On compromised data, Comelec says change your passwords, call your banks, credit card companies


The Commission on Elections said that websites posting the leaked voters data previously hacked from the election agency are being dismantled by the National Bureau of Investigation.

Spokesperson James Jimenez said this was being done after seeking the help of the NBI.

Jimenez said that they are informing the public about the possible dangers they might be exposed to because of the data released and recommended to change their password and call their bank or credit card company immediately.

The Comelec assured that the next website it is getting to put up again will be safe. As of this posting the Comelec website is still offline.

Jimenez apologized in behalf of the agency “for the attack on your privacy.” In behalf of the Comelec, he acknowledged and owned the responsibility to safeguard the data.

The Comelec spokesman assured that the agency is conducting internal investigation if employees were involed and how the hackers infiltrated their system.

A social network sharing site even confirmed the existence of the online database via www://wehaveyourdata.com and described that “users may now allegedly see for themselves if their data was among those that was leaked from the Comelec database last month by a hacker group. On the website, where the URL link first appeared on social media early today, users need only to fill in their names to sift through the database. If there is a hit, they could possibly see personal details such as their address, birthday, passport details, parents name, and possibly in some cases, their biometrics data.”

With this development, observers said that if Comelec can not safe guard its website and voters data, how can it vouch and safeguard the sanctity of the ballots, its truthful counting and results on May 9, 2016.

  • On compromised data, Comelec says change your passwords, call your banks, credit card companies

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