Libon Topped Albay Municipal LGU’s 2007 Earnings

In Jovellar: a familiar structure like those in many Bicol Catholic parish yards become colorfully lighted and adorned come Easter Sunday. Meantime, a lantern reminiscent of the past yuletide season hangs forlorn.

For income year of 2007, the local government unit of Libon eclipsed the always front runner first class Albay town of  Daraga which slid one notch lower.   Libon earned over P113M against Daraga’s P109.8M.  Polangui followed in far third with P84M. Coming close was Bacacay with P83.6M annual income.

The environmentally challenged islands and controversial mining town of Rapu-rapu was 12th among the 15 LGUs. (Will the municipality get the most out of its wealth being dug from its bowels? Or, its residents bear the ill-effects of the mining operations in the long run?  But haven’t we seen already the previous fish kills and more about the sea waters of the islands before? Only time will tell what more is in store for Rapu-rapu.)

We continue here the presentation of Bicol LGU annual earnings and expenditures.

In terms of internal revenue allotment, Guinobatan received the most and topped the list with P69.1M.  Jovellar town received the least with P21.28M.

LGU Rank Annual Income Rank IRA Share Rank % of Dependence
Malilipot 13 33,727,087 12 32,033,051 1 94.97%
Jovellar 15 22,538,521 15 21,280,934 2 94.42%
Pio Duran 9 49,062,138 8 45,651,812 3 93.04%
Oas 6 68,448,453 4 63,601,424 4 92.91%
Manito 14 32,177,459 14 29,721,652 5 92.36
Malinao 10 43,897,997 9 39,499,706 6 89.98
Guinobatan 5 78,047,296 1 69,162,550 7 88.61%
Camalig 8 64,000,755 6 55,323,558 8 86.44%
Rapu-Rapu 12 43,442,411 10 37,343,298 9 85.96%
Polangui 3 84,081,272 5 62,571,051 10 74.41%
SantoDomingo 11 43,703,009 13 31,527,400 11 72.14%
Bacacay 4 83,867,324 7 54,241,635 12 64.67%
Daraga 2 109,812,266 2 68,516,050 13 62.39%
Libon 1 113,492,708 3 64,157,393 14 56.52%
Tiwi 7 64,841,086 11 32,995,922 15 50.88%
Provincial Total 935,139,783 707,627,436


Percentage-wise on dependence of Albay LGUs on IRA share, Malilipot topped with 94.97%  of their annual income coming from the national government.  Jovellar, Pio Duran, Oas and Manito also rely over and beyond 90% for their LGU budgetary allocations.

At 50.8% of its budget coming from the national government, the LGU of Tiwi emerged the least dependent among the 15 municipalities.

Let’s check below how the 15 Albay LGUs spent people’s money on public welfare, basic services, general public services, education, culture & sports, manpower development, health, nutrition & population control, social security/social services & welfare and economic services below:

LGU General Public Services Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development Health, Nutrition & Population Control Social Security /Social Services & Welfare Economic Services
Malilipot 38,960,176 660,426 10,331,158 1,933,101 11,494,832
Jovellar 52,061,933 6,625,201 10,987,472 3,129,530 14,970,246
Pio Duran 27,080,481 2,754,021 7,460,585 1,365,922 3,878,272
Oas 28,518,805 597,717 8,127,628 1,465,704 11,331,537
Manito 39,106,524 7,176,732 5,340,369 1,872,142 13,709,324
Malinao 23,300,164 548,996 8,332,101 1,706,770 6,648,316
Guinobatan 26,103,859 895,802 6,336,602 2,096,828 5,662,445
Camalig 23,688,746 336,234 3,754,151 979,932 8,419,767
Rapu-Rapu 20,090,993 462,025 4,132,741 1,396,446 4,454,149
Polangui 19,193,022 300,574 4,477,540 2,006,692 4,273,147
Santo Domingo 27,446,514 4,737,550 5,604,310 888,448 4,297,152
Bacacay 17,275,858 178,969 4,150,333 1,055,199 2,069,342
Daraga 18,209,880 851,989 2,680,574 782,094 22,585,192
Libon 15,379,442 140,396 3,634,226 672,972 4,454,516
Tiwi 19,441,343 0 0 697,812 1,786,728
Total 395,857,741 26,266,631 85,349,790 22,049,591 120,034,964


Budgetary Deficit or Excess
Pio Duran LGU showed others how to be prudent at spending tax money and yet save more in the coffers at the end of the year.  Some P54.4M remained on the vault and topped others with the most in excess money. Guinobatan also did well for the 2007 fiscal year in terms of savings.

Four municipal LGUs poorly fared in fiscal management led byMalilipot with a deficit of P64M. Daraga, Tiwi and Camalig also went red on their balance sheet.

Municipality Rank Excess (deficit) of Income over Expenditures
Pio Duran 1 54,458,459
Guinobatan 2 41,752,562
Malinao 3 11,604,755
Polangui 4 6,151,192
Manito 5 4,512,574
Rapu-Rapu 6 3,595,668
Oas 7 2,869,844
Bacacay 8 2,769,839
Libon 9 1,939,252
Jovellar 10 1,218,604
Santo Domingo 11 850,188
Camalig 12 -140,055
Tiwi 13 -8,536,041
Daraga 14 -16,172,278
Malilipot 15 -64,050,842

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