LIVESTREAM: Pope Francis leads ‘Way of the Cross’ at the Colosseum

The live feed of Via Crucis April 19, 2019 from the Colosseum.
The live feed of Via Crucis April 19, 2019 from the Colosseum.

Watch the live feed of Via Crucis from the Vatican in the continuing coverage of the Holy Week Celebration.

At 9.15PM (Vatican time), Pope Francis will participate in the Via Crucis, or Way of the Cross, at the Colosseum.

That will be 3:15 AM, Manila time, April 20, 2019.

Pope Francis will travel to Rome’s Colosseum for the celebration.

These stations at the Roman landmark date back to Pope Benedict XIV and revived by Pope Paul VI during his pontificate.

The meditations were written by Consolata Missionary and President of the Association “Slaves no more”, Sr Eugenia Bonetti.

The 14 stations will highlight the victims of human trafficking, drawing from her own experience in Africa.

The Holy Father will cap the event with a reflection.

Afterwards, he will also impart his Apostolic Blessing.

Once feed is live, please refresh page.

While waiting ffor the live feed, below was the previous year’s event:

The Way of the Cross 2018-03-30

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