Our First Short Movie Using a Green Screen with Chroma Key Effect with Ginger

We are sharing the first ever compiled short movie using the chroma key effect on a green screen here. The first output is still wanting of a good end result. Have to invest in good lighting fixtures for the background and the subject, though.

On this short movie we present some sights and places in and around Albay province which include the area in Mayon rest house overlooking the city of Tabaco, the ruins of Cagsawa church, Lignon hill, still shots and video of Mayon volcano and Guinobatan (Albay), and Sorsogon city baywalk.

We earlier discussed about this project here: Dedicated Multi-media Page, Links Now Smoothly Running on the Site

Our subject here is Ginger, her first ever screen test and a debut on the online world. During the filming process there had been out takes due to the minor problem of lighting. But ginger was so very patient and forgiving. She might be hosting a regular production on our YouTube channel very soon. That is if she signs the contract we are offering.

One thought on “Our First Short Movie Using a Green Screen with Chroma Key Effect with Ginger”

  1. Fixed the slight problem in lighting. Used 4 pcs of 23 watt bright white spiral bulb equivalent to 100 watt each @ brightness of 1,600 lumens. Placed bulbs on an 8 1/2″ heat lamp which was padded with alluminum foil to double brightness refflection. Two of the units were placed on both sides facing the screen but behind the model/subject. One unit was placed overhead, fronting the subject/model, another unit was located on the floor facing the model/subject. The result was great as shown on the second movie published here: Bicol Headline News with Ginger August 17, 2013 Edition

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