Pandemic: CORONAVIRUS DEATH toll nears 2K, INFECTION rises at 71K with more breaking DEVELOPMENTS

Render of Covid-19 or 2019nCoV
Render of Covid-19 or 2019nCoV, the deadly virus cause respiratory infection on human which had an outbreak in the City of Wuhan in Hubei province, China.

This breaking development on the Covid infection borders that damning and threatening aspect.

That is because the doctors working on the frontline in Wuhan are saying that it is possible a patient having contracted the virus and has recovered may get infected the second time and could lead to heart failure in some cases.

At the ground zero of the outbreak in Wuhan city which now has over 69,278 infected persons, medical doctors claim this could happen.

This information was leaked by a Chinese living in the United Kingdom who received the first-hand information from a relative medical practitioner now working in a Wuhan hospital.

While this information was leaked, the informant and leaker will remain anonymous for fear of retribution or punishment from the government of China.

Overview of coronavirus outbreaks:

2003 severe-acute respiratory syndrome outbreakSARS-CoV774
2012 Middle East respiraroty syndrome coronavirus outbreakMERS400+
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak in South KoreaMERS36
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreakMERS41
2019-20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreakSARS-CoVOver 1,600++
Detection DateDec 2019June 2012Nov 2002
Detection PlaceWuhan, ChinaJeddah, KSAGuangdong, China
Age Average495639.9
Age range21-7614-941-91
Male:Female ratio2.7:13:3.11:1.25
Case Fatality rate25 (2.9%)858 (37%)744 (10%)
Health-care workers16%
Notes:Data as of 2/2020As of 2/2020

Update: Health officials from China’s Hubei province released the latest round of figures from Sunday that 1,933 new confirmed cases and 100 new deaths for Feb. 16. alone.

The current figures bring the totals for Hubei to 58,182 cases, and 1,696 deaths. These data bring total cases around the world nearing 71,000 and upwards, while the death toll rapidly nears the 2,000 count.

The Communist Party has now quarantined, in their own style of detention, 760 million people. The party is strongly enforcing the previous Cultural Revolution-era social control method of relying on every citizen to spy, betray and inform on their neighbors, and report anybody not in compliance with government guidelines.

According to New York Times: “China has flooded cities and villages with battalions of neighborhood busybodies, uniformed volunteers and Communist Party representatives to carry out one of the biggest social control campaigns in history.

The goal: to keep hundreds of millions of people away from everyone but their closest kin.

The nation is battling the coronavirus outbreak with a grass-roots mobilization reminiscent of Mao-style mass crusades not seen in China in decades, essentially entrusting front line epidemic prevention to a supercharged version of a neighborhood watch.

There are two more continents which have no reported incident of novel corona virus: South America and Africa. But any of the countries in the latter mentioned continent is likely the next frontier for Covid-19. If there is any occurrence already, a Twitter clarifies why no report yet:

Many African countries are now in the orbit of China’s influence due to its road-and-belt aggressive drive. Chinese citizens are travelling back and forth (China to Africa and VV) as component of the projects and business in their ownership or management..

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