No muzzle taping for PNP guns this Christmas holidays

The police authorities are afraid of the ghosts created by their barrel-hungry actions.

That would seem the most logical reason why the Philippine National Police has done away with the muzzle taping of gun barrels during the Christmas holidays.

The new policy is a complete departure from previous police leaderships.

What the agency’s national head orders, the regional, provincial and municipal levels also follow.

So now, the entire gun-wielding agency national police force are sure to feel ‘safe’ while on duty or in their residences.

During the past Christmas seasons, some trigger happy policemen and military personnel become suspects to have fired indiscriminately as part of revelry but bullets hit unsuspecting residents.

In a command conference in PNP HQ in Camp Crame, Chief Ronald Dela Rosa handed down a verbal instruction on the scrapping of the traditional muzzle taping.

Dela Rosa believes that when his men do not have access to guns which can be fired in any moment’s notice totally makes his force in danger.

A report quoted the PNP chief “he does not want to endanger the lives of his men during the coming holiday season, especially with the continuous implementation of “Double Barrel Alpha.”

The murderous “Double Barrel Alpha,” is the second phase of anti-illegal drug campaign of the police force sanctioned by the President.

So far, the campaign has caused deaths of over 6,000 drug suspects which include merciless and brutal extra-judicial killings done supposedly by ‘vigilantes” roaming the streets.

The PNP is so helpless and clueless that after six months, not one vigilante has been apprehended.

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