We’re’ blushing.
We’re humbled to learn some items and passages of our posts here in Cbanga360 on Blogspot and Cbanga360 on Facebook, get reposted, quoted and/or referenced in some neat, news/info gathering/sharing platforms, etc. It warms our heart that other than fellow bloggers who are so supportive and appreciative, there are some more than meets our eyes, that grabs our verbalized thoughts.
For our friends in facebook, bloglog and google (friend connect), thank you very much. Now that we’re here, will always appreciate the visit. Even as we’re taking a sweet time, cautious, that all files get moved without any glitch in the process.
Our new format presents thumbnail view of image(s) on the frontpage but visiting each post leads to a larger image, point and left click once the mouse and the image enlarges to the max size of 500 pixel (width).
There could be some broken links, here and there, will be fixed soon enough. It took us much time working on the selected theme, which didn’t work and eventually have to settle on this. The transfer and export of text files was seamless except that some posts shows no comments although they’re there.
Links of blog comments were “discarded” by the platform, I don’t have an explanation on that. So have to store the export files for future reference. BTW, will not close the original Cbanga360 blog on Blogspot, but will disable comments only.
There are more tasks to do in here, but will take in stride from hereon. Now, can I have a nap?
- Awesome Redwoods Live Long #shorts - September 23, 2021
- Apple M1 Macbook Pro 13-Inch, The Unboxing - July 14, 2021
- Spooky Image Scares Online Class - July 2, 2021
Still have second thoughts on this transfer. But now, we’re just glad have made it after long hours of reformat, etc.