
Current Human Events & Stories

Watch: The Easter Vigils in Bicol, Manila and Vatican

The Catholic and many Christian denominations nears the completion in the commemoration of the Holy Week in the Philippines and around the world. Below sharing vigils from Manila and Vatican, and more. The livestream vigil at Vatican, below (w/ English commentary). Livestream with English commentary. Naga Metropolitan Cathedral and Parish […]

Why POPE FRANCIS slaps a woman’s hand after the Te Deum service

Pope Francis was “caught” off-guard, it seemed, when a devout (Catholic? Asian?) by-stander grabbed his hand. He reacted by slapping the woman’s hand and pulled back his arm. This must be the reason why he suddenly departed from his scripted words during the Wednesday service. He went on to apologize […]

VESPERS: Pope Francis celebrates Te Deum of Thanksgiving

WATCH THIS: Pope Francis celebrates mass at St. Peters Basilica for Vespers of the Feast of Saint Mary, Most Holy Mother of God and Te Deum of Thanksgiving marking the end of year. The coverage has an English voiceover/ translation. Much later, the first New Year mass at the Vatican […]

PINOY TRADITION: First Simbang Gabi in Rome with Pope Francis

Watch this first ever Filipino Catholics’ celebration of the first dawn mass (Simbang Gabi) in Vatican with Pope Francis. Streamed live, Filipino Catholics all over, wherever benefits from the live service presided over the holy mass by Pope Francis direct from the altar of St Peter’s Basilica in the observance […]

LIVESTREAM: The Easter Vigil at the Vatican and Naga City

The Easter Vigil takes place on Saturday, April 20th, beginning at 8.25pm. in Vatican. The celebration begins with the blessing of the new fire in the atrium of St. Peter’s Basilica. The processional entrance follows next with the Easter candle and the singing of the “Exsultet” (or “Easter Proclamation”). Pope […]

LIVESTREAM: Pope Francis celebrates Maundy Thursday Chrism Mass

Today, direct from St. Peter’s Basilica Pope Francis celebrates the Chrism Mass which should start at about 9:30 AM in Rome. We join the Holy Father in the celebration of the Maundy Thursday mass at the Vatican. Expected to be in attendance are Patriarchs, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and priests. During […]

Pope Francis to canonize Paul VI, Cardinal Romero today

Pope Francis will canonize two new saints today, by far the most controversial personalities of the 20th century in the Roman Catholic Church. St. Peter’s Basilica will host the ascension to sainthood of Pope Paul VI (left photo) and martyred Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador (right photo). Pope Francis […]

Watch and Celebrate the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

The Gospel and Readings during the celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord, including the video feed from Vatican with Pope Francis. Gospel:Mt 2:1-12 When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in Judea, during the days of king Herod, wise men from the East arrived in Jerusalem. They asked, “Where is […]

Watch live Pope Francis’ Thanksgiving mass at year end of 2017

Watch this live stream event direct from Vatican. Watch live Pope Francis’ Thanksgiving mass at year end of 2017. From St. Peter’s Basilica, Vespers of the Feast of Saint Mary, Most Holy Mother of God and Te Deum of Thanksgiving at year’s end with Pope Francis presiding.

This is the Holy Mass of the Christmas Vigil 2017 with Pope Francis

This is the full coverage of the Holy Mass of the Christmas Vigil in Vatican City on December 24th 2017. Watch the religious celebration with Pope Francis presiding at the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome. This live coverage has English annotations. Just in case you have more time to […]

Watch: The Easter Vigil in Vatican with Pope Francis

Is it Easter, yet? Not so fast, that is for the religious outside of the Philippines, or specifically in Italy and beyond. It is because the Paschal Triduum is still unfolding. In Vatican, the live video stream of the Easter vigil, or the vigil of the Holy Night of Easter, […]

This is the live stream of the 2017 Way of the Cross on Good Friday

It is not too late yet. Catch up with the traditional religious festivities in the Catholic celebration and commemoration of the Holy Week. So here, this is the live stream of the 2017 Way of the Cross on Good Friday with Pope Francis. The Catholic and Christian devotees, due to […]

Watch: The Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday with Pope Francis

In the continuing coverage of the traditional Catholic observation of the Holy Week, we join the Holy Father in Vatican for the Chrism Mass. Pope Francis presides on this April 13, 2017 solemn mass celebration as the sacred oils used for the Sacraments and Ordinations are blessed. Watch the Maundy […]

Watch: Palm Sunday Celebration in Vatican with Pope Francis

This is the complete live stream feed of the blessing of the palms and olive branches, procession and Palm Sunday celebration direct from Vatican. We keep watch the entire proceedings as Pope Francis will once more preside on the rites. But while the traditional celebration in early years involve people […]

Papal New Year 2017 Celebration of 49th World Day Peace

Are we done yet with the New Year 2017 celebrations? This live stream event will definitely add cap to the frenzy of activities that began pre-Christmas day but still very much in tune with the soon to fade holiday observances. So we join Pope Francis in Vatican in a Catholic […]

The awesome 2016 year in review on Pope Francis

This info-video pretty much summarized the year’s activities of the Holy Father in 2016 produced by the Secretariat for Communication of Vatican. Captured moments and important fragments of mementos define the busy days of the Pontiff at the Holy See and in his various Pastoral visits within Italy and outside […]

Pope Francis celebrate First Vespers, Te Deum before New Year 2017

Here we join Pope Francis as he celebrate the First Vespers of the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God before the New Year of 2017. This is the scheduled live stream coverage direct from the Vatican. The Catholic world gets an invitation to witness the “Te Deum” hymn in thanksgiving […]

Watch the much awaited Midnight Mass of Christmas 2016 with Pope Francis

Watch the live stream coverage direct from Vatican City as Pope Francis celebrate the midnight mass of Christmas 2016. Scheduled for Dec 24, 2016 which will be Sunday, December 25th, about 4:15 AM Philippine time. Join as Pope Francis celebrates Midnight Mass on the Solemnity of the Nativity of the […]

Video: The canonization ceremonies of Mother Teresa at the Vatican

The Vatican will canonize the Blessed Mother Teresa in Rome September 4, 2016. This after Pope Francis recognized the second miracle attributed to former founder of the Missionaries of Charity based in Calcutta, India. The road to sainthood of the beloved mother culminates today. The religious ceremony is part of […]

Pope Francis Easter Sunday message Urbi et Orbi

  Pope Francis Easter Sunday message Urbi et Orbi Happy Easter. The official Vatican English translation of Pope Francis’ message during his Urbi et Orbi appearance at the balcony of the St. Peter’s Basilica: While the coverage was linked here <a “href=https://cbanga360.net/2016/03/pope-francis-celebrates-holy-mass-easter-day-urbi-et-orbi/”>Easter and Urbi et Orbi, the same will be […]

Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter in Vatican with Pope Francis

[one_fifth] Easter Vigil in Vatican with Pope Francis. Or, it is the Vigil of the Holy Night of Easter. Still in the continuing coverage of the Holy Week celebration in Vatican, Pope Francis lead the observance of the Easter Vigil at the St. Peter’s Basilica. The live stream event will […]

Pope Francis presides over the Way of the Cross in Vatican

Pope Francis presides over the Way of the Cross in Vatican a few hours after the Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of our Lord. There is no reason for a Catholic believer missing the way of the cross. Good reason for one to watch the live stream direct from […]

Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of our Lord with Pope Francis

[two_third_last] Let us join Pope Francis and the whole pious Catholic and Christian world in the Good Friday celebration of the Passion of the Lord. Watch and witness the proceedings through the live video stream feed direct from within St. Peter’s Cathedral in Vatican courtesy of Radio Vaticana. The event […]

Pope Francis joins social photo sharing site Instagram under “Franciscus”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pope Francis (@franciscus) Pope Francis joins social photo sharing site Instagram under “Franciscus.” The Holy Father, Papa Francisco will definitely rock, again, the social media scene. This time, he joins Instagram. The information was first disclosed through the Vatican Dario Viganò […]

Pope Francis on Sunday appeal for abolition of death penalty

Pope Francis on Sunday appealed for a worldwide abolition of death penalty or capital punishment. “I appeal to the consciences of those who govern to reach an international consensus to abolish the death penalty… The commandment ‘you shall not kill’ has absolute value and applies to both the innocent and […]

Video: Pope Francis 5th day of Apostolic Visit in Mexico

On the fifth day of Pope Francis in Mexico, he is slated to appear in three public events. The first will be a holy mass with priests, men and women religious, consecrated people and seminarians. Scheduled for Feb 16, 2016, Mexican time. The second live event will cover the visit […]

Video: Pope Francis 4rth Day of Apostolic visit in Mexico

On the fourth day of the apostolic visit by Pope Francis in Mexico, 3 tentative public appearances will be streamed live. The first event will cover the mass with the representatives of the indigenous communities of Chiapas in the municipal sports center. Scheduled to start in the morning of February […]

Video: Pope Francis 3rd Day of Apostolic visit in Mexico

The third day of Pope Francis in Mexico covers two public activities, one in the city of Ecatepec and a visit to a children’s hospital. The Holy Father will celebrate a mass at the Study Center of Ecatepec. This event is an outdoor morning Mass Feb. 14 (Mexican time) which […]

Live Stream: Pope Francis begins apostolic visit of Mexico

Pope Francis begins his Papal visit of Mexico with his arrival at the Benito Juárez International Airport of Mexico City which include the official welcome ceremony. The live stream coverage begins February 13, 2016, Saturday, approximately 9:30 AM Philippine standard time. We follow the journey of the Holy Father all […]

Video: Pope Francis celebrate Holy Mass on Ash Wednesday

This is the live stream direct from Vatican City featuring the observance of Ash Wednesday in the Catholic world. Scheduled for Feb 10, 2016, Pope Francis presides at Holy Mass, which signal the beginning of Lent. The celebration starts at 4:30 PM, Vatican time. The event will also be highlighted […]

Vatican publishes mashup video of Pope Francis’ 2015 activities

Vatican publishes mashup video of Pope Francis’ 2015 activities. Vatican publishes this mashup video about Pope Francis – A Year with Pope Francis 2015. It is somewhat a year end report. Some of the most important activities of the Holy Father, including his Apostolic visit of Sri Lanka, the Philippines, […]

Video: Christmas Message, Urbi et Orbi blessing from Pope Francis

Video: Christmas Message and Urbi et Orbi blessing from Vatican by the Holy Father Pope Francis. Listen to the personal Christmas message of the Pope direct from the Vatican. Afterwards, the pontiff will be sharing his Urbi et Orbi blessing to all. The live stream broadcast will start at about […]

Video: Celebration of the Solemnity of the Nativity in Vatican

Video: Celebration of the Solemnity of the Nativity in Vatican. Pope Francis celebrates Midnight Mass on the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. Watch the live stream direct from where it is happening, at St. Peter’s Basilica. Courtesy of Radio Vaticana / Vatican Television Center. Live Friday, December 25th, […]

No fly zone, Rome tightens security for special Catholic Jubillee

The Italian capital gears up for the Catholic Jubilee to kick off on Tuesday, media reported Monday. A no-fly zone was earlier declared over its skies and 3,000 army and police officers are deployed throughout Rome. The event is expected to draw 25 to 30 million pilgrims adding to 16 […]

Video: Pope Francis opens Holy Year of Mercy

Pope Francis opens Holy Door of the Holy Year of Mercy. Watch here the live stream broadcast direct from Vatican. The feature video will present Pope Francis celebrate mass on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Scheduled for Dec 8, 2015 about 10:00 AM Vatican time or 5:00 PM Philippine […]

P-Noy arrives from ‘successful’ three-state European trip

The three-state (France, Italy and Vatican) European trip of President Benigno S. Aquino is over, with his arrival Saturday at the terminal 2 of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Official Malacanang news report considered the presidential junket a successful trip. While in Paris, Aquino met with business leaders. He also […]

Video: Pope Francis celebrate last mass on Central African visit

Sharing the live stream video event direct from Barthélémy Boganda Stadium. It is the venue of Holy Mass celebration which the Holy Father will preside, the last during his three-country east-central African Apostolic journey. Video: Pope Francis celebrate last mass on Central African visit The Stade Barthélemy Boganda in the […]

Video: After Uganda, Pope Francis starts Central African Republic visit

Live stream coverage of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Visit to eastern African countries. The second leg of the Holy Father’s journey winds as he bid farewell to the religious people of Uganda. [flexiblemap title=”Central African Republic” address=”Bangui, Central African Republic” region=”East Africa, Africa” directions=”true” width=”100%” height=”250px” zoom=”12″]. The Pope takes off […]

Video: Pope Francis in Uganda, second day activities

Watch the live stream feed direct from Vatican of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Visit in Uganda. First featured feed is the Holy Father’s visit to the Anglican Shrine of the Martyrs of Namugongo. Namugongo is located in Kyaliwajjala Ward, in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District, approximately 16 kilometers (9.9 mi) northeast of […]

Video: Pope Francis visit the slums and meet the youth of Kenya

Video: Pope Francis visit the slums and meet the youth of Kenya. Watch here the live stream coverages of Pope Francis’s Apostolic visit to eastern African nations. The first leg of his stop over is Kenya. This episode features the Holy Father’s visit to the Kangemi slums and meeting the […]

Video: Live stream of Pope Francis Apostolic Visit in Kenya

Video: Live stream of Pope Francis Apostolic Visit in Kenya Sharing here the live stream of Pope Frnacis apostolic visit to eastern African nation of Kenya. The latest event covering the Pope’s visit will be live soon. Videos below covers the Pope’s arrival in Nairobi international airport and welcome ceremony. […]

Watch Vatican Mass and Canonizations of new Catholic Saints

Direct and live from Vatican, watch Pope Francis presides at Holy Mass with the canonization of the Blesseds Vincenzo Grossi, Maria dell’Immacolata Concezione, Ludovico Martin and Maria Azelia Guérin. At the end, the Pope recites the Angelus prayer. This program starts at 10:00, Vatican time, October 18, 2015. READ / […]

Pope Francis Greetings and Farewell Ceremony in Philadelphia

Pope Francis in Philadelphia, USA, Greetings and Farewell Ceremony This is the last day of Pope Francis’ apostolic journey to the United States of America on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families. On this live stream coverage, the focus is his greeting the organizing committee, volunteers, benefactors, and […]

Pope Francis celebrates Mass on conclusion of World Meeting of Families

Pope Francis in Philadelphia, USA, offers Holy Mass concluding the World Meeting of Families 2015. This is the live stream coverage on Pope Francis presiding at celebration of Holy Mass which concludes the World Meeting of Families at Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia, USA. Scheduled for Sep 27, 2015. Local […]

What's Recommended

Video: Pope Francis 4rth Day of Apostolic visit in Mexico

On the fourth day of the apostolic visit by Pope Francis in Mexico, 3 tentative public appearances will be streamed live. The first event will cover the mass with the representatives of the indigenous communities of Chiapas in the municipal sports center. Scheduled to start in the morning of February […]

This is the Itinerary of Pope Francis’ visit in PH

MANILA, 17 November – This is the Itinerary of Pope Francis’ visit in PH. Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle formally announced the itinerary of much-awaited apostolic visit on January 15-19, 2015 byPope Francis. According to the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), Pope Francis will arrive Manila in the […]

Watch Vatican Mass and Canonizations of new Catholic Saints

Direct and live from Vatican, watch Pope Francis presides at Holy Mass with the canonization of the Blesseds Vincenzo Grossi, Maria dell’Immacolata Concezione, Ludovico Martin and Maria Azelia Guérin. At the end, the Pope recites the Angelus prayer. This program starts at 10:00, Vatican time, October 18, 2015. READ / […]

Safety of Pope Francis’ visit in the hands of PNP

QUEZON CITY, 16 November (PIA) – Safety of Pope Francis’ visit in the hands of PNP. The forthcoming visit to the country of Pope Francis next year will receive the “whole of government approach” security from the Philippine National Police. This early, the PNP is making early preparations to ensure […]

Pope Francis flies to Rome, ends official 5-day PH visit

Pope Francis flies to Rome, ends official 5-day PH visit. MANILA, Jan. 19 — Amidst chants of “Viva, Sto. Papa,” Pope Francis walked through the tarmac of Villamor Air Base, Pasay City as he officially concluded his five-day apostolic visit to the Philippines Monday. A PAL Airbus 340, designated as […]

Pope Francis in the USA – Arrival at Washington

The Pope’s Apostolic Journey to the United States Watch here the full coverage of the Pope’s Apostolic Journey to the United States. Pope Francis arrives by air in Washington D.C., where his apostolic visit to the United States begins for the occasion of the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. […]

Vatican publishes mashup video of Pope Francis’ 2015 activities

Vatican publishes mashup video of Pope Francis’ 2015 activities. Vatican publishes this mashup video about Pope Francis – A Year with Pope Francis 2015. It is somewhat a year end report. Some of the most important activities of the Holy Father, including his Apostolic visit of Sri Lanka, the Philippines, […]

Pope Francis presides over the Way of the Cross in Vatican

Pope Francis presides over the Way of the Cross in Vatican a few hours after the Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of our Lord. There is no reason for a Catholic believer missing the way of the cross. Good reason for one to watch the live stream direct from […]

What's Throwback

Watch Pope Francis celebrates mass at Rizal park

Watch Pope Francis celebrates mass at Rizal park. Day 4: The Papal visit of Pope Francis in the Philippines. Sharing here the official live stream coverage of the Vatican as the Holy Father’s Papal visit culminates in a celebration of the Holy Mass at Rizal Park by Pope Francis. Scheduled […]

Pope Francis canonize 4 nuns, 2 from Palestine in St. Peter’s Square

Watch here as Pope Francis preside at the Holy Mass and the Canonization of four Blesseds. At the end of the rites, the Pope led the recitation of the Marian prayer Regina Caeli. The most significant act of the day was the elevation to sainthood of Sisters Mariam Bawardy and […]

No fly zone, Rome tightens security for special Catholic Jubillee

The Italian capital gears up for the Catholic Jubilee to kick off on Tuesday, media reported Monday. A no-fly zone was earlier declared over its skies and 3,000 army and police officers are deployed throughout Rome. The event is expected to draw 25 to 30 million pilgrims adding to 16 […]

The gathering storm on Pope Francis 4rth day in PH

MANILA, Jan. 18 – As the Papal Visit of Pope Francis in the Philippines nears its end gathering the faithful into unity, nature is also gathering storm. The state weather agency PAGASA on Sunday advised the public who will attend events of Pope Francis at the Rizal Park and the […]