Watch busy foot traffic on mall hallway intersection

This is a short footage of foot traffic on a mall hallway intersection.

smileredunhappyThis is a short footage of foot traffic on a mall hallway intersection. The scenes are in sharp contrast to malling in the west which is slowly dying, with the sharp switch to on-line shopping already.

In the United States of America, as an example, giant department stores, retail outlets and specialty stores are closing or have folded up, due to less mall traffic, less sales, bankruptcy, and almost always resulting to displacement of employees.

The ‘phenomenon’ is very well observed, even the Time magazine in an article opined that “America’s malls and department stores are dying off.”

As early as in 2014, Business Insider made a sweeping statement that “America’s shopping malls are going extinct.”

The Atlantic, in one line described the unhappy turn of event as the “great retail apocalypse.”

The golden age of malls in America which began in the 1950s is way past over. Structures that used to be malls are a speck of inactivity, already. A report says that as much as 25% of all department stores in the US are closing up until 2022.

Also joining that extinction are specialty stores, electronic shops and outlets, office and school supplies and many more which is overwhelming, and sad.

But in the Philippines, left and right, here and there, provincial cities and towns now see the mushrooming of giant mall operators locating a branch.

The development is a welcome opportunity for college graduates to get jobs quick and fast in short-term, temporary employment, usually called as contractual which lasts no more than five months and renewable thereafter.

Now watch related video on NOAH – NewsOneAndHalf Youtube channel on this link: HERE.

Or, better yet, watch it, below:

Update: Jan. 14, 2018: Reposted on the Cbanga YouTube Channel on this link Cbanga360 YouTube Channel.

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