Calabanga and the Earth Day Movement

Mangrove seedlings by the breakwaters of barangay Sibobo.

Today, April 22nd is Earth Day. The international advocacy group Earth Day Network has chosen the theme “A Billion Acts of Green,” a people-powered campaign to generate a billion acts of environmental service and advocacy before Rio +20. Rio +20 is the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on June 4-6, 2012.

With or without Earth Day, the local scene is alive with enthusiasm and effort at protecting the environment.

Recently on February 23, 2011, some 64,096 trees were planted simultaneously in a span of fifteen minutes in the town of Siruma. Also on the same day and one hour after 11:00 o’clock A.M., the combined efforts of volunteers were able to plant 500,000 trees of various specie in the entire province of Camarines Sur.

The reforestation and mangrove replenishment and propagation is part of the on-going campaign tagged as El Verde (The Green) geared at planting 12 million trees by 2012 in CamSur.

Considered the pioneer and first in biggest environmental conservation movement in the Philippines, the project fielded over 70,000 volunteer students, teachers, LGU heads and employees, barangay officials, kabataang barangay, residents and professionals.

The provincial government leadership left no one behind in the project it was a resounding success and gained a lot of positive support.

Two days after, this writer visited planted sites in the barangays of Sibobo and Cagsao. The seafront were planted with mangrove seedlings that should thrive well.

What are you doing to support Earth Day movement and the precarious and endangered environment? P. S: Will make a rejoinder on this in future post.(

2 thoughts on “Calabanga and the Earth Day Movement”

  1. Todate, the transplanted seedlings are well into a spurt of growth stage. A handful, though withered, but generally, the seascape is green with the “bakhawan” leaves.

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