How CamSur Towns Fared On Their Annual Budget

The Philippine currency.

We just got hold of information about income and expenditures of towns, cities and provinces. The presentation is so overwhelming with all those numbers vying for attention to be read and analyzed, it is mind-boggling.

So this post begins a series related to that, and we will try to make the most logical presentation with analysis and comparison to better understand the data.

As we continue the series, watch how the numbers rise and fall and the towns go up or down the ranking. On this maiden post, we cover the year 2001.

The 2001 facts and figures- Income and Expense: Of the towns in Camarines Sur, ten earned lower than P20 million, starting from the bottom of the list: (1) Gainza P10,315,124 (2) Bombon P13,476,281 (3) Camaligan P14,848,850 (4)

Siruma P16,481,903 95) Cabusao P16,532,592 (5) Magarao P17,098,502 (6) Presentacion P17,244,678 (7) Milaor P17,675,655 (8) San Fernando P18,347,173 and P19,733,666 for (10) Balatan.

Eleven Ten towns with income beyond P35 million: (1) Pili, P49,967,576 (2) Nabua, P46,239,805 (3) Calabanga, P44,659,532 (4) Ragay, P44,535,892 (5) Buhi, P42,140,020 (6)

Sipocot, P40,241,500. (7) Libmanan, P39,188,170 (8) Tinambac, P38,176,804 (9) Lagonoy, P36,424,879 (10) Goa, P35,882,525 and P35,551,527 for (11) Bula.

The same eleven towns earlier mentioned went ahead appropriating income received on various expenditures: (1) Pili, P50,927,256.00; (2) Calabanga, P44,534,739.00; (3) Nabua, P42,812,003 (4) Sipocot, P41,345,000 (5) Ragay, P40,112,065

(6) Libmanan, P39,498,205 (7) Buhi, P39,393,176 (8) Lagonoy, 39,970,569 (9) Tinambac, P36,816,174 9 (10) Goa, P33,928,870 and P32,848,473 for (11) Bula.

Ten towns spent more than what they earned that resulted in a fiscal year of deficit: (1) San Fernando, -P6,009,315 (2) Milaor, -P2,257,846 (3) Presentacion -P1,876,363 (4) Sipocot, -P1,103,500

(5) Pili, -P959,680 (6) Balatan, -P724,288 (7) Lagonoy, -P545,690 (8) Baao, -P482,135 (9) Libmanan -P310,034 and -P271,605 (10) Ocampo.

Twelve towns were good on fiscal management that it saved over P2 million in 2001. (1) Tigaon, P20,116,984 (2) Ragay, P4,423,827 (3) Nabua, P3,427,802 (4) Garchitorena, P2,949,225 (5) Caramoan P2,845,242

(6) Minalabac P2,767,979 (7) Buhi, P2,746,844 (8) Bula, P2,703,054 (9) Pasacao, P2,638,011 (10) Siruma, P2,168,190 (11) Bombon, P2,128,687, and P2,044,556 for Bato. About P124,793 was saved by the town of Calabanga.

Real Property Tax Income. Twenty towns collected over half million of pesos from real property tax: (1) Pili, P2,669,348 (2) Calabanga, (2) 1,318,633 (3) Bula, P1,182,830 (4) Libmanan, P1,135,237 (5) Ragay, P1,081,789

(6) Goa, P1,070,944 (7) Sipocot, P1,061,000 (8) Milaor, P976,200 (9) Canaman P928,995 (10) Nabua, P803,410 (11) Buhi, P749,744 (12) Baao, P636,383 (13) Del Gallego, P632,699

(14) San Jose, P624,830 (15) Lupi, P594,410 (16) Pasacao, P582,651 (17) Pamplona, P 560,996 (18) Minalabac, P559,455 (19) Tigaon ,P550,197 and P511,023 for (20) Lagonoy.

Business Tax. Ten towns derived income of over half milliom of pesos from business tax. (1) Pili, 4,982,557 (2) Goa, P2,416,854 (3) Nabua, P1,201,935 (4) Sipocot, P1,196,000 (5) Pasacao, P1,019,073 (6) Tigaon, P847,244 (7) Calabanga, P807,508 (8) Baao, P 636,842 (9) Caramoan, P636,842 and P603,550 for (10) Libmanan.

Income from non-tax revenues which include regulatory fees, service and usage charges, receipts from economic enterprise, toll fees and other receipts.

Ten towns earned over a million pesos that include: (1) Pili, P5,001,303 (2) Nabua, P3,288,108 (3) Pasacao, P2,776,946 (4) Calabanga, P2,768,425 (5) Goa, P2,630,338 (6) Libmanan, P2,450,110 (7) Sipocot, P2,361,500

(8) Baao P2,361,500 (9) Ragay, P2,034,355 (10) Minalabac, P1,393,065 (11) Buhi, P1,281,153 (12) Tinambac, P1,209,435 and P1,105,679 for (13) Balatan.

Ten towns received more than P30 million internal revenue allotment. (1) Nabua, P40,190,487 (2) Buhi, P39,387,523 (3) Calabanga, P38,870,293 (4) Ragay, P36,470,933

(5) Pili, P36,470,933 (6) Tinambac, P35,313,369 (7) Sipocot, P35,286,000 (8) Libmanan, P34,999,274 (9) Lagonoy, P34,978,332 and P33,120,195 for (10) Bula.

Expenditure on education, culture and sports and mannpower development with nine towns allotted beyond P500 thousand for this.

(1) Pili, P1,716,763 (2) Baao, P1,716,763 (3) Nabua, P1,225,978 (4) Lagonoy, 1,139,019 (5) Lupi, P670,960 (6) Calabanga, P669,441 (7) Sipocot, P69,000 (8) Tinambac, P610,659 and P533,467 (9) Canaman.

Thirteen towns spent over P3.5 million for health, nutrition and population control programs. (1) Nabua, P7,350,210 (2) Calabanga, P6,955,342 (3) Sipocot, P 6,581,000 (4) Libmanan, P5,666,117 (5) Lagonoy, P5,588,334

(6) Pili P5,359,818 (7) Tinambac, P4,866,695 (8) Buhi, P4,557,936 (9) Lupi, P3,820,514 (10) Bula, P3,781,752 (11) Pasacao, P3,717,702 (12) Ocampo, P3.687,801 and P3,531,273 for (13) Bato.

Fifteen towns spent more than P15 million for general public services. (1) Pili, P36,081,600 (2) Lagonoy, P25,938,567 (3) Libmanan, P23,045,679 (4) Tinambac, P22,171,456 (5) Nabua, P21,705,809 (6) Calabanga, P20,653,503

(7) Sipocot, 19,829,000 (8) Baao, P18,349,327 (9) Buhi, P18,106,601 (10) Balatan, P16,126,932 (11) Minalabac, P15,633,518 (12) Bula, P15,603,506 (13) Milaor, P15,476,050 (14) Lupi, P15,094,106 and P15,028,333 for (15) Pasacao.

Nine towns spent beyond P1.5 million for social security, social services and welfare. (1) Ragay, P12,401,919 (2) Goa, P12,291,331 (3) Sangay, P6,760,383 (4) Presentacion, P4,919,477

(5) Caramoan, P4,804,535 (6) Pamplona, P2,492,609 (7) Siruma, P2,329,971 (8) Calabanga, P1,845,661 and P1,542,933 for (9) Nabua.

Ten towns spent beyond P5 million for economic services. (1) Buhi, 14,790,204 (2) Ragay, P11,261,705 (3) Calabanga, P11,062,978 (4) Nabua, P10,987,073 (5) Sipocot, P10,872,000

(6) Libmanan, P9,236,163 (7) Tinambac, P7,302,476 (8) Goa, P6,533,423 (9) Ocampo, P6,480,583 (10) Pili, P6,388,783 (11) San Fernando, P6,048,938 and P5,993,899 (12) Baao.

Having laid out the initial information here, it is also the responsibility of every constituent of the towns to keep vigilance and get involved at monitoring the performance of municipal officials.

We have to get the assurance that the people’s tax money is really spent well and good and do not end up on someone’s pocket. Let the tax money work for the people.

(This is first part of the series on Bicol towns, cities and provinces annual income that Cbanga360(dot)Net will run as a series. To be continued.)

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