Live blogging the fury of Mayon Volcano

A breathtaking view. albeit unwanted by the residents affected, of Mayon Volcano in Albay. Thanks and Photo taken by Cedrik Brocales.

Today, at 9:32 AM, Tuesday, January 23, Legazpi time, we start a live blogging event to document the fury and ferocious destruction of Mayon volcano on its environ and the local residents living in its vicinity.

We are getting a live text feed direct from the city fronting the volcano.

Yesterday, about 12 Noon, my brother Bob who works within 6 KM from the danger zone witnessed the furious big bang of Mayon, and felt as if hundreds of horses were rushing downhill. Workers in the site could not get out of the bunker as the lave flowed towards them. They have to seek cover from the flying hot rocks over their heads.

My sister also lives in Albay. She relates her co-teacher and her family are so scared with thedeafening rumblings under the ground, whose residence is within the 10 kilometer zone.

The assistant librarian of mariners Polytechnic Foundation in Legazpi who lives near or within the vicinity of the volcano said it seems Mayon is just at the back of their house! They can clearly hear the rumblings of huge rocks inside the belly of the furious volcano.

Our live report confirms that ashes spewed by Mayon has already reached some towns in Camarines Sur which include the Rinconada area. The City of Naga also receives ashfall already.

At 8:30AM Mayon came out with a big explosion. Residents nearby said the explosion was so strong.

With the on-going Mayon eruption, the area is a no fly zone today. There will be flight cancellations from airlines serving the city, both coming from Manila and Cebu. We do not have information if the Naga airport is also affected.

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