Bench at the Calabanga Plaza is a Mute Witness of Time

The (cement) bench at the town plaza may have been a mute witness to many events around the area.

Fifty eight years last month, in November 13, 1952, the former mayor of Calabanga town unveiled a donation of a (cement) bench located at the town plaza.

It was hailed as a good gesture from one who have unselfishly served as chief executive of the local government. He was most respected and looked upon as a good municipal executive.

The back rest was meticulously written with his name and informal reference of his previous municipal position, without forgetting the better half (the Mrs., of course).

Passersby and those that linger for awhile on the area will not miss the bench located along the left side of the walkway towards the town hall.

This writer was wondering if during those (1950’s and early 1960’s) days the bench could have been mute witness or perhaps venue of some lovers’ conversations of sweet nothings, happy moments, lover’s quarrel, or the worst, break ups. Perhaps, many more and other true to life events could have taken place in there.

Unlike a tree where lovers carve messages of endearment on its trunk, the bench can only carry the weight of its occupant and no trace will ever be left behind.

Now with the onslaught of change and modest modernization in the town, the bench still occupies its original location. But it has served its purpose and the passage of time clearly made its mark on the bench.

On another note, it was the Falcon family’s donation of a parcel of land in Paolbo that contributed to the realization of the establishment of the parish Church of Divine Mercy.

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