Pandemic: The grave threat to lives of immunocompromised #covid19 patients, a simple explanation

Render of Covid-19 or 2019nCoV
Render of Covid-19 or 2019nCoV, the deadly virus cause respiratory infection on human which had an outbreak in the City of Wuhan in Hubei province, China.

Advisory: This post will discuss in a very subtle way (don’t panic) how one can avoid contracting Covid-19 and at the same time explain in a layman’s language how immunocompromised patients are in a precarious situation.

Ordinary people should get a proper and good explanation about the pandemic #covid19 (or covid-19). And that is the context of this post.

But before that, it is best for people who have no business being outside of their respective residence(s) to stay put, remain inside with the family. It will help contain the virus, keep safe the family and save other people’s lives, and the lives of many hospital frontliners.

Thanks to Dr. Duc Vuong (USA) for this easy to understand explanation about the novel coronavirus 2019.

It is our objective that after watching the complete video (please don’t skip) one will get enough understanding about why this current pandemic is threat to one’s health and existence (LIFE!).

The doctor is a weight loss surgeon and author of 13 books already.

Keep your calm, stay still and absorb and learn what the doctor shares. Good enough?

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