Award for Mocha came from alumni group, not from UST

Former Sexy Dancer, Rabid Duterte Fanantic Gets MTRCB Post. At least this is one windfall for Margaux Justiniano Uson (third from left) also known as Mocha, the sexy dancer and blogger. She was appointed by Duterte as member of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) recently.

The University of Santo Tomas distanced itself from the recognition given to Malacanang’s communication assistant secretary Mocha Uson by one of its alumni organization.

The educational institution has to make a clarificatory statement the recognition given to Presidential Communications Operations Office Assistant Secretary Esther Margaux ‘Mocha’ Uson was given by the UST Alumni Association Inc. and not by the University.

In a statement, it said the UST Alumni Association Inc. is a corporation distinct and separate from UST. It has its own board of trustees and operates independently.

The statement also stressed that UST alumni association is a separate entity and operates independent from university.

It added, that UST does not interfere with the affairs of UAAI or any of its alumni organizations.

UST said the only recognition it gives to its alumni is the Outstanding Thomasian Alumni (TOTAL), noting that the award is “given only to alumni in all areas of studies who have instilled excellent core values academically and socially to the public.”

Almost like a reproach, it stated that the only award bestowed by the University to its alumni is The Outstanding Thomasian Alumni (TOTAL) Awards granted to exceptional graduates after undergoing a stringent screening process.

The clairification stressed that the University calls on the Thomasian community to be guided by the principle “Veritas in Caritate” (Truth in Charity) and to remain steadfast in the pursuit of truth.

Uson was given the recognition for her employment in the government on Sunday.

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