Pres. Aquino shows pomp and extravagance in APEC welcome dinner

Pres. Aquino shows pomp and extravagance in APEC welcome dinner

Mall of Asia Arena Nov. 18, 2015: President Aquino hosts welcome dinner for heads of states, members of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders.

What was once an indoor arena typically used in sporting events was transformed into a lush green wonderland on Wednesday night for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders’ Welcome Dinner hosted by Pres. Benigno S. Aquino III.

The welcome dinner, held at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay, Manila concludes the APEC Economic Leaders’ Summit held in the afternoon the same day. It was an event attended by 19 APEC-member heads of states.

The set design for the MOA Arena was handled by designer and APEC creative director Kenneth Cobonpue. He is also responsible for designing souvenir tokens and special chairs for the 19 economic leaders.


Evident in the set design were the floating anahaw leaf-inspired lamps, grass-like carpets, Yoda chairs inspired by blades of grass and mini rice terraces at the center of the round table where the economic leaders are expected to sit.

He revealed that the inspiration for the set design was to “transform the whole space into a huge outdoor garden.”

Evident in the set design were the floating anahaw leaf-inspired lamps, grass-like carpets, Yoda chairs inspired by blades of grass and mini rice terraces at the center of the round table where the economic leaders were seated.

While his original Yoda chair do not have armrests nor wheels, the ones used by the economic leaders had both.

Conbopue said that he designed the chairs to swivel because the program was going to happen 360 degrees and that it was important for the leaders to follow the program. (PNA)

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