This is the live stream of the 2017 Way of the Cross on Good Friday

It is not too late yet. Catch up with the traditional religious festivities in the Catholic celebration and commemoration of the Holy Week.

So here, this is the live stream of the 2017 Way of the Cross on Good Friday with Pope Francis.

The Catholic and Christian devotees, due to time difference, like in the Philippines, is way over the solemnity of the Good Friday.

Yet, here we offer in stride an opportunity to join Pope Francis in going over the Way of the Cross.

Direct from Rome, courtesy of the Vatican Radio, the Holy Father presides over the rites in the comfort of our homes.

Pope Francis, though, will not deliver homily on this particular religious activity.

A few minutes before the actual feed, this post will get updated to include the option to watch the video with English voice over, whenever available.

Just a reminder, the live feed begins at 3:05 AM Philippine time, Saturday, April 15, 2017. After this event, there are two more upcoming video feeds which culminates the joyful Easter Sunday celebration.

Watch the video (with English voice-over):

Original Sound

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