By the Ricefield

By the ricefield. The simple joy of living in a rural area.
We tend to our rice farm and look up to the sky for rains to come at times. Coconut trees hum whispers of garbled lullabies when the wind passes by.

Sa Kaumahan kan Paroy
An simpleng pagbuhay sa kabukidan.
Nagtatanom nin paroy sa uma asin nagtitingag sa langit ngani mag-asa sa uran kung minsan. Ang mga niyog nagkakanta nin pahinghing na pampaturog na dai maintindihan pag ang doros naghohoyop-hoyop.

See more skies around the world on this link. (Dakul pang magagayon na kalangitan an maheheling digde): Skywatch Friday

j anton adupe
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24 thoughts on “By the Ricefield”

  1. What a poet you are! Your words add such meaning to the photograph and together they transport me to your far-off place!

  2. Such a different world from mine. Thank you for sharing. I love your poetic words and the fact that you have given us two languages to read them in.

  3. Thanks for bringing me back to the barrio. Nice and filled with serenity over there. I read the very interesting info about your place and I wondered for awhile before I read it, where in my home country Calabanga is. Your zone is endowed with rich volcanic soil so it’s not surprising to see it productive. Great post and thanks for the visit.

  4. Lovely sky shot…I love the palm trees and your words are beautifully written. Thanks for checking out my site : )

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