New Microsoft Windows 8 OS Release on October 26th

Photo credit: MicrosoftWe are on the look out for the coming release of Windows 8, the next operating system (OS) from Microsoft. Two weeks ago, enthusiasts and avid fans of the OS started placement reservation of packaged DVD of the upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for estimated retail price of USD69.99 at select retailers.

According to the official Windows blog by Brendan LeBlanc, (content of this post was sourced) the upgrade has a fresh approach in the packaging. Package comes in five different illustrations using paper based components which are earth-friendly. Here in the Philippines, check out your favorite local software outlets or retailers for info and equivalent pricing conversion.

For those with OS like Windows 7, XP, or Vista, you will be able to upgrade online starting October 26th, the official release date. That is if you don’t need the hard copy- the DVD- which will cost a bit lower at USD40.00 using the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant. Online upgrade to Windows 8 Pro is supported for 140 countries worldwide, with 37 languages, and 23 supported currencies.

The upgrade offer is a limited promotion through January 31st, 2013 only.

On our part, we’ll be upgrading one of our newer units to Windows 8 and check out the “great difference” of 8 VS 7. BTW, this will the first time ever we’re upgrading any system in our network. Luck be with us. (

(Image credit:Microsoft)

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