EXPOSED: Independent journalist catches NGO launders €500K

Panos Moraitis, founder and director of RCI, now locked in Greek prison
Panos Moraitis, founder and director of RCI, now locked in Greek prison

Daring independent journalist Lauren Southern is on the hot trail of the illegal immigration happening now in most of Europe.

On this her latest reportage the daring Canadian exposes the alleged human smugglers and traffickers operating in Greece as NGO’s like the Emergency Response Center International. ERCI is a self-described ‘rescue charity’ that escorts migrants arriving in the Greek Islands.

Watch this installment of the investigation uncovered by her team, below:

A few days ago, Southern revealed that Atheists & Christians are under attack in refugee camps.

Much earlier, Southern’s award winning documentary of “Farmlands” was awarded “Best Film” for 2018 during the Melbourne Underground Flm Festival.

“Farmlands” featured the painful narrative on what’s happening now in South Africa. The “phenomenon” is being labelled as “white genocide” perpetrated by the present government of the country.

Southern already disclosed that her documentary “Borderless” project will finally be shown worldwide in May 2019.

And the trailer is here:

Editor’s Note: Title of this post was changed from US “$” dollar to Euro “€” Euro dollar.

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