President Duterte has a mouthfull of answers when asked about drug-related extra-judicial killings

In his pre-departure speech at Davao airport for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Vientiane in Laos, the POTP said any lecture about human rights and extra-judicial killings would be a disrespect to him and the Filipino people. The irked Duterte was presumed to be referring to reports about US President Barrack Obama.

President Duterte was on his fighting form, with his usual pungent verbal pronouncements when asked about drug-related extra-judicial killings in the country.

The irked Duterte was presumed to be referring to reports about US President Barrack Obama conferring to him about the prevailing human rights situation and extra-judicial killings in the country.

In his pre-departure speech at Davao airport for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Vientiane in Laos, the POTP said any lecture about human rights and extra-judicial killings would be a disrespect to him and the Filipino people.

“You must be respectful. You just don’t throw question and statements. Putangina, mumurahin kita sa forum na yan (Mother-whore, I’ll curse you in that forum),” Mr. Duterte barked at the press briefing when asked about how he would deal with questions about the issues.

“The Philippines is not a vasal state. We have long ceased to be a colony of the United States,” he said.

The irked Duterte was presumed to be referring to reports about US President Barrack Obama conferring to him about the prevailing human rights situation and extra-judicial killings in the country.

“I do not respond to anybody but to the people of the Republic of the Philippines. Wala akong pakialam sa kanya (I don’t care about him). Who is he?” the POTP retorted.

Duterte said America “has one too many to answer for the misdeeds of this country,” citing the 600,000 Moro people killed during the American colonizers’ pacification campaign at the turn of the century.

He reminded everyone at the audience that “Hanggang ngayon hindi pa tayo nakatikim ng apology (We have not heard any apology until now).”

He floated the question then if he (President Obama) can “explain the 600,000 Moros massacred on this island. We have a recorded history of that sordid period of this national life.”

With sarcasm, he asked” “Who is Obama to ask me that? I will tell him ‘who are you?’”

Duterte put forward a macho image with the remarak that “I do not, I said, I do not kneel down before anybody else, except for the Filipinos in Quiapo walking in misery and in extreme hunger and poverty.”

He reminded all that the campaign against drugs would continue “until the last pusher is out of the streets, until the last manufacturer is killed.”

So how would you like to hear this from the President: “We will continue, and I will continue and I don’t give a shit about anybody observing my behavior.”

Is this comment unpresidential or unstatesmanly?

What do you think when the POTP said, “Masyado kayong bilib sa America, sipain ko pa yan sa harap mo, e. (You people seem to be so impressed by America, I will kick him in front of you all.).”

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