Video: Poe-Llamanzares Vs. Comelec 5th Oral Arguments at SCOTP

Video: Poe-Llamanzares Vs. Comelec 5th Oral Arguments G.R. No. 221697 at SCOTP.

This is the fifth live stream coverage of the Poe-Llamanzares Vs. Comelec 4rth Oral Arguments G.R. No. 221697 from the Supreme Court of the Philippines (SCOTP).

Follow the update on the disqualification case for the presidential run of Senator Grace Poe.

Live audio feed starts at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, Manila standard time.

Earlier, the Commission on Elections en banc has disqualified Poe from the presidential derby due to issues on her citizenship and residency to which the high court already issued a temporary restraining order from enforcing the ruling.

It is ironic while the disqualification case of Senator Poe is beaing heard, the campaign season for the national candidates are now blazing through the various provinces and cities of the country.

What will be the final verdict after the hearing?

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