Something happened during the past few days on the backside of this blog, Cbanga360(dot)net. And it was not funny at all.
The “Admin” installed one (?) plug-in (one of those mini programs that run in consonance with other mini-programs that help keep track whatever we want to) that somehow broke the “rules” of our current platform or the database administration. I suspected he did some other things on the back end other than the culprit plug-in, I told myself.
Readers have not seen the result but on our end, we had some weird and uncomfortable episodes combined with panicky moments.
These things happened:
1. For one, we were deprived of logging-in to the control panel at all. The “Admin” has to use the “back door” (file transfer protocol) to fix the entry. Many times.
2. Previous posts and online images vanished from the dashboard, we had no way of checking or verifying. We were confronted with a blank screen.
3. Since the plug-in that catches (stops) spam comments was previously disabled, an avalanche of spam came in like crazy. O, we do not need spam, what we want are hams! The real comments of people reading this blog, even if it is in contrast to our opinion or point of view, it will be unedited. Promise.
4. This writer got distraught had to stop writing post while thinking of the worst possibility- online posts, comments, images, data, may be lost forever if its repository- the SQL database get affected.
The “Admin” did his best by:
1. Backed-up the database in many ways: One, normal uncompressed back up and second, a zipped back up. Both were saved on (A) desk top hard drive, (B) on a removable hard drive, and (C) on a CD. All these were done for insurance, according to him. which we believed.
2. The “Admin” verified if the contents of the back ups were usable, meaning not corrupted. Checked.
3. Updated the platform to the current release.
So now, we are running on a clean bill of health. We are using the latest release of the impressive free and priceless WordPress Version 3.0.1 Thelonious (Code is Poetry). Plug-ins are the current release and compatible. Sweet.
By the way, the Admin just texted me that a new release of our theme is now available. He wants to implement the update soon. What!
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