Comelec Assures Prompt Payment and Safety of Teachers

2013_0411_comelecseal2The Commission on Elections on Wednesday assured public school teachers who will serve in the coming May polls will get their allowances on time.

Chairman Sixto Brillantes also made the assurance that teachers’ safety is a paramount concern during the signing of the momerandum agreement with the Department of Education.

He said that “we are sincere in ensuring that Deped personnel especially those in the frontliners during the elections will receive what is due them.”

The nation’s public school teachers will serve as staff and board of election inspectors in the mid-term elections to be conducted this May 2013.

Brillantes is also eyeing bonuses for teachers as he said the poll body is working on generating savings that can be given to the teachers on top of their honoraria.

Department of Education secretary Armin Luistro expressed that this will soon be a thing of the past, referring to the delay of meager allowances given during previous elections.

Comelec is eyeing bonuses for teachers as the agency is working to generate savings to be given to teachers in addition to the honoraria.

The MOA, specifies that teachers who will serve as board of election chair and members will receive an honorarium of P3,000 and P500 one-time transportation allowance. Those who will sit as board of canvassers will get P5,000 while election supervisors will receive P3,000.

The Comelec also allocated P30 million for election-related deaths or injuries in performance of election-related duties. Brillantes assured the teachers of their safety during elections.

Brillantes revealed that “in so far as peace and order is concerned, we have deputized the Armed Forces and the Philippine National Police. We’re very confident that they will control and supervise the peace and order situation.”- ( From PNA report of Janice M. Cave)

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