
Current Human Events & Stories

THROWBACK: Official Trailer BIRD OF PREY Philippine Eagle

This is a throwback post on the feature documentary about the Philippine Eagle. The much awarded and acclaimed film work about the rare and critically endangered Philippine Eagle was officially released less than a year ago. The feature documentary already shown outside the Philippines and gathered rave reviews and praises […]

Watch Pepper and Cooper Friendly Turtle Housemates

Meet our housemates, Pepper and Cooper, red-eared slider turtles. They will be twelve years old by August 2019, their birth month. The same number of years they have been with us. Already, they have outgrown their tank. These gentle big boys are both 7.5 inches already. Red-eared sliders generally live […]

Man receives new face after botched suicide attempt

When a peson suffers severe gunshot wound on the face, many would tend to believe either the victim will not survive. If he do, he will have a deformed face the rest of his life. The last statement was almost true. But only to be proven false with the wonders […]

Watch Persistent and Stubborn American Grasshopper

Yes, how does an American grasshopper behave, or better yet, reacts? This is my close encounter with a grasshopper. It was unplanned although a very positive opportunity. I should say, this lost insect is an American grasshopper, judging from its looks and features. Friends, welcome to Cbanga360 inMotion channel. This […]

Watch A Crow Springs A Surprise

I should bring always a camera with me, even on unplanned sorties. This I learned when I chanced upon one crow crossing my path. I long wanted to take a short video of the bird, but in our place sightings of this is a rare occasion. I have with me […]

Watch “Super Blue Blood Moon” captured on video

Three with the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. One in between the line of “sight” of the celestial bodies may cause an eclipse. The main celestial event last night was captured by our digital camera between 6PM and 7PM which is the source of the Youtube video on this […]

Behind “Free as the Birds” was a filming and learning experience

Free as the Birds was a filming and learning experience on our part. We are finally publishing here and posting on our Youtube channel the short assembly of video clips which otherwise were just saved on the (removable) hard drive for some time now. The footages were taken for the […]

Watch a close encounter with a squirrel in 4K

This is a first for our YouTube channel at posting video in 4K – “A Close Encounter with a Squirrel in 4K.” A chance encounter with this happy, inquisitive and quite reluctant star of our video proved productive. It all happened last week when we accompanied a fellow YouTuber at […]

The Backstory of “How Not To Kill A Bird” Video

The Story Behind “How Not To Kill A Bird” video. This was a footage taken from our “vault” and rediscovered we could share that some people somehow can relate. Hope you do, too. In one of our visit to a cousin and her family, we chanced upon this cute little […]

Pink pineapples for your fruit salad, anyone?

Do you love fruit salads? Are you fond of experimenting by adding colors on the mix to make it more fancy and attractive? Now that wait is almost over. Very soon, the food stalls and supermarkets in the US of A will get a fill of pineapple, not the yellow […]

Wow Netizens react to Jollibee valentine series with mixed emotions

As the Jolliibee Valentine marketing series invade the fancy of netizens and become viral, it also brought in various reactions. These reactions swarm into various social network sharing platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Down below we share selected reactions that range from funny and otherwise. A Youtube user posted […]

This NASA parody of a South Korean K-Pop song is timeless

The entertainment value of this NASA video is timeless. And it is not easy to beat even while already much dated. Of course it was a parody of a song and dance number made famous by musical artist Psy (Park Jae-sang) released on July 15, 2012 by South Korean labels […]

Caring friends offer sentimental farewell to a beloved animal

After her homecoming on March 11, 2016, she was listed as aged 65 with a temperament as slow, easy-going. She enjoys the company of both her kind and humans. She was described with tall, well-rounded back. long head, and round top. She also have large tail hairs and slight pigmentation […]

This is why salmons cross the road

Amazing how nature makes things possible. Watch how salmons cross a flooded road and against the direction of flood water just to reach its spawning destination. Salmons have been proven to almost always go back to their original place of “birth” to spawn and then die. The location is always […]

Watch live Bald Eagle hatch eggs in Florida

Want to watch live bald eagles hatch? You have come to the right site. Join us as we take watch using the Eagle cameras set up, courtesy of the SouthWest Florida Eagle Camera (SWFEC). The project was launched in October 2012, and since then it has got stories to tell […]

UAE’s Dubai move forward with driverless, autonomous car tests

United Arab Emirate’s Dubai is going forward with the testing of driverless vehicle in its streets. Where luxury cars are as ubiquitous as the landmarks of this middle eastern territory, the third testing deployment of autonomous car went ahead smoothly using an autonomous electric bus. The vehicle cruised on the […]

This kid is the fresh-faced endorser of money remittance

Have you seen the cutest and freshest endorser of a money remittance service lately? This kid is the fresh-faced endorser of money remittance without trying. And he is a total winner. He may well be the freshest face endorsing the remittance service as compared to the usual, casual and regular […]

Watch ants eat fresh baked apple pie

Up to what great lengths do people venture just for amusement or otherwise? On this episode, the YouTube maker perfectly wasted food for a lengthy episode of ants eating set with somehow ‘appropriate music.’ In some distant unknown corners of the world, people are just dreaming to take a bite […]

A 34-kilo pearl found off Palawan waters maybe worth $100-M

What do you do when you were entrusted with a huge pearl weighing 34 kilos and measures 2.2 feet in width and one foot long which could be the biggest in the world and a rare find? Before your answer, read our story first. City tourism officer of Puerto Princesa […]

These 3 PH islands made it to a New York magazine’s World’s Best list

In an annual survey conducted by New York-based Travel + Leisure magazine, readers were asked to rate destinations all over the world according to their activities, sights, natural attractions, beaches, food, friendliness and overall value. Results revealed that Palawan hurdled the top rank after receiving the highest score among readers […]

Watch awesome unique Marine Iguana forage algae at sea bottom

The appearance may instill some fear on the onlooker especially that the creature looks formidable and not so friendly. Here the photographer diver was able to document a rare marine iguana, huge enough to scare a grown up swimmer to ever approach. But perhaps the creature is hungry and its […]

Video: If a shark can talk, what story will it tell?

If sharks can talk, what stories will they tell? Will they talk of their wild adventures in the vast ocean, their domination over some of the species in their waterworld, the fear they instill among the smaller species, or the fear they instill on man? Are they the predators or […]

First McDonald’s outlet to offer horse meat burger opening soon

The newest McDonald’s restaurant outlet opening in March 8 will offer its client, possibly, a horse meat burger. The world famous food chain is opening its newest branch in Kazakhstan, the 120th country in its network, in the capital of Astana. The store will have a seating capacity good for […]

This artist creates artwork sans brush, ink and canvas

Прошлый сезон A photo posted by @semenbukharin on Nov 28, 2014 at 3:00am PST With neither brush, ink and canvas artist create artworks in the snow. With neither brush nor canvas for his artworks, this school groundskeeper create his paintings in the snow. Semyon Bukharin, a janitor in one of […]

10 Fun photos of Boracay you will help preserve its prestine beauty forever

It’s always fun in Boracay. The small island is a beach paradise. Tourists come and go. Beautiful memories are made. Can these 10 Instagram photos convince you to preserve the distinct beauty of the island forever? View this post on Instagram A post shared by Boracay (@boracay_island) View this post […]

Whale shark in Donsol communicates, leaves lasting message to tourists

[flexiblemap address=”Whale Shark Interaction Center, Donsol, Sorsogon, Bicol” region=”Bicol” directions=”true” width=”100%” height=”250px” zoom=”12″ ]. A tourist completed his day in good vibes while interacting with a whale shark (scientific name Rhincodon Typusin) at the Butanding capital of the world of Donsol, Sorsogon. The moment not only gave him a close-up […]

Can you believe these are proven 8 good sources of Vitamin D?

Health experts say that the need for vitamin D remain steady throughout most of life. Up to age 70 a person need 15 micrograms per day (MPD or µg), for those 71 and older the need increases to 20 MPD because of the increased threat of bone fractures. It is […]

Cosmetic products with these parabens are now illegal for selling in the country

Are you still using cosmetic products containing the ingredients of isobutylparaben and isopropylparaben? That is because after December 31, 2015, beauty enhancement and maintenance cosmetic products containing such ingredients are banned, prohibited from being sold or distributed in the country. Reports said that while the Philippine Food and Drugs Administration […]

This is the low down on your teeth whitening quest

Working on your teeth for a whiter, brighter smile? Well, here’s the lowdown on teeth whitening. Read this as one should be careful while using teeth whitening and bleaching products as they can cause permanent dental damage. Bleaching products can have multiple side effects such as damaging the dental enamel, […]

Are you ready for 10,000 character limit per tweet?

Are you ready for 10,000 character limit per tweet? Is this good news for twit addicts? The possibility of posting tweets up to 10,000 characters is in the neighborhood. According to well informed sources in the industry, Twitter may soon introduce the new feature which will allow users to send […]

Magical things that happen to tourists upon sight of Mayon Volcano

Have you seen Mt. Mayon or Mayon volcano almost upclose? With its towering height of 8,077 feet (2,462 meters), the almost perfect-coned mountain is the main tourist attraction of the province of Albay and one of Bicol regions’ natural wonder. If you have not been to the province all your […]

10 Tables for ‘Noche Buena’ Pinoy Style on eve of New Year

Ten tables for ‘Noche Buena’ Pinoy style on eve of New Year with ‘fiesta’ atmosphere. An inviting array of ten tables set by Filipino families just for that awaited eve before New Year. And when the clock strikes 12 midninght, the real star of the show are the food waiting […]

Our only wish: A blessed, productive New Year to all of us!

These are the New year tweets of national candidates for the New Year 2016. Senator Grace Poe, still her thougths about her candidacy: Happy New Year! Thank you for helping us reach 1M likes on FB https://t.co/ToED0jpLfn RT #POE2016 pic.twitter.com/E4xm1HeUyl — GRACE POE (@SenGracePOE) December 31, 2015 At last, vice-president […]

This robot is seen to enter the workforce in the future

This robot is seen to enter the workforce in the future. There now exist a robot that is most-human-like, reports Ruptly online. It is powered by software similar to Apple’s Siri. The robot was developed by scientists of the Nanyang technological University in Singapore. It is named Nadine after Professor […]

Vatican publishes mashup video of Pope Francis’ 2015 activities

Vatican publishes mashup video of Pope Francis’ 2015 activities. Vatican publishes this mashup video about Pope Francis – A Year with Pope Francis 2015. It is somewhat a year end report. Some of the most important activities of the Holy Father, including his Apostolic visit of Sri Lanka, the Philippines, […]

Hashtag of Pinoy tweets dominate year end of social network ecosystem

Hashtag of Pinoy tweets dominate year end of social network ecosystem. These Twitter hash tags are viral in Philippine trends, the social network ecosystem will close the year 2015 shrieking and opens a new year shrieking. What can you expect? So we randomly take a pick of a sample each, […]

You won’t believe what this Barnowl had been through lately

You won’t believe what this Barnowl had been through, lately. The bird, a Barnowl, was rescued by ‪‎WildlifeSOS‬ Rapid Response Unit recently from Agra, India. The owl was found choking with a thread in its throat. After repeated xrays, it was found that the animal had ingested something wrapped in […]

Social media a-buzz on Jose Rizal’s day of martyrdom

Social media a-buzz on Jose Rizal’s day of martyrdom If José Protasio Mercado Rizal y Alonso Realonda or popularly known as José Rizal (June 19, 1861 – December 30, 1896) is alive today, he will be a social media celebrity. In fact, he is trending in Twitter now. Today. marks […]

Can you do this? Kid turns head 360 degrees!

Can you do this? Like turn your head 360 degrees, but of course with a little help from big brother’s hand head grip. via GIPHY Those who have seen the video doubted it was done with the help of good video edit and the works. Even if this kid can […]

Wow, Metro Manila can fit into Davao City four times

We know for a fact that the biggest city in the Philippines in terms of land area is Davao, in Davao region down south in Mindanao. It has a land area of 2,443.61 square kilometers with 1,449,296 population. We also know that the biggest, contiguous urban center in the country […]

Move over Marty McFly, a hoverboard for $20K is coming

Some dreamers can’t get enough of Marty McFly’s hoverboard. The dream to build one continues. Now, there is one prototype the world has finally come closer to inventing a somewhat flying “board” capable of lifting a person above any type of ground and transporting them over “distances.” Arca Space’s hoverboard […]

Amitabh the blind bear rings bell for Christmas

Amitabh, the blind bear, rings the bell in time for the holiday season. Of course, more than ready to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. The handicapped animal lives in an enclosure at the Abra Bear Rescue Facility. The program is part of the Wildlife SOS advocacy project with main […]

Ginger is a lingering joy by simply being around

For sometime now, Ginger has appeared in various instances on this site. Ginger is the apple of our eyes for quite four years now. Considered as a little princess in the household, she is a lingering source of joy by simply being around. Adopted in September 2011, she perfectly adjusted […]

Megamouth shark from Burias pass preserved for public viewing

Megamouth shark found in Burias pass preserved for public viewing LEGAZPI CITY, Feb. 14 — A dead fifteen-footer male megamouth shark (Megachasma Pelagios) named “Totthless” was fished in Burias Pass by Albay fishermen early in the week. The huge fish underwent a necropsy or autopsy in Albay Park and Wildlife […]

Why instant noodles is far from healthy food

Instant noodles has become permanent item in the food packs distributed by the government agencies, NGO’s and humanitarian groups to indigents and victims of calamities in the country. Coming out in different variety, brand name, flavor and appearance, instant noodles are really handy and easy to prepare. A compacted small […]

Ginger selects winning team for 2014 FIFA World Cup

Just for the fun of it, we made Ginger select randomly the team to covet the 2014 FIFA World Cup, between Germany and Argentina. She picked Argentina. But wait, during the match between Netherlands and Brazil, she picked Brazil, which we know now lost 2-0. On the match between Japan […]

Magtang barangay officials of Tinambac town butchers giant leatherback sea turtle

Previously featured here were news items about a giant leatherback sea turtle which laid eggs at Legazpi coastlines and local government agency urges non-disturbance of turtles released by Saipan. Both items lean more on conservation and preservation of the critically endangered specie, which according to the International Union for the […]

Where is the “Real” North Pole, check this out

Where is the “Real” North Pole, check this out. Quite interesting the information being discussed on this informative video. In fact to many, this will be an eye opener er mindful knowledge, we can say. So, where is the real North Pole? And what about the South Pole.

Have Dog, Will Bite

For the past five years or so, the text messages I usually receive from my sister or brothers in the province are simple updates about the family. Then I would call them on the phone to get more detailed information. And to hear their live and animated voices. I feel […]

How to Kill a Bird

On Wednesday, I went early to the market if only to avoid the rush and hustle as many people surely will be a crowd too many, buying and selling food stuff.

What's Recommended

This artist creates artwork sans brush, ink and canvas

Прошлый сезон A photo posted by @semenbukharin on Nov 28, 2014 at 3:00am PST With neither brush, ink and canvas artist create artworks in the snow. With neither brush nor canvas for his artworks, this school groundskeeper create his paintings in the snow. Semyon Bukharin, a janitor in one of […]

Watch A Crow Springs A Surprise

I should bring always a camera with me, even on unplanned sorties. This I learned when I chanced upon one crow crossing my path. I long wanted to take a short video of the bird, but in our place sightings of this is a rare occasion. I have with me […]

Amitabh the blind bear rings bell for Christmas

Amitabh, the blind bear, rings the bell in time for the holiday season. Of course, more than ready to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. The handicapped animal lives in an enclosure at the Abra Bear Rescue Facility. The program is part of the Wildlife SOS advocacy project with main […]

Ginger selects winning team for 2014 FIFA World Cup

Just for the fun of it, we made Ginger select randomly the team to covet the 2014 FIFA World Cup, between Germany and Argentina. She picked Argentina. But wait, during the match between Netherlands and Brazil, she picked Brazil, which we know now lost 2-0. On the match between Japan […]

Watch Pepper and Cooper Friendly Turtle Housemates

Meet our housemates, Pepper and Cooper, red-eared slider turtles. They will be twelve years old by August 2019, their birth month. The same number of years they have been with us. Already, they have outgrown their tank. These gentle big boys are both 7.5 inches already. Red-eared sliders generally live […]

Watch “Super Blue Blood Moon” captured on video

Three with the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. One in between the line of “sight” of the celestial bodies may cause an eclipse. The main celestial event last night was captured by our digital camera between 6PM and 7PM which is the source of the Youtube video on this […]

First McDonald’s outlet to offer horse meat burger opening soon

The newest McDonald’s restaurant outlet opening in March 8 will offer its client, possibly, a horse meat burger. The world famous food chain is opening its newest branch in Kazakhstan, the 120th country in its network, in the capital of Astana. The store will have a seating capacity good for […]

Ginger is a lingering joy by simply being around

For sometime now, Ginger has appeared in various instances on this site. Ginger is the apple of our eyes for quite four years now. Considered as a little princess in the household, she is a lingering source of joy by simply being around. Adopted in September 2011, she perfectly adjusted […]

Watch ants eat fresh baked apple pie

Up to what great lengths do people venture just for amusement or otherwise? On this episode, the YouTube maker perfectly wasted food for a lengthy episode of ants eating set with somehow ‘appropriate music.’ In some distant unknown corners of the world, people are just dreaming to take a bite […]

A 34-kilo pearl found off Palawan waters maybe worth $100-M

What do you do when you were entrusted with a huge pearl weighing 34 kilos and measures 2.2 feet in width and one foot long which could be the biggest in the world and a rare find? Before your answer, read our story first. City tourism officer of Puerto Princesa […]

Megamouth shark from Burias pass preserved for public viewing

Megamouth shark found in Burias pass preserved for public viewing LEGAZPI CITY, Feb. 14 — A dead fifteen-footer male megamouth shark (Megachasma Pelagios) named “Totthless” was fished in Burias Pass by Albay fishermen early in the week. The huge fish underwent a necropsy or autopsy in Albay Park and Wildlife […]

Can you do this? Kid turns head 360 degrees!

Can you do this? Like turn your head 360 degrees, but of course with a little help from big brother’s hand head grip. via GIPHY Those who have seen the video doubted it was done with the help of good video edit and the works. Even if this kid can […]

What's Throwback

This artist creates artwork sans brush, ink and canvas

Прошлый сезон A photo posted by @semenbukharin on Nov 28, 2014 at 3:00am PST With neither brush, ink and canvas artist create artworks in the snow. With neither brush nor canvas for his artworks, this school groundskeeper create his paintings in the snow. Semyon Bukharin, a janitor in one of […]

10 Tables for ‘Noche Buena’ Pinoy Style on eve of New Year

Ten tables for ‘Noche Buena’ Pinoy style on eve of New Year with ‘fiesta’ atmosphere. An inviting array of ten tables set by Filipino families just for that awaited eve before New Year. And when the clock strikes 12 midninght, the real star of the show are the food waiting […]

Behind “Free as the Birds” was a filming and learning experience

Free as the Birds was a filming and learning experience on our part. We are finally publishing here and posting on our Youtube channel the short assembly of video clips which otherwise were just saved on the (removable) hard drive for some time now. The footages were taken for the […]

Where is the “Real” North Pole, check this out

Where is the “Real” North Pole, check this out. Quite interesting the information being discussed on this informative video. In fact to many, this will be an eye opener er mindful knowledge, we can say. So, where is the real North Pole? And what about the South Pole.

Amitabh the blind bear rings bell for Christmas

Amitabh, the blind bear, rings the bell in time for the holiday season. Of course, more than ready to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. The handicapped animal lives in an enclosure at the Abra Bear Rescue Facility. The program is part of the Wildlife SOS advocacy project with main […]

Watch ants eat fresh baked apple pie

Up to what great lengths do people venture just for amusement or otherwise? On this episode, the YouTube maker perfectly wasted food for a lengthy episode of ants eating set with somehow ‘appropriate music.’ In some distant unknown corners of the world, people are just dreaming to take a bite […]