These are the three cool choices how to follow Cbanga360 contents and videos

A two-day old active mongo beans on the sprouting bin. The original post of the process is still getting traction on our inMotion channel on its way to 116K of views already. We are forever indebted to the humble beans for the continuous attention our channel garners.
A two-day old active mongo beans on the sprouting bin. The original post of the process is still getting traction on our inMotion channel on Youtube well on its way to 116K of views already. We are forever indebted to the humble beans for the continuous attention our channel garners.

Up until a few days ago, we made a decision, it is best to give readers and followers a good choice, exactly, a good choice of access to our posts and videos.

So we now offer three cool options of following our posts on Cbanga360.Net on Facebook.

If simply want to follow our posts in, meaning getting the whole enchilada, follow us in the original Cbanga360 facebook page.

Guaranteed access to all the backlinks to new and old postings which appeared on the pages, categories and topics back to back in the website. It also include links to postings on the web pages which include the two Youtube channels of inMotion and Red Monkey Talks (formerly NOAH – News One And Half.

But if interest is confined to just get the latest update links on videos posted on our main video inMotion channel in YouTube and sometimes, its corresponding and related transcriptions on the web site, follow inMotion page on Facebook.

Both Cbanga360.Net and inMotion connect and share the same tweeter handle at cbangabulletin.

(This post was updated April 24, 2018)
If the sole interest is covered on topics discussed both in the web pages of NOAH – News One and Half and its Youtube channel of the same ID,then the right option is to follow, News One And Half on Facebook.

If the sole interest is covered on topics discussed both in the web pages of NOAH – News One and Half now part of the Red Monkey Talks Youtube channel of the same ID, then the right option is to follow, Red Monkey Talks on Facebook.

As a short hint here, Red Monkey Talks will be in full regular video production mode before March 2018 ends in May 2018. The new Facebook page here:for Red Monkey Talks, which contain the archived posts of NOAH, also.

As a short hint here, Red Monkey Talks (used to be NOAH- News One and Half) will be in full regular video production mode in May 2018. The new Facebook page here:for Red Monkey Talks, which contain the archived posts of NOAH, also. [Imagine when there is free speech so we can freely check out the pun and pinch in news and information coverage you need to know!]

FYI, exclusive video and web page updates are also getting tweets on the NOAH News One and Half account you can follow and refer too.

FYI, exclusive video and web page updates are also getting tweets on Red Monkey Talks account you can follow and refer too.

Youtubers are also encouraged to subscribe to any, or both, of our channels if interest is on the video option only.

Choices, choices. choices. Isn’t it fun, and demanding too, that with the proliferation of social media and becoming part of our everyday lives, some can not do (maybe, live a day?) without it.

More options of opening up our links to social media platforms are under consideration.

We are settling back on our regular chores at the control panel of the web pages, which was placed in the (sorry to admit) back burner, and the video channels after having experienced crazy streak and challenge by Youtube demonetization. Oh, that nasty backlash on fake news, bad video posts of bad Youtubers and internet censorship.

But hey, we are coming out of that sink hole with a lot of learnings and insights. We might even pop a glass of sparkling cider soon, very soon and record and post that on our inMotion and cross post on the NOAH channel, too.

I can sense, something like a double celebration is on the way !!!

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