Who takes care of fallen angels from Philippine sex tourism

Who Takes Care Of Fallen Angels From Philippine Sex Tourism. It was because they were fathered by sex tourists of Filipina mothers. Left behind were children majority of whom did not meet their biological father. Perhaps, they never will.

Lost in the din of national conversation mostly dominated by the regime of murderous anti-drug drive, “unabated” extra-judicial killings, and corruption of public officials, is the silent menace in suburban areas brought about by sex tourism.

Prior to the expulsion of US military in Philippine-hosted American bases in 1991, children of mixed races, mostly Caucasian and African-American, came about in the Angeles City-Olongapo City areas, It was because they were fathered by US servicemen of Filipina mothers. When the foreign forces left, also left behind were children majority of whom did not meet their biological father. Perhaps, they never will.

Fast forward today, sex tourism now abound in the same areas and elsewhere in the country.

Who Takes Care Of Fallen Angels From Philippine Sex Tourism. It was because they were fathered by sex tourists of Filipina mothers. Left behind were children majority of whom did not meet their biological father. Perhaps, they never will.

Poverty, lack of affordable education, absence of livelihood and work opportunity, the ghetto style of living, the government enhanced push for tourism offering every nook and corner of the country to foreigners, and some reasons only known to kids and young adults who are in the flesh trade are the known culprits.

Quick money in the trade leave behind innocent children who face bleak future ahead.

Other than tourists from North America, ‘customers’ now come from some countries in Europe, Latin America, Australia, and also in Asia.

A media outfit with global reach financed by the Russian government explored the prevailing scourge in the country and made a close-up feature of the fallen angels, the children who are left behind.

Related video below:

This is not to discount the fact that other health issues, more likely HIV infection and proliferation lurks in the same areas.

So, who takes care of the fallen angels out of Philippine sex tourism?


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