
Current Human Events & Stories

Pres. Duterte Babarilin Omicron Variant ng Covid-19 #shorts

Pres. Duterte Babarilin Omicron Variant ng Covid-19 #shorts Red Monkey Talks presents a #shorts based on comments of President Rodrigo Duterte: “Ako gusto kong patayin ‘yan …. Gusto kong barilin ang buang na iyan. Is there the possibility that the Omicron will visit (sic) the Philippines?” This is a late […]

Binge watch President Trump on the campaign trails

While waiting for US President Donald J. Trump return to his campaign form, sharing below few of selected previous campaign sorties of the 45th POTUS. Very informative and satisfying. But wait, below is a short clip as the Donald made a surprise drive-by outside the Walter Reed Hospital checking out […]

Watch: US President Trump is recovering well at Walter Reed Hospital

US President Donald Trump issued a video update from Walter Reed Military Hospital on Saturday, discussing his coronavirus treatment. “I came here, wasn’t feeling so well. I feel much better now. We’re working hard to get me all the way back,” Trump said in the video posted to social media. […]

Watch VP Robredo suavely slams government pandemic response

This is why many folks, including the downtrodden and the masses belonging to the so-called ‘laylayan’ have endeared the respect and adulation for the Philippine vice-President. In yet another relevant and accurate assessment of the prevailing socio-economic condition of the country during the prevailing new normal, VP Leni Robredo minced […]

I cooked canned green jackfruit with canned coconut cream!

I am cooking green jackfruit on coconut cream milk. But instead of using fresh or newly sliced harvest of green jackfruit, I will be using canned green jackfruit. I am also using canned coconut cream milk. These two ingredients I can easily purchase in the market guaranteed fresh, but with […]

US President Donald Trump declares church services essential allows reopening

Meanwhile, in the USA, President Donald J. Trump just made a decisive move that should garner popular support from the religious group. Trump on Friday declared churches to be ‘essential’, and says he will ‘overrule’ governors who don’t allow them to open “right now.” BREAKING: President @realDonaldTrump announces that the […]

Protests across California show you can only push people so far

Even in California, a heavily socialist, overbearing tyrannical nanny-state, are people standing up for their rights. Human beings were never meant to be caged by a few elitists and people have finally gotten sick of their enslavement to the political overlords. Authored by Mac Slavo of SHTFplan.com Protests raged all […]

NAIA suspends incoming and outgoing commercial flights for one week

Many were caught in surprise when the Philippine government posted in a Facebook post the suspension of all incoming and outgoing flights to the country beginning on May 3rd, 2020 at 8 AM. The notice made on the social media page of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport attributed the source […]

Association of American Physicians says Hydroxychloroquine has about 90% chance of helping COVID-19 patients

In a letter to Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) presents a frequently updated table of studies that report results of treating COVID-19 with the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ, Plaquenil®). This report via Association of American Physicians and Surgeons To […]

The Largest Ozone Hole Ever Recorded Over North Pole Has Finally ‘Healed Itself’ and Closed

“COVID-19 and the associated lockdowns probably had nothing to do with this.” The massive ozone hole that formed over the North Pole has finally closed, scientists have announced. Authored by Elias Marat | TheMindUnleashed.com Researchers from the European Union’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) who were tracking the record-breaking ozone […]

US FDA approval of Remdesivir vaccine for Covid-19 seen tomorrow

Things are moving fast. At least in the rush to find a cure, or halt the pandemic new coronavirus from China or Covid-19. This we learned as the Federal Drug Administration (USA) and Gilead Sciences, Inc. (a research-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of innovative medicines) […]

Chilling documentary trace likely origin of coronavirus in Wuhan laboratory as live patients are ‘allegedly sent for cremation’

Pandemic Ridiculous China exerts effort to change narrative origin of coronavirus from US to Italy Interesting narrative here the disinformation campaign being waged by the Chinese Communist, after blaming the US for inventing the coronavirus, Beijing is now seeding conspiracy theories that Italy may be responsible after all! The Chinese […]

Pandemic American covidiot spring breakers help spread the virus

You read it right. In the states, students fresh off for the spring vacation help spread the dreaded covid-19. Fresh off from the school campuses for their much awaited spring break, college students mass travelled to one destination, the beach, and here among other places, the Florida beaches. A stunning […]

Livestream ambient tribute: The white flowers of hope in spring

A soothing tribute to all the brave men and women working as one in the battle to combat the pandemic #covid19. This post originally set to mark our celebration of milestones for having attained a modest 3K+ subs, 650K+ (654,785) channel views and 2.68M+ (2,680,101) lifetime watched minutes as of […]

Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?

The most commonly reported mainstream media account of the creation of the Coronavirus suggests that it was derived from an animal borne microorganism found in a wild bat that was consumed by an ethnic Chinese resident of Wuhan. But there appears to be some evidence to dispute that in that […]

Pandemic: CHINA deploys 25K medical personnel to coronavirus- plagued HUBEI as ‘WAR TIME CONDITION’ begins

China deploys 25K medical personnel to coronavirus-plagued Hubei as ‘War Time Condition’ begins Some 217 medical rescue groups with 25,633 personnel are dispatched to ground zero of the 2019 new coronavirus or covid-19 stricken Wuhan city in China’s Hubei province. According to state-operated news outlet Global Times 25,633 medical rescue […]

PANDEMIC: WUHAN doctor who discovers #2019nCoV gets infection

The Wuhan doctor who was first to disclose and blew the whistle on the discovery of the novel coronavirus is now infected by #2019nCoV. This we can relate even as the same doctor was subsequently punished by Chinese authorities for divulging his pioneer discovery. Opthalmologist Li Wenliang at the Wuhan […]

PANDEMIC: LIVE blog Twitter explodes in NOVEL CORONAVIRUS posts

Finally, the deepest recesses of the world wide web, much of microblogging networks, special mention of Twitter, is exploding with posts about the newest scare of #20l9nCoV that was triggered in #Wuhan, China. Be forewarned. At times like these, posts on social media sites are not always true. Beware of […]

PANDEMIC: DOH confirms first case of novel CORONAVIRUS in PHILIPPINES

First case of novel coronavirus surfaces in the Philippines. This was confirmed on January 30, Thursday. In a news briefing yesterday, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said the identified infected patient is one of the 29 people subjected to monitoring. Watch/Read: How to avoid getting infected with novel coronavirus on […]

PANDEMIC: How to AVOID getting infected with novel CORONAVIRUS

The practical tips to avoid getting infected with novel coronavirus. Watch this short clip, a practical tip from health practitioner on how to avoid getting infected with the dreaded novel coronavirus now posing a pandemic threat to the world which all began in the city of Wuhan in Hebei province […]

PANDEMIC: The novel corona virus in CHINA and updates

This is our continuing coverage of the pandemic threat of novel corona virus outbreak in mainland China but also now infecting people in some countries. The threat is real so that stock markets are getting affected. The situation has a strong and alarming impact on the market and supplies, more […]


Headlines: Arizona Resident is Fifth Coronavirus Case in U.S. / China: Coronavirus Could Spread Two Weeks Before Symptoms Show / French Govt Discusses Evacuation of Citizens from Virus-stricken Wuhan / U.S. Prepares Evacuation as Global Coronavirus Death Toll Continues Rising / Xi Jinping: Accelerating Spread of Coronavirus ‘Grave Situation’ — […]

What's Recommended

US President Donald Trump declares church services essential allows reopening

Meanwhile, in the USA, President Donald J. Trump just made a decisive move that should garner popular support from the religious group. Trump on Friday declared churches to be ‘essential’, and says he will ‘overrule’ governors who don’t allow them to open “right now.” BREAKING: President @realDonaldTrump announces that the […]

Pandemic American covidiot spring breakers help spread the virus

You read it right. In the states, students fresh off for the spring vacation help spread the dreaded covid-19. Fresh off from the school campuses for their much awaited spring break, college students mass travelled to one destination, the beach, and here among other places, the Florida beaches. A stunning […]

NAIA suspends incoming and outgoing commercial flights for one week

Many were caught in surprise when the Philippine government posted in a Facebook post the suspension of all incoming and outgoing flights to the country beginning on May 3rd, 2020 at 8 AM. The notice made on the social media page of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport attributed the source […]

Watch VP Robredo suavely slams government pandemic response

This is why many folks, including the downtrodden and the masses belonging to the so-called ‘laylayan’ have endeared the respect and adulation for the Philippine vice-President. In yet another relevant and accurate assessment of the prevailing socio-economic condition of the country during the prevailing new normal, VP Leni Robredo minced […]

What's Throwback

Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?

The most commonly reported mainstream media account of the creation of the Coronavirus suggests that it was derived from an animal borne microorganism found in a wild bat that was consumed by an ethnic Chinese resident of Wuhan. But there appears to be some evidence to dispute that in that […]


Headlines: Arizona Resident is Fifth Coronavirus Case in U.S. / China: Coronavirus Could Spread Two Weeks Before Symptoms Show / French Govt Discusses Evacuation of Citizens from Virus-stricken Wuhan / U.S. Prepares Evacuation as Global Coronavirus Death Toll Continues Rising / Xi Jinping: Accelerating Spread of Coronavirus ‘Grave Situation’ — […]

PANDEMIC: WUHAN doctor who discovers #2019nCoV gets infection

The Wuhan doctor who was first to disclose and blew the whistle on the discovery of the novel coronavirus is now infected by #2019nCoV. This we can relate even as the same doctor was subsequently punished by Chinese authorities for divulging his pioneer discovery. Opthalmologist Li Wenliang at the Wuhan […]

Watch VP Robredo suavely slams government pandemic response

This is why many folks, including the downtrodden and the masses belonging to the so-called ‘laylayan’ have endeared the respect and adulation for the Philippine vice-President. In yet another relevant and accurate assessment of the prevailing socio-economic condition of the country during the prevailing new normal, VP Leni Robredo minced […]

Livestream ambient tribute: The white flowers of hope in spring

A soothing tribute to all the brave men and women working as one in the battle to combat the pandemic #covid19. This post originally set to mark our celebration of milestones for having attained a modest 3K+ subs, 650K+ (654,785) channel views and 2.68M+ (2,680,101) lifetime watched minutes as of […]