping Beauty? But of course, there could never be another Snow White nor Sleeping Beauty except the originals from the rich imagery of Disney. In the case of the Philippine president, it is funny how local media made full take, nay a […]

What's Throwback

Line-item budgeting of P70.7-B fund for Bangsamoro – Escudero

MANILA, April 14 – Line-item budgeting is the way to go for the funding of the proposed Bangsamoro government if Bicolano Senator Francis Escudero will have his way. The senator said on Tuesday he will push for the line-item budgeting of the PhP70-billion that the proposed Bangsamoro government stands to […]

Big money for PPPs but no spare change for SSS pensioners

The government is just so unwilling to hike pension benefits of Social Security System pensioners but is all out and willing to allot big bucks to Public Private Partnership: P-Noy government agreed to shoulder P34.9 billion or 54% of the total project cost of the LRT1 PPP deal with Ayala-Pangilinan […]

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, 71 and sickly?

President Rodrigo Duterte was sick, not? It is worth telling here that while attending the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting last 19–20 November 2016 in Lima, Peru, President Rodrigo Duterte allegedly passed out.(or was it collapsed? That was just before the formal dinner and before the important most final commemorative photo […]

Testing the waters, adding the taste of satire on posts

How often do we read news items or watch broadcast news on a daily basis? As for me, I watch the daily news on TV and read the newspaper like a clock work.. How often the news get our attention too much too often and sometimes we can’t help but […]

‘Tanim-bala’ scam in NAIA upsets Aquino, probe soon

Malacañang on Saturday said it is upset over the so-called ‘tanim-bala’ or bullet-planting scam happening inside Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) terminals recently and this concern has already reached President Benigno S. Aquino III. Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda said both President Aquino and Department of Transportation and Communications Secretary Joseph […]

POTP defends Kris Aquino using the Malacanang-marked choppers

True being a brother, President of the Philippines (POTP) Benigno Aquino III on Thursday defended the use of presidential chopper by movie star and TV host sister Kris Aquino in the launching of a project in Negros Occidental last Tuesday. In a media interview in Lipa City, President Aquino explained […]

Not a foot padding on Sen. Grace Poe’s rice paddy art photo?

A day after posting a short piece about Senator Grace Poe Visits PhilRice For Rice Paddy Art, we received a friendly note asking us to “correct” or ahem, remove the reference to a “foot padding” where the good senator stood for the photo shoot. We were made to understand to […]