The Rain Clouds Are Coming

The once white, thick puffy clouds hovering above turned darker in due time, cool air sweep the area and then tiny droplets of crystal water began to pour from above. The grass seemed to welcome the rain as it swayed gently with the breeze.

Maogmang Aldaw Pagmasid kang Kalangitan
Ang dating puti, mahibog asin garong malumhok na panganuron nangitom pagka-agi nin perang oras, freskong duros ang naglakop sa lugar pigsunudan kang padikit- dikit na paghulog kan mala-kristal na tubig hale sa kalangitan. Ang mga doot garong naogma sa pagbulos kan uran, nag-hupay-hupay sa tiempo kan duros.

More beautiful skies around the world here.(Dakul pang magagayon na kalangitan ang maheheling digde):
Skywatch Friday

0 thoughts on “The Rain Clouds Are Coming”

  1. Very evocative. I really get a feel for the cool, damper air and the sound of the rain and the breeze in the long grass.

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