Pandemic: HOSPITAL built in WUHAN in record time is LEAKING, falling apart?

Render of Covid-19 or 2019nCoV
Render of Covid-19 or 2019nCoV, the deadly virus cause respiratory infection on human which had an outbreak in the City of Wuhan in Hubei province, China.

The hospital building built in Wuhan in record time for patients downed by the coronavirus infection is leaking. This we learned from a social media post by an insider.

For sometime, the construction of two hospitals in Wuhan earmarked to handle treatment of inpatients infected by the 2019 new coronavirus stirred interest of netizens.

The construction of two massive buildings momentarily distracted the attention of people, mostly Chinese citizens, when the communist government turned the construction projects into live reality show, which was also widely shared on the internet.

It was a perfect orchestrated ‘entertainment’ to alleviate for a few days the fear from the growing threat of Covid-19 infection.

To many, it was an amazing endeavor the structures were finished in a record time even while the Chinese communist government knew the earliest signs of coronavirus already wreaking havoc on its citizens as early as December of 2019.

It was a consolation then that the hospital buildings were finished within a matter of days. The facility opened around Feb. 3, 2020.

But look! In an exclusive video from within one of the new hospital building, posted by Twitter handle Harry Chen PhD, this video show water leaks, like the building would fall apart anytime soon? Just hope the good “doctor” who shared the info on social media do not get punished like here or here.

And a rejoinder, below:

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