Facebook fact checks fake news, false social media posts on #covid-19

FAlse claim labeled correctly as flase!
US tv personality shares false claims only to be rebuked of its falsehood. Good enough.

As the pandemic effect of the novel coronavirus 2019 or covid-19 or Chinese virus or Wuhan coronavirus sweeps the world, social media is also abuzz and busy about it.

Social sharing media giant Facebook is being used as the public square of sharing truth, half-truth and totally false claims by ordinary people and also social influencers and entertainment personalities.

Just a week ago, in the states, it was widely circulated that on one particular day on the wee hours of the night, government helicopters around the country in simultaneous fashion will be hovering above the sky and spray what was claimed to be a detterent to coronavirus. It did not happen. It won’t happen. It was fake news.

So now sharing posts, more so from non reputable source will be fact checked. Like the one below.

Still, celebrities want to be relevant during the covid-19 pandemic and can’t get their eyes off from the social media tabs. Only to be rebuked. Like the one below by US tv personality Debra Messing.

At the rate these covidiots surface, no wonder more posts will get that fact check label of fake news.

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