Divine Mercy Parish Celebrates Church Completion

Divine Mercy Parish Celebrates Church Completion. Good weather. Joyful and a holy occasion. A fiesta atmosphere. Warm and kindred people. The church looks immaculate with its paint theme. The surrounding was punctuated with buntings and multicolored decorative flags that complimented the occasion.

These was the prevailing atmosphere and sentiment that prevailed on the crowd that converged at the parochial grounds of the Parish of the Divine Mercy in Paolbo on Saturday last week, July 17 for the eventful blessing and solemn dedication of the church.

Present at the occasion were Archbishop of Caceres Leonardo Z. Legazpi, OP, DD, town mayor Mrs. Evelyn Yu, municipal officials, lay leaders, ministers and parishioners. Cbanga360’s Tony Abalayan, Jr. covered the event.

The seven-year journey from its foundation and since the time capsule lowered down the ground, the Catholic parish realized a long- sought dream, the final completion of the church edifice. The last phase that hindered the said event was the altar, the focal attraction of the building.

The parish of the Divine Mercy ministers to the devout residents of three barangays which include Paolbo of Calabanga, formerly were under the parishes of Our Lady of La Porteria and (Finding of) the Holy Cross.

It must be recalled that the Falcon family of San Pablo donated the tract of land for the site. Through the generous donations of residents and supporters, and with the indefatigable effort of the parish priest Fr. Eligio Jovensie Balang in fundraising and solicitations, the construction got fast-tracked.

Another parish benefactor is Mrs. Susana Madrigal-Eduque who shelled out generous fund for the project. It was her way of perpetuating the memory of aunt Dona Consuelo Madrigal to whom the church was dedicated.

The parish is grateful too, to Rev. Fr. Wilmer Tria and the many devotees of the Divine Mercy some requested anonimity for their valuable contributions.

Thanks to Sky Watch Team of Klaus, Sandy, Ivar, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and Sylvia. See more skies on this link. Skywatch Friday

7 thoughts on “Divine Mercy Parish Celebrates Church Completion”

  1. will post later photos taken inside the church which includes the altar and other features of the building.

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