Big CamSur Towns Top 2003 Earnings

How towns 2003`income ranked in graph.

On this post, we check out changes and performance of Camarines Sur towns’ earnings and expenditures for 2003. 13 towns earned beyond P35M. Libmanan maintained its hold on the 1st rank followed by capital town Pili, then Buhi (from 5th on 2002).

Calabanga stayed on 4rth. Tinambac has a “carry-over data” from 2002, at 6th. Nabua (which has a carry over data on its 2002 report from year 2001) is now on 5th. Pasacao continued to hold on the 12th with Caramoan dropped to 13th.

All 13 are 1st class towns having earned P35M or more. These are the towns to watch in the next years to come in terms of earnings.

Check out how local government units are classified here: Money Talks in Classification of RP LGUs

Rank 2003 Municipality Total Income Rank 2002 Municipality Total Income
1 Libmanan 71,331,958 1 Libmanan 68,258,490
2 Pili 63,118,886 2 Pili 59,602,437
3 Buhi 55,312,000 3 Tinambac 53,099,171
4 Calabanga 54,564,000 4 Calabanga 52,220,168
5 Nabua 53,840,000 5 Buhi 51,153,000
6 Tinambac* 53,099,171 6 Sipocot 49,387,000
7 Sipocot 52,480,000 7 Ragay 47,460,649
8 Ragay 51,526,970 8 Lagonoy 43,244,227
9 Lagonoy 46,358,000 9 Bula 42,938,606
10 Bula 45,677,624 10 Baao 37,514,000
11 Baao 39,315,000 11 Caramoan 37,344,127
12 Pasacao 39,016,261 12 Pasacao 35,595,030
13 Caramoan 38,957,000 13 Tigaon 32,603,47

The ten lowest earning towns include Goa (carry-over record for 2002 ernings) on the list due to unavailable record. No major change in the composition of these towns. Small towns, modest earnings?

Rank 2003 Municipality Total Income Rank 2002 Municipality Total Income
26 Goa* 23,907,143 26 Sagnay 21,385,779
27 Balatan 23,491,310 27 Magarao 21,162,525
28 Presentacion 22,378,862 28 Pamplona 20,497,353
29 Milaor 22,221,632 29 Balatan 18,222,804
30 Camaligan 17,805,117 30 Camaligan 17,497,337
31 Bombon 16,955,120 31 Canaman 16,717,306
32 Canaman* 16,717,306 32 Cabusao 16,532,592
33 Cabusao* 16,532,592 33 Siruma 16,481,903
34 Siruma* 16,481,903 34 Bombon 16,228,765
35 Gainza* 10,315,124 35 Gainza 10,315,124

Expenditures. Libmanan led the pack of towns that spent between P40M to over P65M for the fiscal year. Calabanga and Pili exchanged places on the 2nd and 3rd spot. Bula made the cut on 10th place. Big earners, big spenders.

Rank 2003 Municipality Total Expenditures Rank 2002 Municipality Total Expenditures
1 Libmanan 65,787,471 1 Libmanan 65,342,347
2 Calabanga 56,478,000 2 Pili 55,843,688
3 Pili 55,221,536 3 Calabanga 52,187,837
4 Sipocot 49,744,000 4 Tinambac 45,183,823
5 Ragay 49,118,693 5 Buhi 43,063,000
6 Buhi 48,786,000 6 Sipocot 42,999,000
7 Nabua 46,044,000 7 Ragay 42,607,029
8 Tinambac* 45,183,823 8 Lagonoy 39,101,106
9 Lagonoy 44,915,000 9 Baao 34,365,000
10 Bula 40,022,629 10 Bula 33,532,73

After deducting the total expenditures for the year, ten towns emerged wih savings of between P5M and almost P8M.

Pili saved over P7M and Lupi managed to enter the list on 10th with a savings of P5,299,097. Tinambac’s savings is based on the carry-over data from 2002.

Rank 2003 Municipality Excess (deficit) of Income over Expenditures Rank 2002 Municipality Excess (deficit) of Income over Expenditures
1 Tinambac* 7,915,348 1 Tigaon 20,353,567
2 Pili 7,897,351 2 Bula 9,405,874
3 Nabua 7,796,000 3 Buhi 8,090,000
4 Buhi 6,526,000 4 Tinambac 7,915,348
5 Tigaon 5,700,000 5 Milaor 7,408,033
6 Bula 5,654,995 6 Del Gallego 6,843,735
7 Libmanan 5,544,488 7 Sipocot 6,388,000
8 Del Gallego 5,496,286 8 Nabua 5,597,638
9 Minalabac* 5,461,431 9 Minalabac 5,461,431
10 Lupi 5,299,097 10 Ragay 4,853,619

Deficit or not. Ten towns either over spent or barely saved from their earned income. Camaligan went red with -P3,325.435 followed by Calabanga with -P1,914,000.

All other towns included in the list of 10 only saved between P61K to P960K.

Rank 2003 Municipality Excess (deficit) of Income over Expenditures Rank 2002 Municipality Excess (deficit) of Income over Expenditures
26 Baao 960,000 26 Pamplona 1,549,773
27 San Jose* 723,000 27 Lupi 1,423,970
28 Cabusao* 569,852 28 Gainza 988,958
29 Balatan 531,313 29 San Jose 723,000
30 Presentacion 396,696 30 Sagnay 649,302
31 Goa* 194,562 31 Cabusao 569,852
32 Caramoan 69,000 32 Presentacion 489,059
33 Garchitorena 61,163 33 Ocampo 416,049
34 Calabanga -1,914,000 34 Goa 194,562
35 Camaligan -3,325,435 35 Calabanga 32,331


Real property tax. Another banner year for Pili, upped its collection by P200K and maintained on number 1. Calabanga also added +P200K in collections from previous year to take the rank on 3rd. Minalabac has a “carry-over record” from year 2002, on the 2nd slot. Buhi which was number 11 on 2002, enters the list on 10th. Milaor which was 8th on 2002 faded away.

Rank 2003 Municipality Real Property Tax Rank 2002 Municipality Real Property Tax
1 Pili 3,465,806 1 Pili 3,221,704
2 Minalabac* 1,608,527 2 Minalabac 1,608,527
3 Calabanga 1,608,000 3 Baao 1,505,000
4 Sipocot 1,478,000 4 Bula 1,424,480
5 Libmanan 1,465,440 5 Calabanga 1,403,863
6 Pamplona 1,314,618 6 Sipocot 1,353,000
7 Baao 1,273,000 7 Libmanan 1,203,263
8 Ragay 1,211,196 8 Milaor 1,127,110
9 Nabua 1,088,000 9 Ragay 1,080,866
10 Buhi 1,079,000 10 Pasacao 937,538

Check out these towns that made the bottom ten on real property tax collection.

Rank 2003 Municipality Real Property Tax Rank 2002 Municipality Real Property Tax
26 Tigaon 457,000 26 San Fernando 477,574
27 Lagonoy 428,000 27 Camaligan 439,128
28 Garchitorena 417,568 28 Garchitorena 386,588
29 Bato 339,786 29 Bato* 293,291
30 Balatan 251,153 30 Balatan 126,171
31 Caramoan 218,000 31 Sagnay 121,464
32 Cabusao* 112,662 32 Cabusao 112,662
33 Presentacion 96,438 33 Siruma 82,247
34 Siruma* 82,247 34 Presentacion 77,534
35 Gainza* 58,267 35 Gainza 58,267

Business tax. Pili continues to perform well on accumulating business tax income on rank 1 for the three years of our reference (2001-2003.) Baao dropped out of the list from number 10 now occupied by Buhi. Calabanga went down from 5th to 7th, also went down in its collection.

Rank 2003 Municipality Business Tax Rank 2002 Municipality Business Tax
1 Pili 6,350,007 1 Pili 5,258,010
2 Nabua 1,774,000 2 Goa 1,627,109
3 Goa* 1,627,109 3 Sipocot 1,376,000
4 Sipocot 1,523,000 4 Tigaon 1,320,676
5 Tigaon 1,142,000 5 Calabanga 1,059,753
6 Pasacao 1,118,479 6 Pasacao 1,050,804
7 Calabanga 997,000 7 Nabua 908,917
8 Libmanan 776,181 8 Milaor 863,766
9 Milaor 766,416 9 Libmanan 803,334
10 Buhi 652,000 10 Baao 618,00

Non-tax revenue collection. Goa dropped down from 9th to 10th; Pili and Calabanga maintained 1st and 2nd ranks, respectively.

Very good collection performance for Calabanga which added over P1M from the previous year’s collection. Libmanan reduced collection efficiency now on the 8th from previous year of 4rth with over P400K lesser, too.

Rank 2003 Municipality Total Non-Tax Revenue Rank 2002 Municipality Total Non-Tax Revenue
1 Pili 5,346,475 1 Pili 5,890,499
2 Calabanga 5,023,000 2 Calabanga 3,918,631
3 Nabua 4,330,000 3 Tinambac 2,800,514
4 Pasacao 3,778,262 4 Libmanan 2,601,734
5 Tinambac* 2,800,514 5 Pasacao 2,556,046
6 Ragay 2,756,480 6 Sipocot 2,289,000
7 Sipocot 2,362,000 7 Baao 2,159,000
8 Libmanan 2,161,042 8 Nabua 2,143,318
9 Baao 1,901,000 9 Goa 1,767,861
10 Goa* 1,767,861 10 Ragay 1,745,094

Internal Revenue Allotment. Libmanan filled their coffers with IRA of +P66M. Calabanga’s share of +P46M was P1M more than previous year. Bula was on the 10th completing the list with +P42M IRA.

Rank 2003 Municipality Internal Revenue Allotment Rank 2002 Municipality Internal Revenue Allotment
1 Libmanan 66,147,950 1 Libmanan 63,366,645
2 Buhi 51,693,000 2 Buhi 48,000,000
3 Tinambac* 47,390,280 3 Tinambac 47,390,280
4 Pili 47,326,442 4 Calabanga 45,108,325
5 Ragay 47,047,399 5 Pili 44,437,683
6 Calabanga 46,159,000 6 Ragay 44,118,669
7 Nabua 46,141,000 7 Sipocot 43,911,000
8 Sipocot 46,066,000 8 Lagonoy 41,421,105
9 Lagonoy 44,848,000 9 Bula 40,412,680
10 Bula 42,420,129 10 Caramoan 35,901,492

Education, culture & sports/ Manpower development allotments. Ten towns that provided the highest budget for these services, topped by Pili down to San Jose.

Rank 2003 Municipality Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development Rank 2002 Municipality Education, Culture & Sports/ Manpower Development
1 Pili 1,973,270 1 Pili 1,623,316
2 Calabanga 1,648,000 2 Lagonoy 1,343,761
3 Nabua 1,223,000 3 Lupi 1,040,480
4 Baao 844,000 4 Sipocot 980,000
5 Libmanan 744,334 5 Calabanga 891,351
6 Ragay 639,193 6 Ragay 696,251
7 Lupi 606,127 7 Minalabac 507,943
8 Sipocot 581,000 8 San Fernando 498,789
9 Minalabac* 507,943 9 San Jose 498,000
10 San Jose* 498,000 10 Goa 450,378


General Public Services. Libmanan posted highest allotment for general public services. Bula completed the list on the 10th with P20M.

Rank 2003 Municipality General Public Services Rank 2002 Municipality General Public Services
1 Libmanan 44,911,260 1 Pili 47,607,429
2 Tinambac* 30,471,504 2 Libmanan 46,048,904
3 Pili 29,780,527 3 Tinambac 30,471,504
4 Calabanga 29,496,000 4 Lagonoy 26,465,954
5 Lagonoy 25,460,000 5 Calabanga 22,856,952
6 Nabua 24,646,000 6 Sipocot 20,874,000
7 Buhi 22,361,000 7 Caramoan 19,846,884
8 Caramoan 21,928,000 8 Baao 18,845,000
9 Sipocot 20,562,000 9 Buhi 18,087,000
10 Bula 20,047,500 10 Lupi 18,038,502

Health, Nutrition & Population control. calabanga for the second year allotted more than any other LGU and ranked 1st.

Pili, Gainza, Libmanan and Pamplona did not provide any budget for these services.

Rank 2003 Municipality Health, Nutrition & Population Control Rank 2002 Municipality Health, Nutrition & Population Control
1 Calabanga 8,190,000 1 Calabanga 7,274,564
2 Sipocot 7,986,000 2 Sipocot 6,857,000
3 Lagonoy 6,525,000 3 Lagonoy 6,253,617
4 Nabua 5,733,000 4 Ragay 5,597,043
5 Tinambac* 5,121,315 5 Tinambac 5,121,315
6 Buhi 5,023,000 6 Pili 5,070,202
7 Caramoan 4,985,000 7 Buhi 4,951,000
8 Ragay 4,567,279 8 Pasacao 4,200,630
9 Minalabac* 3,715,218 9 Caramoan 4,171,361
10 Lupi 3,643,224 10 Minalabac 3,715,218

Social Security/Social Services and Welfare. The table below itemized the towns and their appropriation for social services.

Rank 2003 Municipality Social Security /Social Services & Welfare Rank 2002 Municipality Social Security /Social Services & Welfare
1 Pili 5,777,554 1 Calabanga 7,327,620
2 Siruma* 2,329,971 2 Sagnay 6,760,383
3 Calabanga 2,186,000 3 Baao 3,542,000
4 Buhi 1,876,000 4 Pamplona 2,492,609
5 San Fernando 1,874,659 5 Siruma 2,329,971
6 Nabua 1,830,000 6 Buhi 1,970,000
7 Sipocot 1,516,000 7 Pili 1,531,830
8 Ocampo 1,359,381 8 Ocampo 1,362,439
9 Baao 1,322,000 9 Magarao 1,358,430
10 Gainza* 1,184,690 10 Sipocot 1,327,000

Economic Services. Ten towns provided between P4M to P12M for economic services.

Rank 2003 Municipality Economic Services Rank 2002 Municipality Economic Services
1 Sipocot 12,344,000 1 Ragay 10,819,512
2 Nabua 10,647,000 2 Sipocot 10,592,000
3 Pili 10,613,645 3 Calabanga 10,468,169
4 Ragay 8,773,332 4 Buhi 8,605,000
5 Buhi 8,632,000 5 Ocampo 8,413,782
6 Calabanga 7,731,000 6 Baao 8,339,000
7 Baao 6,495,000 7 Nabua 6,505,323
8 Tigaon 4,871,000 8 Bula 4,999,763
9 Bula 4,680,515 9 Cabusao 3,785,986
10 Pamplona 4,152,393 10 Lagonoy 3,685,897

Pili as capital town of the province enjoys the perks of being one as seen from its income performance. Big town Libmanan has led the way twice in a row already. It would seem that big towns are up for more changes for 2004. Would you like to know info about other Bicol towns, too?

(This is fourth part of the series on Bicol towns, cities and provinces annual income that Cbanga360(dot)Net will run as a series. To be continued.)

Related posts, here:
Camarines Sur towns earn more in 2002.
How Camarines Sur towns fared on their annual budget.

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