Harvesting Puso ng Saba Saging #short

Harvesting Heart of Saba Banana or Pag ani ng puso ng saging na Saba.
This #short is a preview of a long form video about harvesting Puso ng Saging together with harvesting a full term bunch or bundle of Saba banana.

Watch this #short #shorts ‘Harvesting Heart of Saba Banana’ or Pag ani ng puso ng saging na Saba.

While staying in my sister’s home in Legazpi City, had a chance of taking a video as my brother Bob reached out to get the heart of Saba banana.

Puso ng Saba can be cooked in so many ways I will come up with one soon.

This #short is a preview of a long form video about harvesting Puso ng Saging together with harvesting a full term bunch or bundle of Saba banana.

Another Cbanga360 inMotion project under the Experience Bicol 2.0 Series.