Hashtag of Pinoy tweets dominate year end of social network ecosystem

Hashtag of Pinoy tweets dominate year end of social network ecosystem.

These Twitter hash tags are viral in Philippine trends, the social network ecosystem will close the year 2015 shrieking and opens a new year shrieking. What can you expect?

So we randomly take a pick of a sample each, below:

No. 1 #ALDUB24thWeeksary – It is the tandem of GMA 7’s Alden Richards and sudden star discover Maine Mendoza, trumpeting their 24th week anniversary.

No. 2 #HappyNewYear –

No. 3 #NewYearsResolutionIn5Words

No. 4 #Remember1D2015 – Of course the popular One Direction

No. 5 Harry and Kendall –

No. 6 Page 365 of 365 And what better sample than that of Senator Miriam Santiago:

No. 7 #LyricsThatDescribeMy2015

No. 8 Hello 2016

In the end, we have to tweet this post using all the hashtags!

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