Inquirer Reports Robbery in Naga City of Cebu Province with Wrong Reference Map

smileredunhappyThe online news portal of the Philippine Daily Inquirer today posted a news report about a robbery that occurred in a remittance center in Cebu city.

The report details the crime happened on a ‘Wednesday afternoon and victimized another pawnshop and remittance center in Naga City, 22 km south of Cebu.”

But the popular daily accompanied the news article instead with an image of the map of the province of Camarines Sur highlighting the Bicol city of Naga. The image was obviously sourced from the free website Wikipedia’s Wikimedia Commons (Ed- Our hat tip off).

The news writer and editor needs refresher orientation on Philippine geography.

News readers did not bother to check the veracity of the image as some shared and tweeted the news in social and micro-bloggging sites!

Readers may have been wary of typographical errors and omissions by newsmedia they just move on to the next news.

Some dailies don’t bother to make correction, though.

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