Camarines Sur Towns Earn More in 2002

Hard earned money.

We go deeper looking at previous years’ facts and figures of how the thirty five towns of Camarines Sur allocated for expenditure the earned income.

This second post covers the year of 2002. Check out how towns, big and small, tumbled down in their rankings as others managed to stay on the top earning money and spending less. It is interesting to note how municipalities “played” with numbers in allocating tax money.

The 2002 facts and figures- Income and Expense. Now we see changes in the ranking of towns in terms of income. Twelve towns earned more than P35M. Libmanan topped the list dislodging capital town Pili to number 2.

Tinambac jumped to 3rd from number 8th bringing down Calabanga to number 4. Buhi (5th) and Sipocot (6th) maintained their ranks. Ragay and Lagonoy exchanged ranks while Bula went up to number ten from 14th. Here’s the table for that:

Rank 2002 Municipality Total Income Rank 2001 Municipality Total Income
1 Libmanan 68,258,490 7 Libmanan 39,188,170
2 Pili 59,602,437 1 Pili 49,967,576
3 Tinambac 53,099,171 8 Tinambac 38,176,804
4 Calabanga 52,220,168 3 Calabanga 44,659,532
5 Buhi 51,153,000 5 Buhi 42,140,020
6 Sipocot 49,387,000 6 Sipocot 40,241,500
7 Ragay 47,460,649 4 Ragay 44,535,892
8 Lagonoy 43,244,227 9 Lagonoy 36,424,879
9 Bula 42,938,606 11 Bula 35,551,527
10 Baao 37,514,000 14 Baao 29,809,024
11 Caramoan 37,344,127 12 Caramoan 31,045,547
12 Pasacao 35,595,030 13 Pasacao 30,541,82

The bottom ten earning towns: Gainza reamained the lowest on 35th, followed by Bombon, Siruma and Cabusao. Canaman went down from 23rd to 31st. Camaligan went up to 30th from the 2001 rank of 33rd. Balatan went to 29th from the previous 2001 rank of 26th.

Pamplona went down 4 ranks lower to 28th. Magarao went up three ranks higher to number 27 as Sangay went down to number 26th from its 2001 income ranking of 22nd. Here’s the table:

Rank 2002 Municipality Total Income Rank 2001 Municipality Total Income
26 Sagnay 21,385,779 22 Sagnay 21,385,779
27 Magarao 21,162,525 30 Magarao 17,098,502
28 Pamplona 20,497,353 24 Pamplona 20,497,353
29 Balatan 18,222,804 26 Balatan 19,733,666
30 Camaligan 17,497,337 33 Camaligan 14,848,850
31 Canaman 16,717,306 23 Canaman 20,654,029
32 Cabusao 16,532,592 31 Cabusao 16,532,592
33 Siruma 16,481,903 32 Siruma 16,481,903
34 Bombon 16,228,765 34 Bombon 13,476,281
35 Gainza 10,315,124 35 Gainza 10,315,124

Here’s the table for the year 2002 total expenditures side by side with the 2001. Check out how towns exchanged places and went ahead spending tax money for that year.

Rank 2002 Municipality Total Expenditures Rank 2001 Municipality Total Expenditures
1 Libmanan 65,342,347 1 Pili 50,927,256
2 Pili 55,843,688 2 Calabanga 44,534,739
3 Calabanga 52,187,837 3 Nabua 42,812,003
4 Tinambac 45,183,823 4 Sipocot 41,345,000
5 Buhi 43,063,000 5 Ragay 40,112,065
6 Sipocot 42,999,000 6 Libmanan 39,498,205
7 Ragay 42,607,029 7 Buhi 39,393,176
8 Lagonoy 39,101,106 8 Lagonoy 36,970,569
9 Baao 34,365,000 9 Tinambac 36,816,174
10 Bula 33,532,732 10 Goa 33,928,870


For 2002, no town incurred budgetary deficit unlike on the 2001st budget. Calabanga hit rock bottom on the 35th place having saved only P32,331.

Tigaon remained prudent in its budgetary allocations at the end of the year, it saved P20,353,567 almost identical of its savings in 2001, maintaining its rank as number 1. Check out the ranking on this table:

Rank 2002 Municipality Excess (deficit) of Income over Expenditures Rank 2001 Municipality Excess (deficit) of Income over Expenditures
1 Tigaon 20,353,567 1 Tigaon 20,116,964
2 Bula 9,405,874 2 Ragay 4,423,827
3 Buhi 8,090,000 3 Nabua 3,427,802
4 Tinambac 7,915,348 4 Garchitorena 2,949,225
5 Milaor 7,408,033 5 Caramoan 2,845,242
6 Del Gallego 6,843,735 6 Minalabac 2,767,979
7 Sipocot 6,388,000 7 Buhi 2,746,844
8 Nabua 5,597,638 8 Bula 2,703,054
9 Minalabac 5,461,431 9 Pasacao 2,638,011
10 Ragay 4,853,619 10 Siruma 2,168,190


The municipalities’ property tax collection shaked the 2001 ranking but Pili remained glued to number 1. Calabanga went down from number 2 to number 5. New towns joined the top rank while others were toppled.

Rank 2002 Municipality Real Property Tax Rank 2001 Municipality Real Property Tax
1 Pili 3,221,704 1 Pili 2,669,348
2 Minalabac 1,608,527 2 Calabanga 1,318,633
3 Baao 1,505,000 3 Bula 1,182,830
4 Bula 1,424,480 4 Libmanan 1,135,237
5 Calabanga 1,403,863 5 Ragay 1,081,789
6 Sipocot 1,353,000 6 Goa 1,070,944
7 Libmanan 1,203,263 7 Sipocot 1,061,000
8 Milaor 1,127,110 8 Milaor 976,200
9 Ragay 1,080,866 9 Canaman 928,995
10 Pasacao 937,538 10 Nabua 803,410


Here is the table for towns on the bottom ten ranking:

Rank 2002 Municipality Real Property Tax Rank 2001 Municipality Real Property Tax
26 San Fernando 477,574 26 San Fernando 282,721
27 Camaligan 439,128 27 Bombon 220,519
28 Garchitorena 386,588 28 Caramoan 170,516
29 Bato* 293,291 29 Garchitorena 160,044
30 Balatan 126,171 30 Sagnay 121,464
31 Sagnay 121,464 31 Cabusao 112,662
32 Cabusao 112,662 32 Balatan 109,360
33 Siruma 82,247 33 Siruma 82,247
34 Presentacion 77,534 34 Gainza 58,267
35 Gainza 58,267 35 Presentacion 51,070


The 2002 campaign for business tax collection highlighted the strong performance of Pili maintaining 1st on 2001 and 2002, as with Goa on the 2nd spot, also on both years.

Calabanga went up higher from rank 7 to the 5th. Baao went down from 8th to 10th.

Rank 2002 Municipality Business Tax Rank 2001 Municipality Business Tax
1 Pili 5,258,010 1 Pili 4,982,557
2 Goa 1,627,109 2 Goa 2,416,854
3 Sipocot 1,376,000 3 Nabua 1,201,935
4 Tigaon 1,320,676 4 Sipocot 1,196,000
5 Calabanga 1,059,753 5 Pasacao 1,019,073
6 Pasacao 1,050,804 6 Tigaon 847,244
7 Nabua 908,917 7 Calabanga 807,508
8 Milaor 863,766 8 Baao 721,036
9 Libmanan 803,334 9 Caramoan 636,842
10 Baao 618,000 10 Libmanan 603,55


Here’s the bottom ten:

Rank 2002 Municipality Business Tax Rank 2001 Municipality Business Tax
26 Siruma 170,581 26 Camaligan 166,479
27 Canaman 162,105 27 Bato 136,010
28 Ocampo 150,024 28 Ocampo 135,448
29 Bato* 136,010 29 Lagonoy 123,167
30 San Fernando 125,500 30 San Fernando 119,770
31 Sagnay 117,480 31 Sagnay 117,480
32 Presentacion 54,424 32 Presentacion 75,135
33 Bombon 54,283 33 Garchitorena 63,774
34 Garchitorena 41,838 34 Bombon 25,435
35 Gainza 23,513 35 Gainza 23,513


The 2010 total non-tax revenue collection makes Pili the number one  both years. Calabanga went up higher from rank 4 to number 2. Libmanan went up from 6th to 4rth place as with Sipocot from 7th to 6th.

Goa went down from 5th to 9th so with Ragay from 9th to 10th place. Minalabac was dislodged from the 10th place with the ascension of new player Tinambac to third from obscurity. Interesting to study the table here:

Rank 2002 Municipality Total Non-Tax Revenue Rank 2001 Municipality Total Non-Tax Revenue
1 Pili 5,890,499 1 Pili 5,001,303
2 Calabanga 3,918,631 2 Nabua 3,288,108
3 Tinambac 2,800,514 3 Pasacao 2,776,946
4 Libmanan 2,601,734 4 Calabanga 2,768,425
5 Pasacao 2,556,046 5 Goa 2,630,338
6 Sipocot 2,289,000 6 Libmanan 2,450,110
7 Baao 2,159,000 7 Sipocot 2,361,500
8 Nabua 2,143,318 8 Baao 2,112,805
9 Goa 1,767,861 9 Ragay 2,034,355
10 Ragay 1,745,094 10 Minalabac 1,393,065


And here’s the table for bottom ten.

Rank 2002 Municipality Total Non-Tax Revenue Rank 2001 Municipality Total Non-Tax Revenue
26 Caramoan 432,523 26 Caramoan 487,304
27 Siruma 405,961 27 San Jose 479,452
28 San Jose 388,000 28 Camaligan 408,294
29 Lupi 384,034 29 Siruma 405,961
30 Magarao 333,422 30 Bombon 368,444
31 Bombon 315,814 31 Magarao 336,032
32 Garchitorena 200,636 32 Sagnay 163,502
33 Sagnay 163,502 33 Gainza 134,693
34 Presentacion 162,982 34 Garchitorena 106,739
35 Gainza 134,693 35 Presentacion 95,000

. Internal Revenue Allotment. Libmanan received the most now ranked from number 8th to number 1. Calabanga received P45,108,325 and ranked 4rth from the previous 3rd.

Newcomer Caramoan hit 10th following Bula on the 9th which used to be the 10th place. Pili maintained the rank in 5th. Here’s the table for that:

Rank 2002 Municipality Internal Revenue Allotment Rank 2001 Municipality Internal Revenue Allotment
1 Libmanan 63,366,645 1 Nabua 40,190,487
2 Buhi 48,000,000 2 Buhi 39,387,523
3 Tinambac 47,390,280 3 Calabanga 38,870,293
4 Calabanga 45,108,325 4 Ragay 36,730,293
5 Pili 44,437,683 5 Pili 36,470,933
6 Ragay 44,118,669 6 Tinambac 35,313,369
7 Sipocot 43,911,000 7 Sipocot 35,286,000
8 Lagonoy 41,421,105 8 Libmanan 34,999,274
9 Bula 40,412,680 9 Lagonoy 34,978,332
10 Caramoan 35,901,492 10 Bula 33,120,195


Also, the ten towns with the lowest IRA, here:

Rank 2002 Municipality Internal Revenue Allotment Rank 2001 Municipality Internal Revenue Allotment
26 Magarao 19,635,058 26 Balatan 18,170,011
27 Goa 19,246,732 27 San Fernando 17,358,683
28 Pamplona 19,164,811 28 Presentacion 17,023,473
29 Balatan 16,482,400 29 Siruma 15,787,990
30 Camaligan 16,174,579 30 Magarao 15,747,626
31 Siruma 15,787,990 31 Milaor 15,225,612
32 Cabusao 15,161,797 32 Cabusao 15,161,797
33 Bombon 15,099,273 33 Camaligan 13,818,058
34 Canaman 15,098,226 34 Bombon 12,816,763
35 Gainza 10,098,651 35 Gainza 10,098,651


Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development: Ten towns allocated over and above P450k for education, culture and sports and manpower development. Pili maintained its rank in number 1.

Calabanga allocated more which ranked 5th from its former 6th place in 2001. Newcomer Goa hit the cut-off list in number 10. Tinambac, Milaor and Canaman, among others, faded away.

Rank 2002 Municipality Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development Rank 2001 Municipality Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development
1 Pili 1,623,316 1 Pili 1,716,763
2 Lagonoy 1,343,761 2 Baao 1,569,384
3 Lupi 1,040,480 3 Nabua 1,225,978
4 Sipocot 980,000 4 Lagonoy 1,139,019
5 Calabanga 891,351 5 Lupi 670,960
6 Ragay 696,251 6 Calabanga 669,441
7 Minalabac 507,943 7 Sipocot 669,000
8 San Fernando 498,789 8 Tinambac 610,659
9 San Jose 498,000 9 Canaman 533,467
10 Goa 450,378 10 Milaor 467,972


Ten towns which give less or no allocation at all, are here:

Rank 2002 Municipality Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development Rank 2001 Municipality Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development
26 Garchitorena 46,415 26 Balatan 8,000
27 Tinambac 36,265 27 Ragay 0
28 Balatan 25,000 28 Goa 0
29 Bato 17,625 29 Pamplona 0
30 Bombon 0 30 Caramoan 0
31 Pamplona 0 31 Garchitorena 0
32 Sagnay 0 32 Sagnay 0
33 Siruma 0 33 Siruma 0
34 Presentacion 0 34 Gainza 0
35 Gainza 0 35 Presentacion 0


General Public Services. For generel public services, Pili, again, hit the top list on both years. Calabanga rose from 6th to 5th with slight increase in its allocation, though.

Rank 2002 Municipality General Public Services Rank 2001 Municipality General Public Services
1 Pili 47,607,429 1 Pili 36,081,600
2 Libmanan 46,048,904 2 Lagonoy 25,938,567
3 Tinambac 30,471,504 3 Libmanan 23,045,679
4 Lagonoy 26,465,954 4 Tinambac 22,171,456
5 Calabanga 22,856,952 5 Nabua 21,705,809
6 Sipocot 20,874,000 6 Calabanga 20,653,503
7 Caramoan 19,846,884 7 Sipocot 19,829,000
8 Baao 18,845,000 8 Baao 18,349,327
9 Buhi 18,087,000 9 Buhi 18,106,601
10 Lupi 18,038,502 10 Balatan 16,126,932


Here’s the bottom ten:

Rank 2002 Municipality General Public Services Rank 2001 Municipality General Public Services
26 Sagnay 10,559,997 26 Ragay 11,118,933
27 Pamplona 10,513,990 27 Siruma 10,613,574
28 Nabua 10,240,273 28 Sagnay 10,559,997
29 Milaor 9,519,270 29 Pamplona 10,513,990
30 Camaligan 9,175,260 30 Cabusao 8,932,478
31 Cabusao 8,932,478 31 Presentacion 8,745,689
32 Canaman 7,722,005 32 Camaligan 8,426,928
33 Bombon 6,919,484 33 Bombon 7,636,161
34 Tigaon 6,730,657 34 Gainza 5,615,794
35 Gainza 5,615,794 35 Tigaon 3,206,435


Health, Nutrition & Population Control. For Health, Nutrition and Population, Calabanga topped the ranking by allocating P7,274,564, and rose one rank higher from number 2. Review the ranking on this table:

Rank 2002 Municipality Health, Nutrition & Population Control Rank 2001 Municipality Health, Nutrition & Population Control
1 Calabanga 7,274,564 1 Nabua 7,350,210
2 Sipocot 6,857,000 2 Calabanga 6,955,342
3 Lagonoy 6,253,617 3 Sipocot 6,581,000
4 Ragay 5,597,043 4 Libmanan 5,666,117
5 Tinambac 5,121,315 5 Lagonoy 5,588,334
6 Pili 5,070,202 6 Pili 5,359,818
7 Buhi 4,951,000 7 Tinambac 4,866,695
8 Pasacao 4,200,630 8 Buhi 4,557,936
9 Caramoan 4,171,361 9 Lupi 3,820,514
10 Minalabac 3,715,218 10 Bula 3,781,752


The bottom ten:

Rank 2002 Municipality Health, Nutrition & Population Control Rank 2001 Municipality Health, Nutrition & Population Control
26 Milaor 1,110,231 26 Tigaon 764,654
27 Tigaon 1,050,573 27 Ragay 0
28 San Fernando 106,081 28 Goa 0
29 Balatan 50,000 29 Milaor 0
30 Bula 0 30 Pamplona 0
31 Libmanan 0 31 Caramoan 0
32 Pamplona 0 32 Sagnay 0
33 Sagnay 0 33 Siruma 0
34 Siruma 0 34 Gainza 0
35 Gainza 0 35 Presentacion 0


Social Security /Social Services & Welfare. Calabanga allocated P7,327,620 to rank 1st in 2002 from the previous 8th place in 2001.

Rank 2002 Municipality Social Security /Social Services & Welfare Rank 2001 Municipality Social Security /Social Services & Welfare
1 Calabanga 7,327,620 1 Ragay 12,401,919
2 Sagnay 6,760,383 2 Goa 12,291,331
3 Baao 3,542,000 3 Sagnay 6,760,383
4 Pamplona 2,492,609 4 Presentacion 4,919,477
5 Siruma 2,329,971 5 Caramoan 4,804,535
6 Buhi 1,970,000 6 Pamplona 2,492,609
7 Pili 1,531,830 7 Siruma 2,329,971
8 Ocampo 1,362,439 8 Calabanga 1,845,661
9 Magarao 1,358,430 9 Nabua 1,542,933
10 Sipocot 1,327,000 10 Buhi 1,478,251


The table below should give an idea which towns allocated less or nothing.

Rank 2002 Municipality Social Security /Social Services & Welfare Rank 2001 Municipality Social Security /Social Services & Welfare
26 Canaman 591,213 26 Cabusao 665,939
27 San Jose 561,000 27 Minalabac 523,819
28 Minalabac 543,402 28 Magarao 522,308
29 Goa 538,741 29 Bombon 519,321
30 Tigaon 518,004 30 San Fernando 506,208
31 Camaligan 467,841 31 Pasacao 491,724
32 Milaor 408,994 32 Balatan 424,870
33 Bombon 244,616 33 Camaligan 390,866
34 Balatan 65,121 34 Tigaon 216,247
35 Libmanan 0 35 Milaor 0


Economic Services. The ten towns which budgeted sizeable amount for economic services, topped by Ragay, followed by Sipocot and Calabanga on 3rd spot. Pili went from 10th in 2001 to rank 34th.

Rank 2002 Municipality Economic Services Rank 2001 Municipality Economic Services
1 Ragay 10,819,512 1 Buhi 14,790,204
2 Sipocot 10,592,000 2 Ragay 11,261,705
3 Calabanga 10,468,169 3 Calabanga 11,062,978
4 Buhi 8,605,000 4 Nabua 10,987,073
5 Ocampo 8,413,782 5 Sipocot 10,872,000
6 Baao 8,339,000 6 Libmanan 9,236,163
7 Nabua 6,505,323 7 Tinambac 7,302,476
8 Bula 4,999,763 8 Goa 6,533,423
9 Cabusao 3,785,986 9 Ocampo 6,480,583
10 Lagonoy 3,685,897 10 Pili 6,388,783

Find below the table for that:.

Rank 2002 Municipality Economic Services Rank 2001 Municipality Economic Services
26 Presentacion 1,454,332 26 Pamplona 2,267,330
27 San Fernando 1,412,297 27 Sagnay 2,079,459
28 Camaligan 1,301,934 28 Del Gallego 1,735,042
29 Magarao 1,243,215 29 Gainza 1,720,869
30 Balatan 1,087,352 30 Camaligan 1,333,564
31 Siruma 1,074,904 31 Tigaon 1,239,232
32 Garchitorena 871,696 32 Bombon 1,081,304
33 Bombon 857,235 33 Siruma 1,074,904
34 Pili 0 34 Balatan 1,030,347
35 Libmanan 0 35 Magarao 1,009,243

A close study of the tables above gives us an idea which of the town’s officials are good at fiscal manangement and allocating resources, receptive to the needs of constituents and opening up for potentials of growth.

Let us see what we have for the year 2003, then. Which of the towns will maintain top rank in income generation and allocating and spending tax money?

(This is second part of the series on Bicol towns, cities and provinces annual income that Cbanga360(dot)Net will run as a series. To be continued.)

Thanks to Jan Viktor for the “origami” artwork.

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