VESPERS: Pope Francis celebrates Te Deum of Thanksgiving

Pope Francis Pope Francis leads the celebration of Vespers of the Feast of Saint Mary, Most Holy Mother of God and Te Deum of Thanksgiving at year’s end
Pope Francis leads the celebration of Vespers of the Feast of Saint Mary, Most Holy Mother of God and Te Deum of Thanksgiving at year’s end
Pope Francis Pope Francis leads the celebration of Vespers of the Feast of Saint Mary, Most Holy Mother of God and Te Deum of Thanksgiving at year’s end
Pope Francis leads the celebration of Vespers of the Feast of Saint Mary, Most Holy Mother of God and Te Deum of Thanksgiving at year’s end

WATCH THIS: Pope Francis celebrates mass at St. Peters Basilica for Vespers of the Feast of Saint Mary, Most Holy Mother of God and Te Deum of Thanksgiving marking the end of year.

The coverage has an English voiceover/ translation.

Much later, the first New Year mass at the Vatican will follow with the Pope as main celebrant.

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