My Husband’s Lover: Scene Delivers Powerful Commentary on Filipino Socio-Economic Life

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Allow us to indulge on the newest hit tele-serye of Philippine’s GMA television network.

Inteviewer: Your last job experience was twelve years ago?

Sandra: At the Almares Hotel, Sir. While I was single, I worked there for two years as waitress.

Interviewer; O, you have a husband, why would you like to work (find job)? Why, is your husband jobless?

Sandra: Ahm, He left us already. Sir, don’t be bothered about my kids, I brought them here because I fetched them from school. But once I start working here I will leave them at my neighbor.

Interviewer: But … you did’t finish your high school

Sandra: I’m just applying as waitress, Sir.

Interviewer: I understand, but since there are too many college graduates in this time where there are not too many job openings, who do you think will I hire, even if you’re applying for a waitress position, one who finished college or one who did not?


Sandra: (Praying) Dear Lord, Many thanks for all the blessings on our (dinner) table … and as we come together at this time to share the (bounty) good blessings from you. In the name of your son Jesus, Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lally: Ah, Mommy, where’s the (main) dish?

Evelyn: Ssshh, Mommy has no money and no job. Let us be thankful that we have rice.

Lally: But sister, rice is not good without dish.

Evelyn: E, pretend that you are eating with dish. Example, lechon, mechado, and your favorite …. afritada. Uhmmmm, afritada is so delicious!

Lally: Uhmm, Sister, it is really so delicious!


At the bedroom

Lally: Mommy, why are changing clothes? Where are you going?

Sandra: I will find (look for) money, so that tomorrow you and your (elder) sister will have dish (viand), ha. Stay here. Don’t go away. Evelyn, watch your sister.

Evelyn: Yes, mother, but where are you really going?

Sandra: Don’t ask any more questions. I will be back soon.

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