
Current Human Events & Stories

Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover lands on Mars

Join NASA and the world watch an epic journey unfold today, Thursday, Feb. 18 as its Perseverance rover lands on Mars. To reach the surface of the Red Planet, the rover has to survive the harrowing final phase known as Entry, Descent, and Landing. After landing, the rover, classified as […]

Watch live stream coverage SpaceX Endeavour splashdown off Florida coast

Mission accomplished. Exactly after 62 days in space, approximately 1,024 orbits around Earth and four spacewalks, United State’s #LaunchAmerica crew members are on their way home! This is the livestream coverage happening on Sunday, Aug. 2, which starts at 7:25 a.m. EDT. NASA Astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley onboard […]

Watch US astronauts return to Earth on SpaceX Endeavour

US astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley is scheduled to depart from the International Space Station aboard SpaceX’s Dragon “Endeavour” spacecraft today, Aug. 1 2020. NASA will provide a livestream coverage of the event as the test mission nears its completion aboard the orbiting laboratory. Coverage begins about 5:15 p.m. […]

Watch: Nasa’s/SpaceX’s Dragon Endeavour dock with International Space Station

Coverage continues here thru NASA Television and the agency’s website  providing live video stream of NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 test flight carrying NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley on their way to the International Space Station. By NASA Hurley and Behnkhen received their wake-up call at 4:45 a.m. EDT with the song “Planet Caravan” by Black […]

Association of American Physicians says Hydroxychloroquine has about 90% chance of helping COVID-19 patients

In a letter to Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) presents a frequently updated table of studies that report results of treating COVID-19 with the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ, Plaquenil®). This report via Association of American Physicians and Surgeons To […]

US FDA approval of Remdesivir vaccine for Covid-19 seen tomorrow

Things are moving fast. At least in the rush to find a cure, or halt the pandemic new coronavirus from China or Covid-19. This we learned as the Federal Drug Administration (USA) and Gilead Sciences, Inc. (a research-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of innovative medicines) […]

WATCH LIVE: NASA sends 7,600 pounds supply to Space Station

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is sending 7,600 pounds of research, supplies and hardware to the crew members living and working on the International Space Station. The space launch by Northrop Grumman Corporation wull be using its Antares rocket carrying the Cygnus spacecraft. The company named it in […]

Man receives new face after botched suicide attempt

When a peson suffers severe gunshot wound on the face, many would tend to believe either the victim will not survive. If he do, he will have a deformed face the rest of his life. The last statement was almost true. But only to be proven false with the wonders […]

If space is a vacuum why these eerie sounds?

The premise is that if the outer space, the space outside our planet Earth, and beyond the limitless Universe is almost a vacuum, then there would not be any sound. So that space explorers will hear nothing, except the eerie, deafening sound of ….. silence. Totally. And following the same […]

Live: NASA and Space X launches 10th resupply mission to the ISS

This is the live coverage of the second attempt of NASA at launching the Space-X 10th mission to the International Space Station. Yesterday’s launch was scrubbed because of the thrust vector control system issue that developed late in countdown. We are up to see another successful launch, hopefully, of NASA […]

This is the live webcast of SpaceX resupply mission to ISS

We are up to see another successful launch, hopefully, of NASA contractor Space Exploration 10th commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station. The Dragon spacecraft will lift-off from launch complex 39A of Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the first for a SpaceX mission. Lauch complex 39A was previously used […]

NASA astronaut, last man on the moon dies

He was known as the last man on the moon. Properly, the last US astronaut to have landed and walked on the moon’s surface. Former NASA astronaut, naval aviator and fighter pilot, Eugene Andrew “Gene” Cernan, the last moon walker died Monday, Jan. 16, at age 82 following ongoing health […]

This NASA parody of a South Korean K-Pop song is timeless

The entertainment value of this NASA video is timeless. And it is not easy to beat even while already much dated. Of course it was a parody of a song and dance number made famous by musical artist Psy (Park Jae-sang) released on July 15, 2012 by South Korean labels […]

Why NASA adds leap second to master clock on end of year 2016

NASA explains why on end-of-year of December 31, 2016, the official clocks around the world has added a leap second just before midnight on coordinated Universal Time. The adjustment was equivalent to 6:59:59 p.m. EST, it disclosed. The agency has been very particular of the exact time, making sure that […]

The alarming grim end of year 2016 AIDS outlook for the Philippines

Is there a grim end of year 2016 AIDS outlook for the Philippines? Consider this alarming facts that already a total of 758 new HIV cases have been recorded by the HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP) as of November, bringing the current total to 38,872. The breakdown […]

Watch a massive black hole devour, snacks on a passing star

MOSCOW — What was thought to be a record-setting supernova, was actually a black hole violently eating a star. Yes, not really a supernova much earlier theorized but a lurking black hole tearing apart, snacking on a passing star. The result was a violent fireworks in the very far reaches […]

Plenty of time to catch spectacular November Supermoon tonight

Tonight is the night. One can have plenty of time (minutes) to catch the one spectacular sight above. The upcoming supermoon tonight, November 14th will be specially super because it’s the closest full moon seen from the Earth since 1958. The nextt episode of another supermoon of the same magnitude […]

Study reveals planet found around nearest star potentially habitable

Now it can be said that researchers have found a planet orbiting the closest star to the Solar System. It may be the closest possible home for life outside the Solar System, according to a study published online Wednesday in the journal Nature. This planet is about 1.3 times that […]

NASA, SpaceX launch successful resupply cargo mission to ISS

Success. SpaceX’s Dragon cargo craft launched at 12:45 a.m. EDT on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida with almost 5,000 pounds of cargo. Instruments to perform the first-ever DNA sequencing in space, and the first international docking adapter for […]

Pregnant women using paracetamol may risk kids with ADHD, autism

LONDON, July 2 — Paracetamol, a common drug used extensively during pregnancy, maybe linked with autism spectrum as well as attention-related and hyperactivity symptoms in newborns, the first-of-its-kind study has found. Scientists found an independent association between the use of this drug in pregnancy and autism spectrum symptoms in children. […]

Universe is expanding faster than expected – Australian astrophysicist

CANBERRA — The Universe is expanding faster than expected, possibly caused by an undiscovered force called dark radiation, the Australian National University (ANU) said on Friday. Lead Australian researcher and ANU astrophysicist Brad Tucker said the precision study of star movements found the Universe is currently expanding between 5 percent […]

DOH tells senior citizens to avail of free pneumococcal vaccine

One way for a senior citizen to avoid pneumococcal disease is getting the neccessary vaccination. This is the prime drive of the Department of Health (DOH) by encouraging those with age between 60 and 65 to visit the nearest government health facilities for free pneumococcal vaccine. The call was made […]

Watch awesome unique Marine Iguana forage algae at sea bottom

The appearance may instill some fear on the onlooker especially that the creature looks formidable and not so friendly. Here the photographer diver was able to document a rare marine iguana, huge enough to scare a grown up swimmer to ever approach. But perhaps the creature is hungry and its […]

Hubble Telescope snaps photo of deep space bubble Wolf-Rayet nebula

Sparkling at the center of this beautiful image is a star located about 30,000 light-years away. The distinctive blue… Posted by NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration on Friday, February 26, 2016 Located about 30,000 light-years away in the constellation of Carina (The Keel), the sparkle in the center of […]

There’s a cure for lung cancer. It is in Cuba! And the West wants it.

Hallelujah! There’s a cure for lung cancer. It is in Cuba! And the West wants it. Big pharmaceuticals ‘pretend’ to find the cure for cancer. Look around, in the domain of Fidel Castro, in Cuba, they have found the cure! Reports said that for about 25 years, the communist Caribbean […]

Study reveals compound in broccoli slows breast cancer cell growth

Researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) and the Oregon Health & Science University suggested in a new study that sulforaphane may play a role in slowing cancer even as it has long shown evidence of value in cancer prevention growth. Sulforaphane is a compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous […]

Can you believe these are proven 8 good sources of Vitamin D?

Health experts say that the need for vitamin D remain steady throughout most of life. Up to age 70 a person need 15 micrograms per day (MPD or µg), for those 71 and older the need increases to 20 MPD because of the increased threat of bone fractures. It is […]

Proud astronaut tweets bloom of Orange Zinnia on board ISS

The International Space Station has another living thing on board. Not an alien or extraterrestial. In fact it came from the earth in the first place. We are referring to the familiar garden plant of zinnia, to be more particular, the orange zinnia. It is US Astronaut Scott Kelly posting […]

This is the low down on your teeth whitening quest

Working on your teeth for a whiter, brighter smile? Well, here’s the lowdown on teeth whitening. Read this as one should be careful while using teeth whitening and bleaching products as they can cause permanent dental damage. Bleaching products can have multiple side effects such as damaging the dental enamel, […]

8 Most popular NASA images shared in Instagram in 2015

Here is a round-up of the 8 most popular images shared by NASA in social sharing site Instagram for the past year of 2015. 1. Pluto The dwarf planet sent a love note back to Earth via the New Horizons spacecraft, which traveled more than 9 years and 3+ billion […]

NASA ‘snaps’ stunning image of earth rising over moon

A montage of the earth rising over its natural satellite, the moon, was released by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The beautiful new high-resolution photo of the Earth as seen from the moon is simply stunning. The picture which is a montage using images from two cameras on […]

NASA readies Dec. 3 launch of Orbital ATK resupply mission to ISS

NASA commercial partner Orbital ATK has set Thursday, Dec. 3, for the launch of its fourth contracted mission to the International Space Station under the agency’s Commercial Resupply Services contract. NASA Television coverage begins at 4:30 p.m. EST. NASA confirmed the launch date at the conclusion of Tuesday’s launch readiness […]

Rare find: 200-Mln-year-old dinosaur remains revealed in South Africa

The remains of a 200-million-year-old dinosaur, believed to be the largest plant eating creature ever found, were revealed at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg on Tuesday. The dinosaur remains, yet to be named, were found at a border area between South Africa and Lesotho, said Dr Jonah Choineire, a […]

Australian researchers say Universe is slowly dying

Researchers from the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Western Australia have measured the energy generated across 200,000 galaxies more precisely than ever before, discovering it is only half of what it was 2 billion years ago and is continually fading. Professor Simon Driver from ICRAR said on […]

Chinese rover Yutu reveals Moon’s multiple geological past

WASHINGTON, March 14 — Ground-penetrating radar measurements taken by China’s lunar rover Yutu, also known as Jade Rabbit, revealed at least nine subsurface layers beneath its moon landing site, indicating that multiple geologic processes have taken place there. Yutu is part of China’s Chang’e-3 moon mission, which delivered the rover […]

Dwarf Planet Ceres captures NASA’s Dawn in its orbit

A new feat for space exploration was achieved with NASA’s Dawn spacecraft. The mission attained orbit around the dwarf planet when captured by gravity of Ceres approximately 38,000 miles (61,000 kilometers) at about 4:39 a.m. PST (7:39 a.m. EST) Friday. In addition to being the first spacecraft to visit a […]

Despite helmet scare ISS astronauts complete successful spacewalk

WASHINGTON, March 2 — Despite helmet scare ISS astronauts complete successful spacewalk. The pair of U.S. astronauts successfully completed their third and final spacewalk in eight days Sunday to update the International Space Station (ISS), under the shadow of a water buildup in a spacesuit helmet at the end of […]

World’s 12th, Philippines now a mega-GMO producing country

Cry, anti-GMO people, organizations, advocates against the GMO gory phenomenon. The pro-GMO, it seems is gaining foothold in the country fast and easy, with the support of big money, corporations, public and private institutions and not to discount the government and its people within. The Philippines is now the number […]

Excerpt on amazing 3D film about fungi, and how it can save the world

Sharing here an excerpt of the 3D documentary film by Louie Schwartzberg of mycologist Paul Stamets The film explores how fungi begins to be understood as source nutrients for human consumption and part of ecological sustainability. The renowned mycologist believes that fungi can save the world. More from the duo […]

African Union urges members to use science to transform agri sector

NAIROBI, Feb. 24 — The African Union on Monday urged the continent’s governments to embrace the use of science in order to transform its agricultural sector. Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture Rhoda Peace Tumusiime told an agricultural forum in Nairobi that all known advances in humanity are based […]

Scientists link underwater volcanic eruptions to climate change

Scientists link underwater volcanic eruptions to climate change MOSCOW, Feb. 9 — Volcanic eruptions under the sea floor may well have an impact on climate change, according to a new study published in the Geophysical Research Letters journal. “People have ignored seafloor volcanoes on the idea that their influence is […]

Watch the other side of the moon

A number of people who’ve seen NASA’s annual lunar phase and libration videos have asked what the other side of the Moon looks like, the side that can’t be seen from the Earth. This video answers that question. The imagery was created using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data. NASA has released […]

ISS crew celebrate new year’s eve 16 times!

The Expedition 42 crew orbiting Earth on the International Space Station gets the opportunity to celebrate New Year’s Eve a whopping 16 times as it circles the globe at 17,500 miles an hour. Commander Barry “Butch” Wilmore and his crew, which includes NASA’s Terry Virts, Russian cosmonauts Elena Serova, Alexander […]

Japanese study confirms e-cigarette contains more carcinogens

Are you previously a chain-smoker until e-cigarettes came into the market and immediately switched to it? What a relief, wasn’t it? But hey, now a team of researchers from the Japaneses Health Ministry disclosed that the vapor was found to contain carcinogens like formaldehyde and cetaldehyde. Formaldehyde was verified to […]

Rosetta to harpoon Philae lander on a comet

The scientific world is closely monitoring one exciting event that should happen very soon. We are referring to the final hours before Rosetta’s Philae lander is released to attempt a first-ever landing on a comet. Early tomorrow morning (by Western Hemisphere time), the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft will deploy […]

ISS Expedition 41 lands safely in Kazakhstan

Expedition 41 Flight Engineers Reid Wiseman of NASA, Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency and Commander Maxim Suraev of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) landed their Soyuz TMA-13M spacecraft in Kazakhstan at 10:58 p.m. EST. The trio arrived at the International Space Station on May 29, and spent […]

Failure: NASA’s Antares Rocket Explodes at Liftoff

The first launch failure for NASA’s commercial space companies happened with an explosion. Seconds after liftoff, Orbital Science’s Antares rocket exploded as it rose from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at Wallops Island, Virginia. The explosion appeared to come at the base of the rocket. The entire assembly then fell back […]

Watch: NASA’s Orion spacecraft on trial by fire

As the flight test of United States’ NASA Orion spacecraft nears, a new video — called “Trial By Fire” — details the spacecraft’s test and the critical systems engineers will evaluate during the Dec. 4 flight. Orion is in the final stages of preparation for the unmanned (uncrewed) flight test […]

SpaceX Dragon spacecraft launches at Cape Canaveral with 3D printer

An eruption of fire and smoke sent a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft skyward laden with 5,000 pounds of scientific equipment and supplies destined for use by the crew of the International Space Station. Lifting off at 1:52:03 a.m. EDT on Sunday, Sept. 21, from Launch Complex-40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force […]

Why instant noodles is far from healthy food

Instant noodles has become permanent item in the food packs distributed by the government agencies, NGO’s and humanitarian groups to indigents and victims of calamities in the country. Coming out in different variety, brand name, flavor and appearance, instant noodles are really handy and easy to prepare. A compacted small […]

Astronomers find smallest galaxy containing a monster black hole

Data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and ground observation paved the way for discovery by astronomers in finding a monster black hole lurking inside one of the tiniest galaxies ever known. The black hole is five times the mass of the one at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. […]

Watch a celestial treat of Starrynights on timelapse video

Want to see a night treat gazing at the stars far beyond our sun. Well, this one might as well be a huge helping. Thanks to the StarryNights, some of the largest observatories in time-lapse from Jan Hattenbach, a collection of astronomical videos recorded of the last three years by […]

Planet Earth’s largest spacecraft welding tool

Planet Earth’s largest spacecraft welding tool for space launch system is the Vertical Assembly Center. A 16mm fisheye lens was used to show a wide angle view of the Vertical Assembly Center at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans at a ribbon-cutting ceremony Sept 12. The VAC is part […]

What's Recommended

ISS Time-lapse Photography of Illuminated Earth

From high above the Earth, the International Space Station (ISS) provides a unique vantage point to view our home planet. Stunning time-lapse photography of cities, aurora, lightning and other sights are seen from orbit. Famed astronomer Galileo imagined these views from space and now through the technological marvel of the […]

China’s lunar rover Yutu and lander took photos of each other

BEIJING, Dec. 16 — China hailed its Chang’e-3 lunar probe mission “a complete success” Sunday night, after its first moon rover Yutu, or Jade Rabbit, and lander took photos of each other on lunar surface. The one-minute photographing, a day after the country finished its first lunar soft landing, showed […]

German scientists recreate natural bone marrow in lab

BERLIN — Good news come in trickles, and at a slow pace, dedication and cost. But this one will sprinkle the drought in knowledge in the treatment of leukemia. German scientists have developed a prototype of artificial bone marrow, which can simplify the treatment of leukemia in a few years, […]

Man receives new face after botched suicide attempt

When a peson suffers severe gunshot wound on the face, many would tend to believe either the victim will not survive. If he do, he will have a deformed face the rest of his life. The last statement was almost true. But only to be proven false with the wonders […]

New Horizons spacecraft crosses Neptune orbit en route to Pluto

NASA’s Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft has traversed the orbit of Neptune. This is its last major crossing en route to becoming the first probe to make a close encounter with distant Pluto on July 14, 2015. The piano-sized spacecraft launched in January 2006, reached Neptune’s orbit, nearly 2.75 billion miles […]

African Union urges members to use science to transform agri sector

NAIROBI, Feb. 24 — The African Union on Monday urged the continent’s governments to embrace the use of science in order to transform its agricultural sector. Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture Rhoda Peace Tumusiime told an agricultural forum in Nairobi that all known advances in humanity are based […]

Comet ISON Fizzles as it rounds the Sun – NASA

Comet ISON went around the sun on Nov. 28, 2013. Several solar observatories watched the comet throughout this closest approach to the sun, known as perihelion. While the fate of the comet is not yet established, it is likely that it did not survive the trip. The comet grew faint […]

Watch a massive black hole devour, snacks on a passing star

MOSCOW — What was thought to be a record-setting supernova, was actually a black hole violently eating a star. Yes, not really a supernova much earlier theorized but a lurking black hole tearing apart, snacking on a passing star. The result was a violent fireworks in the very far reaches […]

NASA astronaut, last man on the moon dies

He was known as the last man on the moon. Properly, the last US astronaut to have landed and walked on the moon’s surface. Former NASA astronaut, naval aviator and fighter pilot, Eugene Andrew “Gene” Cernan, the last moon walker died Monday, Jan. 16, at age 82 following ongoing health […]

Why NASA adds leap second to master clock on end of year 2016

NASA explains why on end-of-year of December 31, 2016, the official clocks around the world has added a leap second just before midnight on coordinated Universal Time. The adjustment was equivalent to 6:59:59 p.m. EST, it disclosed. The agency has been very particular of the exact time, making sure that […]

Planet Earth’s largest spacecraft welding tool

Planet Earth’s largest spacecraft welding tool for space launch system is the Vertical Assembly Center. A 16mm fisheye lens was used to show a wide angle view of the Vertical Assembly Center at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans at a ribbon-cutting ceremony Sept 12. The VAC is part […]

NASA honors first man on the moon with Tranquility Base

NASA honors first man on the moon with Tranquility Base. For those who were already around that time, do you still remember the first man who landed on the moon? Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to have set foot on the lunar surface on July 20, 1969, […]

Hubble Telescope snaps photo of deep space bubble Wolf-Rayet nebula

Sparkling at the center of this beautiful image is a star located about 30,000 light-years away. The distinctive blue… Posted by NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration on Friday, February 26, 2016 Located about 30,000 light-years away in the constellation of Carina (The Keel), the sparkle in the center of […]

Failure: NASA’s Antares Rocket Explodes at Liftoff

The first launch failure for NASA’s commercial space companies happened with an explosion. Seconds after liftoff, Orbital Science’s Antares rocket exploded as it rose from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at Wallops Island, Virginia. The explosion appeared to come at the base of the rocket. The entire assembly then fell back […]

Universe is expanding faster than expected – Australian astrophysicist

CANBERRA — The Universe is expanding faster than expected, possibly caused by an undiscovered force called dark radiation, the Australian National University (ANU) said on Friday. Lead Australian researcher and ANU astrophysicist Brad Tucker said the precision study of star movements found the Universe is currently expanding between 5 percent […]

What's Throwback

Nokor Rocket Launch a Dud, even as Bicol Folks were Forewarned

The Philippines remained a great bystander before and during the much ballyhoed Unha-3 three stage rocket launch by North Korea that was after all a great dud. Some four hours after the rocket exploded over the Yellow Sea, the North admitted the satellite had failed to enter orbit, and that […]

Scientists link underwater volcanic eruptions to climate change

Scientists link underwater volcanic eruptions to climate change MOSCOW, Feb. 9 — Volcanic eruptions under the sea floor may well have an impact on climate change, according to a new study published in the Geophysical Research Letters journal. “People have ignored seafloor volcanoes on the idea that their influence is […]

US FDA approval of Remdesivir vaccine for Covid-19 seen tomorrow

Things are moving fast. At least in the rush to find a cure, or halt the pandemic new coronavirus from China or Covid-19. This we learned as the Federal Drug Administration (USA) and Gilead Sciences, Inc. (a research-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of innovative medicines) […]

The Mega Canyon of Greenland hidden by ice

Once the ice that cover majority of the European autonomous nation of Greenland vanishes, man will find many interesting features of its terrain and landscape. One, is the mega canyon of Greenland, far longer than the Grand Canyon of mainland United States of America. According to NASA: Data from a […]

Watch awesome unique Marine Iguana forage algae at sea bottom

The appearance may instill some fear on the onlooker especially that the creature looks formidable and not so friendly. Here the photographer diver was able to document a rare marine iguana, huge enough to scare a grown up swimmer to ever approach. But perhaps the creature is hungry and its […]

ISS crew replaces ammonia pump, next spacewalk on Tuesday

Expedition 38 Flight Engineers Rick Mastracchio and Mike Hopkins wrapped up a 5-hour, 28-minute spacewalk outside the International Space Station at 12:29 p.m. EST Saturday, completing the first in a series of excursions aimed at replacing a degraded ammonia pump module associated with one of the station’s two external cooling […]

This is the low down on your teeth whitening quest

Working on your teeth for a whiter, brighter smile? Well, here’s the lowdown on teeth whitening. Read this as one should be careful while using teeth whitening and bleaching products as they can cause permanent dental damage. Bleaching products can have multiple side effects such as damaging the dental enamel, […]

The alarming grim end of year 2016 AIDS outlook for the Philippines

Is there a grim end of year 2016 AIDS outlook for the Philippines? Consider this alarming facts that already a total of 758 new HIV cases have been recorded by the HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP) as of November, bringing the current total to 38,872. The breakdown […]