Road Tour Albay : Polangui to Daraga

Catch a quick glimpse of Mount Mayon along the way
Part 2- Road Tour of thoroughfares in Albay province. This portion covers the section of Pan Philippine Hi-way that connects the towns of Oas, Ligao, Guinobatan, Camalig and Daraga.

This is Part 2- Road Tour of thoroughfares in Albay province.

We take note of road traffic and road condition, too. This portion covers the section of Pan Philippine Hi-way that connects the towns of Oas, Ligao, Guinobatan, Camalig and Daraga.

Plus catch a quick glimpse of Mount Mayon along the way. The ride starts from the Matacon-Libon-Polangui (Bicol 638) junction road in Bgy. Kinale that merges with the Pan Philppine Hiway.

Matching the ride is a relax or sleep music you can enjoy. Another Cbanga360 inMotion project under the Experience Bicol 2.0 Series.

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