Government must study MILF proposal on independent Mamasapano probe

Government must study MILF proposal on independent Mamasapano probe
Feb 14, 2015 @ 06:11
MANILA, Feb. 14 — Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal has called for an independent body to investigate the gruesome Mamasapano butchery of 44 men from the PNP Special Action Force byt the joint operation of the MILF and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters.. Government must study the MILF proposal on independent Mamasapano probe.

The proposal was met by the Palace with the upfront answer that “it must be studied thoroughly.”

“Kailangan pong pag-aralan ang panukalang ito,” Communication Secretary Herminio Coloma, Jr.on Friday said during a press briefing when asked about Iqbal’s proposal.

At the Senate hearing on the Maguindanao killing field massacre on Thursday, Iqbal suggested the participation of the United Nations to do an inquiry to ensure an impartial investigation.

Iqbal said that aside from their own investigation, they were pushing for an independent probe on the Mamasapano incident.

He said that they were encountering such problems as perception and speculation.

The MILF, he said, is willing to meet with its government counterparts to discuss further the independent investigation.

The government has created a Board of Inquiry to investigate what happened in the Mamasapano incident. The MILF is also doing its own probe.

The government and the MILF signed a peace pact last year and is working for a Bangsamoro political entity when the Mamasapano incident occurred.

With probes springing left and right, the truth will be muddled with more uncertainties with muddied picture of the true incident other than than the possibilities of cover up by some sectors and individuals.

Special Action Force (SAF) commandos targeted terrorist suspects, Zulkifli bin Hir, alias Marwan, and Basit Usman, on January 25, but they clashed with members of the MILF and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters as they were moving out of the area.

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