A Front Seat View of Volcano

front seat view mayon
The iconic almost perfect coned Volcano of Mt. Mayon becomes mythical and enthralling with this front row seat view.

In our recent trip to Albay province, we passed by the iconic Mayon volcano.

Thanks to the by-pass or diversion road that sliced through a good part of the town of Camalig, affording us a longer and front seat view of the most active volcano of the Philippines.

The thoroughfare though is not into the accepted grade in terms of road construction as pointed out by knowledgeable engineers and is wanting of a safety feature.

One rainy afternoon passing by the diversion road confirmed that. A good stretch of the road collected puddles of water that splashed in front of the car windshield blocking totally and blinding the driver’s view. So far, road accidents like cars crashing into the rear end of another had been noted because of the defect.

So that when there is heavy downpour, it is best to drive very slowly and carfeul manner to avoid car crash or multiple car crashes.

This video becomes part of the collection archived in the Experience Bicol 2.0 series of our Youtube channel.

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