The Move to Partition Camarines Sur Into Two Provinces

The proposed province of Nueva Camarines (drawn not into scale, rendered by our Cbanga360 Artist.)

How much of ground swell is (being) gathered by the proposal to carve out a new province from the current territorial jurisdiction of Camarines Sur? The exact and final answer to that will be known in the days ahead.

House Bill 4820, also known as “An Act creating Nueva Camarines” filed by CamSur fourth district repesentative and Deputy House Speaker Arnulfo Fuentebella was subsequently incorporated in a similar proposal by second district congressman Dato Arroyo in HB 4728.

Supporters for the creation of the new province strongly believe that the bill will be subsequently approved on third reading for submission to the House plenary during the resumption of the Congress sessions in July.

The proposed Nueva Camarines province will incorporate the ten towns of the (Partido) fourth district and the six towns including Iriga city of the (Rinconada) fifth district. The “old” Camarines Sur province thereby retains the first three disctricts with nineteen towns and the city of Naga. Naga is an independent component city in CamSur.

The fourth or Partido district include the towns of (1) Goa, (2) Tinambac, (3) Siruma, (4) Lagonoy, (5) Garchitorena, (6) Caramoan, (7) Presentacion, (8) San Jose, (9) Tigaon, and (10) Sangay with a population of 398,375.

The Rinconada or fifth district is composed of (1) Baao (2) Bula, (3) Balatan, (4) Nabua, (5) Bato, (6) Iriga city and (7) Buhi. Total population is 428,990. The proposed new province will have a combined estimated population of 827,365 which in turn qualifies for a creation of a third district in the “new” LGU.

Proponents and supporters for the creation of Nueva Camarines are so sure of the passage of the House Bill and eventually hurdle the senate approval.

Still, the final litmus test will be in the ensuing referendum which will be participated in by all registered voters of the whole province of Camarines Sur. It is expected that the nay sayers will put up a good fight to retain the current status quo of undivided Camarines Sur as the premier and biggest province of the region in terms of area and population.

Are you in favor of partitioning Cam Sur into two provinces? Whose side, which side are you?(

One thought on “The Move to Partition Camarines Sur Into Two Provinces”

  1. Just recently, Sen. Trillanes is every very right to his arguments and philosophy not to divide Camarines Sur. If Cong. Fuentebella will, make it like Kalinga Apayao instead. They divide even to the extent of its name. Kalinga Province and Apayao Province.

    For Camarines Sur, Camarines Province and Sur Province HEHEHEHE TANGA MO NOY! POLITICAL CAPRICES MO LANG IYAN.

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