Philippines in 20 best foreign havens list for 2015 – Forbes

Philippines in 20 best foreign retirement havens list for 2015 – Forbes

MANILA, Feb 18 — US-based magazine Forbes rated the Philippines among the 20 best place to retire in its 2015 listing.

If it’s retirement you seek, there are a number of countries to settle down to and the Philippines is just one of them, according to Forbes.


In an article, Forbes included the Philippines as one of the “20 Best Foreign Retirement Havens for 2015” considering factors such taxes and the cost of living.

It said that the country was best for US retirees since “the principal appeal of the Philippines is a low cost of living in a tropical environment full of English speakers and outdoor beauty.”

Forbes noted how foreign income in the country is untaxed, and permanent residency can be had on a minimal showing of retirement income.

“Popular locations include Tagaytay, a suburb of Maila, the capital, that is elevated and therefore cooler and Subic Bay, with an infrastructure from the old US Navy base,” Forbes said on its website.

It also mentioned the ease of return to the US with non-stop flights between Manila and the US average 15 hours.

Aside from Philippines, other countries on the list include Australia, Belize, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, France, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, and Uruguay. (PNA/ Azer N. Parrocha)

(Beautiful Siruma, Photo credit: Marianne A. Ramos)

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