Pandemic American covidiot spring breakers help spread the virus

Covidiot spring breakers splash in florida beaches and may have helped spread the dreaded Chinese Wuhan coronavirus.
Covidiot spring breakers splash in Florida beaches and may have helped spread the dreaded Chinese Wuhan coronavirus.

You read it right. In the states, students fresh off for the spring vacation help spread the dreaded covid-19.

Fresh off from the school campuses for their much awaited spring break, college students mass travelled to one destination, the beach, and here among other places, the Florida beaches.

A stunning typical nonsense response from the poster boy of spring breakers:

Ha ha ha. Just wonder if he has got the dreaded Chinese Wuhan coronavirus, or helped spread the disease, effectively.

But wait, thanks to technology. Spring breakers after having had their drinks and partying in the beach spread out somewhere.

This is why not following the ‘temporary rule’ on social distancing will have a strong and damaging impact to the general population.

A data visualization company Tectonix released this graphic gathered from cell phone location data by X-Mode. Check out the map as the data usage are plotted.

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